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larafan25 26-06-12 03:35


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6282965)
So we'll probably pick up keys or whatever, and the game will probably tell them where we need to use them instead of letting us figure it out for ourselves. Goodbye to the days of picking up keys and having no freaking idea what they do :p

From what I remember most keys did have a name though.

But I'm sure we'd pick up a key and not be able to see it in an inventory, and we'd just get a message telling us what it is.

just*raidin*tomb 26-06-12 03:35

I'm sure (hopefully) we can remove all hud and hints. We could in previous games, so I don't see why they would leave it out. Most games have that option.

larafan25 26-06-12 03:36

All I remember is Karl saying the game is meant to be played intuitively, so things will show up for the first time and then go.

So if that's not a lie then it's true.

Spong 26-06-12 03:36


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6282964)
They're off for most of the playtime though.

If I get the game, they'll be off about ten seconds after I go to the Options menu. There better be options to disable all that crap. I don't mind the notifications of Skill Points, but the current location and current objective can GTFO.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6282965)
So we'll probably pick up keys or whatever, and the game will probably tell them where we need to use them instead of letting us figure it out for ourselves. Goodbye to the days of picking up keys and having no freaking idea what they do :p

Probably :(

Tomb_of_Darkns 26-06-12 03:37


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6282968)
I'm sure (hopefully) we can remove all hud and hints. We could in previous games, so I don't see why they would leave it out. Most games have that option.

Yes, this is what I really hope they know this needs to be true. Along with other hints, like how she tells us what to do...

Stevo505 26-06-12 03:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6282967)
From what I remember most keys did have a name though.

But I'm sure we'd pick up a key and not be able to see it in an inventory, and we'd just get a message telling us what it is.

Like rusty key, silver key. :vlol: I never looked at the names. I just ran around until I found a keyhole.

larafan25 26-06-12 03:37


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6282977)
Like rusty key, silver key. :vlol: I never looked at the names. I just ran around until I found a keyhole.

Oh right, the keys confused me a bit in the Cistern. Though they were essentially color coordinated. :p

Spong 26-06-12 03:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6282978)
...the keys confused me a bit in the Cistern.

Bless your little cotton socks :p
Rest assured, Crystal have worked hard to ensure you don't have to tax your brain at all with TR9 ;)

larafan25 26-06-12 03:43


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282982)
Bless your little cotton socks :p
Rest assured, Crystal have worked hard to ensure you don't have to tax your brain at all with TR9 ;)

It was only because I missed one of the keys in one of the side rooms, so I thought I had everything I needed.

Spong 26-06-12 03:46


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6282987)
It was only because I missed one of the keys in one of the side rooms, so I thought I had everything I needed.

Like I said, I'm sure Crystal will ensure you make no such mistakes in TR9. Everything will be handed to you on a big plate with a MASSIVE sign :tmb:

Shark_Blade 26-06-12 03:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282992)
Like I said, I'm sure Crystal will ensure you make no such mistakes in TR9. Everything will be handed to you on a big plate with a MASSIVE sign :tmb:

I hope not..we don't need another dumbed down game again ala legend.

This game better hard, CD. Hard CORE hard. I'll be playing on the hardest, God mode difficulty. You had 3 chances already, now throw me your best, bitch.

Killercowz 26-06-12 03:55

This game will be far from hard.

I can already see it, it will be enjoyable but not difficult. I don't think CD could make a challenging game even if they tried.

larafan25 26-06-12 04:00

The game will not be hard.

I'd accept it as an easy adventure game about jumping through hubs with simple objects and fun basic platforming, but even that is sort of interupted by all the QTE stuff.

I genuinely don' D:

Oh my God. moment of truth.

Stevo505 26-06-12 04:01

Casual gamers don't want hard games. They want the satisfaction of being able to beat the game without difficulty =/

larafan25 26-06-12 04:03


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6283008)
Casual gamers don't want hard games. They want the satisfaction of being able to beat the game without difficulty =/

Casual Gamers are underestimated, bur even so, why is art being made for the trash can?

Everyone was once a casual gamer, and now here we are.

If a casual gamer is not going to evolve into a hardcore gamer, they're not longtime buyers, they're not going to consistently play your games.

They fail, they smell, they poop more than normal. Casual Gamers are the end of time for Tomb Raider.

just*raidin*tomb 26-06-12 04:03

I'm hoping all of this a tease and not representative of the actual game.

