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lcroft_lc 03-06-12 09:37


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6216700)
Guyz yesterday Penguin said that the FULL HD trailer will be uploaded on TRC but still nothings on... do you have any news on that ?

Nemo_91 03-06-12 09:38


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6216718)
*Cries into pillow*

ikr :(

And Portal 2 is there? WTF?

SpyrosMonster 03-06-12 09:39


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6216721)

FULL HD trailer :p not the new render

lcroft_lc 03-06-12 09:43


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6216700)
Guyz yesterday Penguin said that the FULL HD trailer will be uploaded on TRC but still nothings on... do you have any news on that ?

There is no better version than the one uploaded on TR YouTube channel. And there will not be another one. Someone posted a 1080p converted one though.

SpyrosMonster 03-06-12 09:45


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6216726)
There is no better version than the one uploaded on TR YouTube channel. And there will not be another one. Someone posted a 1080p converted one though.

nonono :p Crystal/Square sends to all the official fan sites the official Full HD one... Penguin send that him self...


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 6213927)
I'm uploading the full 2.4Gb version to our download server. Should be completed shortly.

Hairhelmet12 03-06-12 10:05


MyRaider4Life 03-06-12 10:08


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6216727)
nonono :p Crystal/Square sends to all the official fan sites the official Full HD one... Penguin send that him self...

Are we getting that version? o______________o


lcroft_lc 03-06-12 10:18


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6216727)
nonono :p Crystal/Square sends to all the official fan sites the official Full HD one... Penguin send that him self...

One trailer 2.4GB or all the collection of trailers? :p

SpyrosMonster 03-06-12 10:23


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6216745)
Are we getting that version? o______________o


accoirding to trl online yes... i dont know when though...


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6216754)
One trailer 2.4GB or all the collection of trailers? :p

2.4GB for the Crossroads trailer! Full 1080p HD (Uncompressed) i think.. thats why the file is that big

Bomb Fighter 03-06-12 13:52

I think I don't like they are destroying the big temple and the bridge showed in the trailer as much as I did after watching it firstly. That could means we won't be able to explore it more later :( on the other hand, I hope the fire will affect the environement a lot. Like in the burning villige, the fire can unlock areas that were before blocked, secret tunnels or entrences to underground.

Weemanply109 03-06-12 13:59


Originally Posted by NYCL@R@ (Post 6214932)
Can you pre order on both 360 and ps3?? I would!

You're new to this, aren't you? :p

Yes, you can.


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6216726)
There is no better version than the one uploaded on TR YouTube channel. And there will not be another one. Someone posted a 1080p converted one though.

You're so misinformed..

Adrenaline 03-06-12 14:05


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6216742)

Tis but a scratch! ^_^ hahahaha!!!.

Hey guys tomorrow there is more gameplay!!!! :D

Tonyrobinson 03-06-12 14:08

Has anyone else been replaying Skyrim and using the arrows to shoot at animals in preparation for playing Tomb Raider? :D

TippingWater 03-06-12 14:11


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6216727)

I really hope that the trailer will be up soon, like in about an hour :o.

Adrenaline 03-06-12 14:11


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6214683)
Hey guys, you know what I noticed? When you go to the website, at the page where they ask you your age and language on the right side there's a map of Japna saying Imperial Japan. I know that Japan used to be called this way abut it's only called Japan nowadays. Could this mean that the game is set between 1868 - 1947 (the time when Japan had the title Imperial) , but how would this be possible? Lara has an iPhone :p ! Or could this mean that the treasure map/imformation came from that era? Also, could these bitchy guys on the island have some conenction with all that?

TRF, start speculating, now!

What if... when Lara was crashed onto the island, the mystic power of the island sent them all back in time... Nah. Can't be.

Weemanply109 03-06-12 14:13


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6217223)
I really hope that the trailer will be up soon, like in about an hour :o.

So apparently he's been uploading it for more than 24 hours..

TippingWater 03-06-12 14:13


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 6217225)
What if... when Lara was crashed onto the island, the mystic power of the island sent them all back in time... Nah. Can't be.

That would be poor writing skills, as we all know time travel in the past is impossible.

larafan25 03-06-12 14:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6217234)
That would be poor writing skills, as we all know time travel in the past is impossible.


I don't know that, and it happened in the TR movie.

MyRaider4Life 03-06-12 14:17

Quick question.

