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Linoshi Croft 29-06-12 18:09

They take any chance they can to show she can get hurt just as easily as us, I agree they are trying somewhat too hard.

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 18:10


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6291949)
I don't think the problem lies with the moaning, I think it's more about the amount of stuff that CD throws at lara, I mean I think the rebar scene was well done, but some scenes are really weird like the bear trap.

I get that they want to show that lara is human but i get the feeling they are trying too hard.

I've kind of always thought that it's a bit much, but making an hour long podcast complaining about it all is taking it a lot farther if you ask me. They're making a mountain out of a molehill, as one of the comments stated.

This must be what Karl tweeted about a couple days ago. I was wondering what he was talking about.

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 18:28

What was the tweet? ^

Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6291949)
I don't think the problem lies with the moaning, I think it's more about the amount of stuff that CD throws at lara, I mean I think the rebar scene was well done, but some scenes are really weird like the bear trap.

I get that they want to show that lara is human but i get the feeling they are trying too hard.

I get what you mean. I totally understand why some would think its a little over the top. They want to make a huge emphasis on important moments that define Lara and show her growth as a character though. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Generally, it doesn't bother me really. I'll have to judge it in context.

The way I'm looking at it...this island is freaking crazy and dangerous. But time and time again Lara is proving herself to be one step ahead. She is slowly growing from being a victim on this island to conquering it and the only way to show that is to show how hostile the island is in the beginning. Traps are everywhere. Danger is everywhere and no one on the island is safe from it. No one. Look at it in context and it all makes sense. But yes, looking at it as just a game about Lara falling and getting hurt and it starts to look very excessive.

Still, I'm indifferent about it. I don't like it and I don't hate it. I think the reason people are being so hard on it is because they know it's Lara. They know she's supposed to be strong. But look at her as this average girl and it makes a bit more sense.

The gameplay does worry me though. That's the one thing I'm really worried about. But I truly think the context of these situations and Lara herself will all come full circle and make perfect sense by the end of the game. Even if someone thinks, in the beginning, that she's getting put through so much crap.

Lost_Paradise 29-06-12 18:31


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6291958)
I've kind of always thought that it's a bit much, but making an hour long podcast complaining about it all is taking it a lot farther if you ask me. They're making a mountain out of a molehill, as one of the comments stated.

This must be what Karl tweeted about a couple days ago. I was wondering what he was talking about.

yeah I saw that tweet, I think that the podcast could have been a good idea but they ruined it. They all sound incredibly biased towards the game, morgan said all tomb raider games suck, and they said that the grunts unlike the ones in uncharted sound sexual.

Its all about context lol

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 18:40


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6292024)
What was the tweet? ^

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 18:40

Thanks. ^

Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6292042)
yeah I saw that tweet, I think that the podcast could have been a good idea but they ruined it. They all sound incredibly biased towards the game, morgan said all tomb raider games suck, and they said that the grunts unlike the ones in uncharted sound sexual.

Its all about context lol


That's perfect. They don't sound any less sexual than Lara's.

lcroft_lc 29-06-12 18:40

Someone hits a devil's milestone on the other day.


Just hit beer #666. Finally level with @CdotJohnston........first to 700??
Guess who.

Weemanply109 29-06-12 18:43

^KARL! *Boom, tsk.*


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6291840)
G4's feedback podcast weighs in on the controversy (warning: Morgan Webb is involved, and it's apparently really negative according to the comments section)

Listening to the first minute, it felt like the guy was taking a hit at Tomb Raider by saying that normal people learn their lessons without needing to go through that.

I'm gonna watch it, but Morgan's weave might be intact after seen this if she gets too critical.

lcroft_lc 29-06-12 18:46


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292083)
^KARL! *Boom, tsk.*

You are absolutely correct. How did you manage to give the correct answer from 7 billion+ people around the world? Pretty amazing stuff. :tmb:

Weemanply109 29-06-12 18:54

Watching the video. I actually agree with some of their points. However, Morgan basically said that Tomb Raider was never a franchise that could be taken seriously and was always sexual..


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6292101)
You are absolutely correct. How did you manage to give the correct answer from 7 billion+ people around the world? Pretty amazing stuff. :tmb:


Stevo505 29-06-12 18:55


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292127)
Watching the video. I actually agree with some of their points. However, Morgan basically said that Tomb Raider was never a franchise that could be taken seriously and was always sexual..

She's just jealous 'cause Lara has better tits.

