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leglion 09-07-12 21:51


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6312794)
It's simply storytelling magic. Things such as undiscovered islands do not exist anymore. Even if nobody had ever returned from this particular island, it would still have shown up on satellite pictures.

Unless the magnetic field is messing up the image somehow...

Zebra 09-07-12 22:09

I don't know enough about satellites, photography or magentic fields to comment on that :p.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:13

I just read an article of how at Comic-Con there will be 20 kiosks of a playable demo on Xbox 360's for Tomb Raider...DAMN HOW I WISH I COULD FLY THERE!


larafan25 09-07-12 22:14


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6312856)
I just read an article of how at Comic-Con there will be 20 kiosks of a playable demo on Xbox 360's for Tomb Raider...DAMN HOW I WISH I COULD FLY THERE!







I really hope people can take videos.

I want videos of people being stupid

AHHHHHH I want videos of Lara dying!

I want videos of just Lara's face.

Rai 09-07-12 22:15


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6312856)
I just read an article of how at Comic-Con there will be 20 kiosks of a playable demo on Xbox 360's for Tomb Raider...DAMN HOW I WISH I COULD FLY THERE!


*buys ticket and books plane* :D. I wish.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:26

But in another article they said they would be supervised demos. :( I really hope that doesn't mean that people can't take videos. I WANT TO SEE LARA'S BLOOOOOD.

Oh an i want to see everything else too...:pi:

larafan25 09-07-12 22:27


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6312874)
But in another article they said they would be supervised demos. :( I really hope that doesn't mean that people can't take videos. I WANT TO SEE LARA'S BLOOOOOD.

Oh an i want to see everything else too...:pi:

The GOL demos were supervised somehow by the amazing Forest Large, and we got videos of those.


Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:28


larafan25 09-07-12 22:29


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6312877)
I want to see someone take their time and go everywhere and die everywhere.

I'm sure if we are allowed videos and people take videos, we'll see a variety of playthroughs.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:30

I can't wait!!!!!! :jmp: :mis:

larafan25 09-07-12 22:32

Maybe they'll light Lara on fire, I wonder if she screams like the scavengers when they're on fire! :(

That's horrifying to think about.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:33

It is horrifying, but it better be consistent, otherwise i'll be mad D:<

I just want to see lara die, and hopefully she is filled with bones and not jelly, and she just doesn't clutch her side and fall sideways .__.

larafan25 09-07-12 22:35


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6312883)
It is horrifying, but it better be consistent, otherwise i'll be mad D:<

I just want to see lara die, and hopefully she is filled with bones and not jelly, and she just doesn't clutch her side and fall sideways .__.

I wonder if she tumbles down cliffs like she does when she falls into the deer hub.

She goes head over heels.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:37

I hope so!

Gosh we are a little sadistic bunch, aren't we? :pi:

Rai 09-07-12 22:37

You two are sadistic. :vlol:

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:37


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6312891)
You two are sadistic. :vlol:

LOL that was so funny cause i just posted about how we are sadistic :vlol:

larafan25 09-07-12 22:38

Yes, but it's all for entertainment.

Wait, that doesn't make it any better.

I just hope at least one of the deaths are worth laughing at. I jut want one to be really stupid.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:39

I just want to know if we can light ourselves on fire.

Because i would do that all the time...

i like laughing when i jump from a high ground and break every limb...lmao

OMG, if we can climb the radio tower...I HOPE WE CAN JUMP OFF OF IT AND KILL OURSELVES! :mis:

Rai 09-07-12 22:40

I'm curious about Lara's second human kill. The 1st is traumatic, right? Will it be that she just goes ahead and kills after that, or will there be some hesitation, I wonder.

@Tomb of Darkns, :D

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-07-12 22:42


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6312899)
I'm curious about Lara's second human kill. The 1st is traumatic, right? Will it be that she just goes ahead and kills after that, or will there be some hesitation, I wonder.

@Tomb of Darkns, :D

Good question, I'm kinda leaning towards that she will be as sadistic as the combat demo, I don't think that it will matter for me, but for context sake and connection, I hope she is a little hesitant still.

trlestew 09-07-12 23:48

I think she kills one, and then she kills the rest without hesitation, like a chain of dominoes.

Rai 09-07-12 23:54


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6312987)
I think she kills one, and then she kills the rest without hesitation, like a chain of dominoes.

I would feel a bit cheated if it happened like that, tbh :p. What with the whole Lara's growth thing. It would seem odd for her to go from shooting a guy for the necessity of survival to suddenly killing without batting an eyelid, at least at first. The combat demo showed Lara further along, a more ruthless side. I'd like to see some progression from kill one to get to that part.

leglion 09-07-12 23:54

I think she kills without hesitation at first and then looks back at what she did but not as shocked as her first kill... Maybe sort of acceptance of the situation she's in and acknowledging the fact that she'll need to kill to survive.

trlestew 10-07-12 00:12

It would probably go like that.

Maybe she encounters Roth, who presumably has killed before, and assures Lara that it is the only way to make it out of the island.

Tomb_of_Darkns 10-07-12 00:31

Maybe that whole "I'm not that kind of croft" is the convo where she talks to him about her first human kill. And then they get into a convo how she needs to kill to survive and those lines will come after. Just a thought.

larafan25 10-07-12 00:33

Oh right, because they did put that line in the trailer after the first kill.

Plus I'm sure she goes to Roth after that.

Love2Raid 10-07-12 01:19

So, Splinter Cell will be released in March as well. :pi:
I don't think it will be significant competition for Tomb Raider.

(I'm personally not interested in that game. I used to love the games, when it was still about sneaking around and silently taking out enemies one by one. I might pick it up from the bargain bin one day though.)

scremanie 10-07-12 01:27

They're in a different league.

Tomb_of_Darkns 10-07-12 01:29

Ugh i just looked at ur ^ avatar and now i really want the game. :pi: lmao

scremanie 10-07-12 01:42

ItIsOkBro 10-07-12 02:51

I hope the deer attack her if she startles them :jmp: death by deer

Rai 11-07-12 15:42

[QUOTE]Some random guy: @MeaganMarie check it out! Finland's biggest gaming mag and the year's biggest issue too!

Anyone in Finland getting this magazine?

just*raidin*tomb 11-07-12 15:48


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6313144)
I hope the deer attack her if she startles them :jmp: death by deer

I HAVE to illustrate this omg. :vlol:

NRO. 11-07-12 16:01


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6316228)
Anyone in Finland getting this magazine?

Well, I'll check out the stores tomorrow unless someone beats me to it.

Also, Hey guys, remember when I bitched about multiplayer taking up too much space?

NRO. 11-07-12 19:13

[dp, sorry]

Linoshi Croft 11-07-12 19:15

Most people have 250 GB hardrives anyway.

LaraDuh 11-07-12 19:29


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6316275)
Well, I'll check out the stores tomorrow unless someone beats me to it.

Also, Hey guys, remember when I bitched about multiplayer taking up too much space?

Thats half my ipod. xd

SpyrosMonster 12-07-12 10:33

Does anybody knows what are these ?

MyRaider4Life 12-07-12 10:40


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6318152)

Does anybody knows what are these ?

T-shirts. :3

klona 12-07-12 10:55


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6318152)

Does anybody knows what are these ?

I want.

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