The TR E3 gameplay. One will be shown on Monday during the Xbox conference, and the other will be shown on Tuesday, during a live coverage video thing? Correct?

Also, I'm going by the US timezones, so nobody use their timezone and confuse me.

CLF 03-06-12 14:18

Lara had an iPhone in the Turning Point trailer and was using Beats earphones. This is set in present day, people.

Tonyrobinson 03-06-12 14:19


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6217247)
Quick question.

The TR E3 gameplay. One will be shown on Monday during the Xbox conference, and the other will be shown on Tuesday, during a live coverage video thing? Correct?

Also, I'm going by the US timezones, so nobody use their timezone and confuse me.

Yes, but the other video will also be on Monday too over at Gametrailers at 12PM PDT. :)

MyRaider4Life 03-06-12 14:26


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6217254)
Yes, but the other video will also be on Monday too over at Gametrailers at 12PM PDT. :)

Awesome, and damn. I'm going to miss that one. ;_;

Weemanply109 03-06-12 14:45


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6217281)
Awesome, and damn. I'm going to miss that one. ;_;


MyRaider4Life 03-06-12 15:02


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6217335)

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ha. I'm never going to love you so stop trying. <3

Weemanply109 03-06-12 15:02


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6217381)
HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ha. I'm never going to love you so stop trying. <3

Stop flattering yourself, boo. It's not attractive. <3

You're not worth my emotions.

lance6439 03-06-12 15:03


That new Tomb Raider game is ripping off Uncharted

Lara croft is copying nathan drake in this game

Some tumblr uncharted fanboys are so angry.

Weemanply109 03-06-12 15:03

Uncharted fan boys will be extinct soon. Don't worry.

lance6439 03-06-12 15:06


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6217388)
Uncharted fan boys will be extinct soon. Don't worry.

Lara will take back her Antique crown from Nathan drake's head

SpyrosMonster 03-06-12 22:27

I made the trailer with Greek subtitles
I'm sorry for some small mistakes I noticed I made it really quick :)

Weemanply109 03-06-12 22:30

Btw, it is worth noting that the new Tomb Raider trailer has the most views out of all the new E3 trailers! :tmb: Half way from a million on youtube.

Clearly people are interested and hyped.

Mikky 03-06-12 22:36


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6218877)
Btw, it is worth noting that the new Tomb Raider trailer has the most views out of all the new E3 trailers! :tmb: Half way from a million on youtube.

Clearly people are interested and hyped.

Yes, and it's the most viewed trailer out of the trailers that were released on the 31st on Go Tomb Raider! :D

And reading the comments on both GT and youtube, everyone is liking what they see. :yah: There are a surprising amount of people complaining about her breast size, though, but that's properly just horny teenagers being idiots. :p

Weemanply109 03-06-12 22:38

^They'll get over the breast size once they've pleased themselves.

spyrostr 03-06-12 22:52


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6218870)

I made the trailer with Greek subtitles
I'm sorry for some small mistakes I noticed I made it really quick :)

lol it's perfect for some reason watching it with the subs it feels really like i'm watching a movie :o
i hope the game will have greek subs... uncharted 3 had them

SpyrosMonster 03-06-12 23:00


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6218965)
lol it's perfect for some reason watching it with the subs it feels really like i'm watching a movie :o
i hope the game will have greek subs... uncharted 3 had them

IKR?... I hope so too! I understand English but it gives you something more to have subs..

tomblover 03-06-12 23:04

I've noticed, Lara carries three different things on her belt during the trailer. First, it's the walkie-talkie, then it's some kind of metal object, and then a flask? :confused:
I wonder how the latter two are relevant.. well, the flask is probably for drinking but even that is thought-provoking on its own. :eek:

Lara seems to have three "slots" on her body overall -- the strap on her back, the holster on her right leg, and her left hip too. :)
So basically, we'll be able to have one large weapon, one small weapon and one melee weapon equipped at once. :cln:

larafan25 03-06-12 23:05

That's the walkie-talkie in the last one.

_Awestruck_ 03-06-12 23:06

The 3rd one looks like the same walkie-talkie to me.

tomblover 03-06-12 23:06

It looks completely different. :confused:

larafan25 03-06-12 23:08

It's just blurred and different lighting.

Weemanply109 03-06-12 23:08


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6219036)
It's just blurred and different lighting.

The lighting in this game seems to have the most drastic effects on Lara.

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