Weemanply109 29-06-12 18:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6292132)
She's just jealous 'cause Lara has better tits.


EDIT: Morgan just made a comparison of Lara being the "Girlfriend that always cheats on you, she always promises to be better, but in the end just turns out to be crap again" and she said that the new Reboot will suck aswell. Wow.

TheRCroft 29-06-12 19:06

I'm gonna kill that Morgan bitch. :) I'm gonna rip her skin off until her chest is like what she has on her shirt. :)

Actually, I'm gonna bitch slap some sense into all of them. Those idiots can't understand there's no rape in this game.

It makes me happy to see the comments though.

Gamd1011 29-06-12 19:19


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292133)
EDIT: Morgan just made a comparison of Lara being the "Girlfriend that always cheats on you, she always promises to be better, but in the end just turns out to be crap again" and she said that the new Reboot will suck aswell. Wow.


But AOD is a great game IMO, it just has a bad rep.

Weemanply109 29-06-12 19:22

At the end of the interview, all of them agreed that they don't want to play Tomb Raider, but Morgan said she has to because it's her job.


Tbh, I feel as if the woman that was involved in Journey (forgot her name) was just saying that to fit in with the rest of them or was told to be biased. :vlol: At times I felt as if she had more to say but kept it back.

TheRCroft 29-06-12 19:24

^ Yeah, I noticed that too. We don't need them to play the masterpiece that TR is going to be. They're not worthy.

Tomb_of_Darkns 29-06-12 19:26

I don't feel like watching biased negative people, it's not worth it because they are obvi not even trying to look at the positive sides that this game already has compared to the rest of the series. Bitches being bitches :pi:

Weemanply109 29-06-12 19:33

^Actually, they did a bit, they attempted to look at other perspectives, but concluded that CD are just aiming this game at a male demographic and are using the "protect Lara" excuse as a way to make females seem less empowering (or something like that) and they feel as if it's unnecessary.

Though, they did raise a few good points, tbh. I do think that some aspects of the new direction is completely OTT and unnecessary for character development. They also think that CD will cut the attempted rape scene out of the game because it might not be able to stocked in Walmart, etc thus affecting sales because of the extreme material.

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 19:35

It isn't extreme. May I remind you of Heavy Rain? Where was the contraversy then?

I didn't watch it but I read some of the comments and I'm so glad to know there are people who aren't complete idiots and can see just how unproffesional G4 really is. Their title as gaming journalists is not deserved. At all.

EDIT: Actually after watching some of the video they don't seem to blatantly bash it or anything. I possibly misjudged.

EDIT: Or perhaps I didn't. Actually.

Adrenaline 29-06-12 19:47


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292133)

EDIT: Morgan just made a comparison of Lara being the "Girlfriend that always cheats on you, she always promises to be better, but in the end just turns out to be crap again" and she said that the new Reboot will suck aswell. Wow.

Ugh, that slut. I'm sick of this, it's making me so angry. Poor CD, getting all this **** for the good work they are doing... God damn them...

And all the comments disagree with those whores. good :pi:

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 19:48

We're talking about a company that gives each annual COD release a 5 out of 5.

Either way, I still don't feel the need to watch it. I doubt they spend an hour spouting off about how bad it's going to be, but the comments on the video have given me a pretty good idea of what's said.

And please, stop referring to Morgan Webb as a "bitch" or a "slut". It's inappropriate.

Adrenaline 29-06-12 19:48


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6292272)
We're talking about a company that gives each annual COD release a 5 out of 5.

Either way, I still don't feel the need to watch it. I doubt they spend an hour spouting off about how bad it's going to be, but the comments on the video have given me a pretty good idea of what's said.

lol, wow. just wow.

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 19:52


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6292272)
We're talking about a company that gives each annual COD release a 5 out of 5.

Either way, I still don't feel the need to watch it. I doubt they spend an hour spouting off about how bad it's going to be, but the comments on the video have given me a pretty good idea of what's said.

And please, stop referring to Morgan Webb as a "bitch" or a "slut". It's inappropriate.

She seems to refer to everyone else as "bitches" so why not? :p

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 19:53


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6292280)
She seems to refer to everyone else as "bitches" so why not? :p

:p It just doesn't seem right to stoop to that level. I personally don't like her either, but to each his own I guess.

Adrenaline 29-06-12 19:57


> :pi:

LOL they called guardian of light temple of light. :rolleyes:

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 20:11

I'm assuming they've never played a tomb raider game because I've never seen a scene in any tomb raider where it was all about her boobs. Perhaps there are a few exceptions here and there like Legend dress or something, but I don't really get it.