Things rarely are what they seem when it comes to how games are advertised.

I'm just holding on to some hope here.

Stevo505 26-06-12 04:05


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6283011)
Casual Gamers are underestimated, bur even so, why is art being made for the trash can?

Everyone was once a casual gamer, and now here we are.

If a casual gamer is not going to evolve into a hardcore gamer, they're not longtime buyers, they're not going to consistently play your games.

They fail, they smell, they poop more than normal. Casual Gamers are the end of time for Tomb Raider.

Is it really art? Or is it something every other game is doing with the Tomb Raider brand pasted onto it for the sake of familiarity? That is what worries me.

_Awestruck_ 26-06-12 04:06

If what we've seen is indicative of a 10 hour game, CD have bigger issues with game making than I thought.

I'd like to think that it isn't, though.

larafan25 26-06-12 04:07

^That sounded interesting, what do you mean?


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6283015)
Is it really art? Or is it something every other game is doing with the Tomb Raider brand pasted onto it for the sake of familiarity? That is what worries me.

I think games in general are art.

But it's like the visual of having a nice beautiful home so that teenagers can throw a party and ruin it.

Or an art exhibit trashed by people who don't like art or whatever.

Games don't need to be like this to succeed, I don't see why CD can't get over that.

T0MBraider 26-06-12 04:15

I hope they have multiple difficultly levels, that actually alerter the games difficulty. I am looking at you Tomb Raider Underworld. :P A puzzle difficulty would be much appreciated.

leglion 26-06-12 04:16


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6283023)
I hope they have multiple difficultly levels, that actually alerter the games difficulty. I am looking at you Tomb Raider Underworld. :P A puzzle difficulty would be much appreciated.

I see that being impossible.

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:16

^No it's not, Silent Hill: Downpour had different difficulties for the puzzles you could choose when starting the game.

Originally Posted by Killercowz (Post 6283002)
This game will be far from hard.

I can already see it, it will be enjoyable but not difficult. I don't think CD could make a challenging game even if they tried.

Play the Legacy of Kain games, they know how to make challenging games. ;) Guardian of Light was also decently challenging, so I have faith in them.

_Awestruck_ 26-06-12 04:17


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6283017)
^That sounded interesting, what do you mean?

I mean that if what we've currently seen, which included a lot of rails, is representative of what's to come later in the game, then there's an issue. Especially considering the game is apparently 10 or more hours long.

Spong 26-06-12 04:18

Has anything official actually been said about difficulty levels?

leglion 26-06-12 04:19


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283025)
^No it's not, Silent Hill: Downpour had different difficulties for the puzzles you could choose when starting the game.

Play the Legacy of Kain games, they know how to make challenging games. ;) Guardian of Light was also decently challenging, so I have faith in them.

How does that work? Come on now you know you gotta give me that 411.

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:21


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6283028)
Has anything official actually been said about difficulty levels?


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283029)
How does that work? Come on now you know you gotta give me that 411.

It rearranged what certain codes were for doors, item locations would be harder to find, it would up how many items you would need to progress a certain puzzle, it would change how hard to solution for a puzzles is. It's not impossible, the older SH games did it too.

Spong 26-06-12 04:22


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283029)
How does that work? Come on now you know you gotta give me that 411.

I've got Downpour as well. Nate's right, they do quite a good job of mixing the puzzles up on different difficulties. They've done it with a few Silent Hill games. Solutions are different, the clues for working them out are more cryptic, puzzle items are moved and/or harder to acquire.


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283031)

Typical :rolleyes:
I bet there's no selectable difficulty :pi:

leglion 26-06-12 04:22


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283031)

It rearranged what certain codes were for doors, item locations be harder to find, how many items you would need to progress, it would change how hard to solution for a puzzles is. It's not impossible, the older SH games did it too.

How would that work for a tomb raider puzzle though? Such as the puzzle in the den?

lcroft_lc 26-06-12 04:23


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282914)
Probably talking about getting her boobs out for whatever cheesy show she's appearing in at the moment. That's the only talent she's got. And the funny thing is, her boobs aren't even all that. That's why she had to go to America to do it, no one in the UK cared.


Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:24


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283034)
How would that work for a tomb raider puzzle though? Such as the puzzle in the den?

