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leglion 22-06-12 04:42

Somebody needs to make a TRLE game though lol.

larafan25 22-06-12 04:44

All we need are beer medikits (easy), horse enemies (have those just retexture them pink), and Karl's head (retexture Lara's hair, ditch le braid).

Slap on an overhead camera script, trigger the pink ponies, and let the running begin. Then video tape it.

TippingWater 22-06-12 05:59

Talking to Women about Videogames: Tomb Raider

Stevo505 22-06-12 06:42


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6272469)
Talking to Women about Videogames: Tomb Raider


Larua croft 22-06-12 06:55


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6272469)
Talking to Women about Videogames: Tomb Raider

Not funny the comedy feels forced and awkward.

TippingWater 22-06-12 06:56


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6271985)
Karla Croft and the Guardian of Soon.

And Pee too... :vlol:.

Gamd1011 22-06-12 09:44

I was just thinking...

What would happen if you didn't pull the spike out of Lara's side, would she just sit there holding it?:p

Stevo505 22-06-12 09:45


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6272812)
I was just thinking...

What would happen if you didn't pull the spike out of Lara's side, would she just sit there holding it?:p

She would paint her toenails.

just*raidin*tomb 22-06-12 09:45


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6272812)
I was just thinking...

What would happen if you didn't pull the spike out of Lara's side, would she just sit there holding it?:p

I'm sure she eventually dies. There's a haste.


tampi 22-06-12 09:46

:D Oh you guys :D

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 09:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6271985)
Karla Croft and the Guardian of Soon.

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

BinRaider 22-06-12 10:05


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6272469)
Talking to Women about Videogames: Tomb Raider

Yeah that was the least funny thing I've seen all week :tmb:

Why are they only targeting female video game characters and moaning that they're more emotional and have backstory? It's happening to almost every movie/game icon now: Batman, James Bond etc. CD aren't trying to make Lara seem like a damsel in distress. No one is born with a badass attitude.

Adrenaline 22-06-12 10:42


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6272841)
Yeah that was the least funny thing I've seen all week :tmb:

Why are they only targeting female video game characters and moaning that they're more emotional and have backstory? It's happening to almost every movie/game icon now: Batman, James Bond etc. CD aren't trying to make Lara seem like a damsel in distress. No one is born with a badass attitude.

I AGREE COMPLETELY. But I think that video was fake and or acted?. o.o He said Lera Craft. I just cant....

TippingWater 22-06-12 12:20

This looks just like the old grid system :cln:.

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 12:53


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6273106)
This looks just like the old grid system :cln:.

OMG she is looking right at me. :jmp:

tampi 22-06-12 13:06

The green blue ledges!

larafan25 22-06-12 14:44


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6273106)
This looks just like the old grid system :cln:.

It's not, it's just a default texture.

TippingWater 22-06-12 14:46


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6273354)
It's not, it's just a default texture.


Love2Raid 22-06-12 14:52

How can you think there's a grid system when you've already seen the game in action? :p

TippingWater 22-06-12 15:05


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6273392)
How can you think there's a grid system when you've already seen the game in action? :p

You are right :vlol:. I guess all those white lines are for scripted events :p:vlol:. You nearly had me going there for a moment CD :o:p.

SpyrosMonster 22-06-12 15:10

My iTunes Downloaded a new podcast. Is this the new one? I can't remember!

The Crystal Habit Podcast_ Episode 11

Show Description: This “Frankenstein” episode of the Crystal Habit Podcast combines clips from the team at E3, community Q&A, and an exciting interview with Executive Producer Scot Amos.

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 15:48


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6273451)
My iTunes Downloaded a new podcast. Is this the new one? I can't remember!

The Crystal Habit Podcast_ Episode 11

Show Description: This “Frankenstein” episode of the Crystal Habit Podcast combines clips from the team at E3, community Q&A, and an exciting interview with Executive Producer Scot Amos.

Yes. Please upload it somewhere else after converting it to MP3. :jmp:

NRO. 22-06-12 15:50


SpyrosMonster 22-06-12 15:58

Ok Ok I uploaded here...
They are talking about the E3 presentation. I have a feeling that it's old but... anyways :pi:
If it's new tell me so I can create a new thread :D

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 16:00


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6273593)
Ok Ok I uploaded here...
They are talking about the E3 presentation. I have a feeling that it's old but... anyways :pi:
If it's new tell me so I can create a new thread :D

Open a new thread. Otherwise a lot will missed it. :D

SpyrosMonster 22-06-12 16:02


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6273600)
Open a new thread. Otherwise a lot will missed it. :D

Please check it first. because I've already created some pointless threads back then

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 16:05

WOW its 58MB! How long is the episode? 2 hours? :confused:

EDIT: This time its not pointless thread. Upload it man. Episode #10 was uploaded the same way as well. :D

SpyrosMonster 22-06-12 16:07


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6273619)
WOW its 58MB! How long is the episode? 2 hours? :confused:

EDIT: This time its not pointless thread. Upload it man. Episode #10 was uploaded the same way as well. :D

It's 43 minutes

larafan25 22-06-12 16:27

"Is Lara still an aristocat?" :vlol:

larafan25 22-06-12 16:37

"Is Lara's carrying capacity limited?"... "Caring capacity?"

lol a great quote that just reflects this game so well.

edit: Why did nobody post between me!? :mad:

guise. ._>

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 17:35


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6273707)
"Is Lara's carrying capacity limited?"

Is it from the Podcast? Did they pick my question again? :jmp: :D

Spong 22-06-12 17:39


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6273707)
"Is Lara's carrying capacity limited?"

God, I hope not.

lcroft_lc 22-06-12 17:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6273846)
God, I hope not.

It was already answered on Eidos Forum Community Interview.


Shaikh asks: Is Lara's carrying capacity limited?
Karl Stewart: No, she carries a lot. You'll see some very umm very big scenes play out that will bring you a side of Lara that you've never expected and I have to be careful because it is probably one of the most iconic moments is when you see how she cares for something. That is a big deal to us because that shows something. That shows something that we've never seen in her before. It's very important.

trlestew 22-06-12 17:55

I bet that big scene would be her carrying Sam's unconscious or dead body to the coast to be rescued or buried.. :pi:
Let's just piece everything together.

larafan25 22-06-12 17:58

You guys confuse me sooo much.

Love2Raid 22-06-12 18:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6273876)
It was already answered on Eidos Forum Community Interview.

Shaikh asks: Is Lara's carrying capacity limited?
Karl Stewart: No, she carries a lot. You'll see some very umm very big scenes play out that will bring you a side of Lara that you've never expected and I have to be careful because it is probably one of the most iconic moments is when you see how she cares for something. That is a big deal to us because that shows something. That shows something that we've never seen in her before. It's very important.

larafan25 22-06-12 18:02

I believe Karl says "no, she cares a lot..."

He thought the question was "care" instead of "carrying".

Love2Raid 22-06-12 18:04

Oh..... okay.

SweetFireworks 22-06-12 18:13

Does anyone know if it'll be out on Mac? Oo

larafan25 22-06-12 18:16

I think so, they seem to want to do a Mac version.

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