It's about the tombs. It has been in every game really. Labeling the series as nothing but a boob game is a little exaggarated.

And they're okay with Lolipop Chainsaw? What?

_Awestruck_ 29-06-12 20:24


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6292314)
I'm assuming they've never played a tomb raider game because I've never seen a scene in any tomb raider where it was all about her boobs. Perhaps there are a few exceptions here and there like Legend dress or something, but I don't really get it.

It's about the tombs. It has been in every game really. Labeling the series as nothing but a boob game is a little exaggarated.

And they're okay with Lolipop Chainsaw? What?

This logic I'll never understand. Their only issue with Lollipop Chainsaw's protagonist is that she's "hollow", apparently.


Adrenaline 29-06-12 20:28


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6292325)
This logic I'll never understand. Their only issue with Lollipop Chainsaw's protagonist is that she's "hollow", apparently.


They are all idiots. :pi:

TheRCroft 29-06-12 20:46

Did someone here participate in Eidos Forums' "By Hand" competition?

Weemanply109 29-06-12 21:16

^Why is Meagan beautiful, tho?


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6292233)
It isn't extreme. May I remind you of Heavy Rain? Where was the contraversy then?

I've never played it, so I can't make comparisons.


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6292282)
:p It just doesn't seem right to stoop to that level. I personally don't like her either, but to each his own I guess.

I actually like her, even though her biased opinion towards Tomb Raider is infuriating. That alone isn't enough for me to hate someone. :pi:

She seems fun to be around, tbh.


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6292325)
This logic I'll never understand. Their only issue with Lollipop Chainsaw's protagonist is that she's "hollow", apparently.


Well, in the interview, they were discussing games that are accepted with sexualization, and IIRC, they mentioned some game that gives an achievement for looking under a girls skirt, and they said that blends well because the game overall is OTT, just like Saints Row and a few select other games, thus it doesn't just feel like they're using the sexualization as an addon to the game to make it more appealing, but it actually is there because it is OTT just like the rest of the game.

When they were talking about Tomb Raider, they said the problem is that the devs try to make out the the franchise isn't sexualized, but they make proportions of her body exaggerated (in the past) and now it seems that they're making Lara weak and moaning as a way of sexualization. They discussed Darrel's comments to dispel the controversay of the rape scene debacle and said that it was silly that he said it wasn't attempted rape when it clearly was and everyone can see it, and that applies to their argument. CD try and deny what is, infact true (If that makes sense). Which I completely agree with.

They had good points, tbh. Y'all calling Morgan a slut and an idiot isn't justified.

TheRCroft 29-06-12 21:24


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292400)
^Why is Meagan beautiful, tho?

She really is <3 Why aren't you talking about cute Brian, tho?

Weemanply109 29-06-12 21:27


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6292412)
She really is <3 Why aren't you talking about cute Brian, tho?

Uhm, he's not cute.

Linoshi Croft 29-06-12 21:30


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292419)
Uhm, he's not cute.


just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 21:31


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6292357)
Did someone here participate in Eidos Forums' "By Hand" competition?

Oh yeahhh. I watched some of it earlier today. It's great to see art work in the form of Tomb Raider. I believe I was at 16:10 when I stopped watching. I'll watch the rest later. I can only set and watch a slideshow for so much at a time. :p

TheRCroft 29-06-12 21:39

^ Hehe, same here :p


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292419)
Uhm, he's not cute.

He's adorbs and you shall deal.

larafan25 29-06-12 21:42

Holy ****, is that music from the game!? D:

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 21:47


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6292454)
Holy ****, is that music from the game!? D:

None of the music I've heard so far is from the game. Only the bit for the trailer, some fan dubbed music, and some old official music. I haven't watched the whole thing though so I could be wrong I guess.

Oh the beginning music, we've heard it podcasts. O.o

larafan25 29-06-12 21:53

I mean, the music that plays when they're first showing off all the entires.

edity: I guess not, I thought the stuff at 13 minutes in was new.

just*raidin*tomb 29-06-12 21:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6292472)
I mean, the music that plays when they're first showing off all the entires.

edity: I guess not, I thought the stuff at 13 minutes in was new.

I would say its fanmade, but its very nice.

BinRaider 29-06-12 22:13


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6292419)
Uhm, he's not cute.


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