No idea, but I am sure if they really wanted they could make different difficulties for puzzles. They made puzzles different for multiplayer in GoL, so why wouldn't they be able to do the same for another difficulty mode for this?

I know they won't, but my point is it's not impossible.

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6283033)
I've got Downpour as well. Nate's right, they do quite a good job of mixing the puzzles up on different difficulties. They've done it with a few Silent Hill games. Solutions are different, the clues for working them out are more cryptic, puzzle items are moved and/or harder to acquire.


leglion 26-06-12 04:26


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283037)
No idea, but I am sure if they really wanted they could make different difficulties for puzzles. They made puzzles different for multiplayer in GoL, so why wouldn't they be able to do the same for another difficulty mode for this?

I know they won't, but my point is it's not impossible.

The difference is in GOL, it was basically the same puzzle with a different way of solving it.

I think it is impossible for things that aren't automated though. Or very hard at least.

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:28


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283039)
The difference is in GOL, it was basically the same puzzle with a different way of solving it.

They could do the same thing for difficulty levels, make it the same puzzle but harder to solve (i.e. in a tougher/different way).

I think it is impossible for things that aren't automated though. Or very hard at least.
How so?

leglion 26-06-12 04:29


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283042)
They could do the same thing for difficulty levels, make it the same puzzle but harder to solve (i.e. in a tougher/different way).

How so?

How would they do that?

The den puzzle for example, there's no way of making it harder except for making new set pieces all together which basically just makes it a completely new puzzle.

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:31


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283047)
How would they do that?

The same way they do with Silent Hill?

The den puzzle for example, there's no way of making it harder except for making new set pieces all together which basically just makes it a completely new puzzle.
A few new set pieces wouldn't make it a completely new puzzle. They could do it, honestly I just think you're making excuses for CD at this point. And this is coming from a major CD fan. lol

just*raidin*tomb 26-06-12 04:33


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283047)
How would they do that?

The den puzzle for example, there's no way of making it harder except for making new set pieces all together which basically just makes it a completely new puzzle.

Which could be a bit more complex difficult. If other games have done it then I don't see the logic behind saying it is impossible.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing is impossible just because you haven't seen it before. And the thing is...we .__.

leglion 26-06-12 04:40


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283053)
The same way they do with Silent Hill?

A few new set pieces wouldn't make it a completely new puzzle. They could do it, honestly I just think you're making excuses for CD at this point. And this is coming from a major CD fan. lol

I wasn't speaking on behalf of CD so calm that.

If they have to make completely new set pieces i don't want it. Too much work going into the difficulty system. Just make it hard by default and raise damage and decrease health items in harder modes and what not.

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 04:45


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6283070)
If they have to make completely new set pieces i don't want it. Too much work going into the difficulty system.

Why? Don't you want the best experience possible?

Just make it hard by default and raise damage and decrease health items in harder modes and what not.
That's too simple, and plus they already said the health system is the standard regenerative one used in every game today, so the health items thing would make no sense since I am 100% sure there won't be any.

leglion 26-06-12 04:57


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6283079)
Why? Don't you want the best experience possible?

That's too simple, and plus they already said the health system is the standard regenerative one used in every game today, so the health items thing would make no sense since I am 100% sure there won't be any.

Having a complex difficulty. system doesn't exactly make the experience better. Actually, it doesn't at all.

Tomb raider underworld had regeneration with health items btw. Lara is bandaged in certain shots and in others she's not so it's obvious to me that it's not solely regeneration.

Psycho_Kenshin 26-06-12 05:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6283035)

Why are people happy about random insults to some minor actress/starlet? Did she do something to offend? She's making a living.

As for game difficulty questions, from the looks of it the combat in this game should be more difficult, and more fun, than in previous Tomb Raider games. If you really want a hard game, I'm sure on the hardest difficulty of this game, with it's modern shooter-ish stuff, you'll have some difficulty facing you. Bullets can hurt.

Naturally, the platforming/puzzles can't be as difficult as in the Core days, but there's still potential for a lot of fun stuff there.

just*raidin*tomb 26-06-12 05:11

Tbh the combat actually looks really fun and challenging (without the god mode of course) and if the puzzles are as difficult as it looks (again cancel out god mode) then I will be satisfied...maybe...perhaps...I'll have to be.

We still get challenge tombs though. They should be challenging. .__.

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