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LNSNHGTDS 25-07-12 23:05


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6345139)
True that. :vlol:

Yeah and I hate that, especially since TR was one of the main reasons why the PS became so popular and successful.

Yes! I 'm guessing something went terribly wrong between AoD and Legend concerning Tomb Raider and Sony 's relationship.

Either that or Crystal are Xbox fanboys :p !

Peep Show 25-07-12 23:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6345143)
Timed exclusive on 360 for TR9's DLC :cool:
PS3 owners are gonna hate waiting a month and avoiding all the threads on here :p

Keyword: timed, we'll be getting it too so whatever. :jmp:

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 05:14


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6345107)
It's not FAKE! It's just a place holder!

I found the picture of the place holder I saw!

I want this actually! It's really impresive!

This is better to me, except that stupid Playstation logo. This game shouldn't come on PS3.

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 05:24


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345541)
This is better to me, except that stupid Playstation logo. This game shouldn't come on PS3.

what excuse me what

JsotoTRSaga 26-07-12 05:32

^I think he means NOT EXCLUSIVELY on ps3 which is fair enough :p

TippingWater 26-07-12 05:38


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6345550)
^I think he means NOT EXCLUSIVELY on ps3 which is fair enough :p

:D Agreed! But the next one should definitely be a PS4 exclusive :p.

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 05:43


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6345551)
:D Agreed! But the next one should definitely be a PS4 exclusive :p.

No. Playstation has Uncharted & The Last of Us. As long as they don't release them on other consoles, Tomb Raider shouldn't be on PS. :pi:

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 05:46


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345555)
No. Playstation has Uncharted & The Last of Us. As long as they don't release them on other consoles, Tomb Raider shouldn't be on PS. :pi:

I'm still confused. Are you saying tomb raider shouldn't be released on PS at all? And I'm not sure what The Last of Us and Uncharted have to do with it.

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 05:59


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6345556)
I'm still confused. Are you saying tomb raider shouldn't be released on PS at all? And I'm not sure what The Last of Us and Uncharted have to do with it.

PC players can't play those games so I wish to see that TR will never be on PS ever again. That's not going to happen though. :(:(:(

_Awestruck_ 26-07-12 06:03


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345563)
PC players can't play those games so I wish to see that TR will never be on PS ever again. That's not going to happen though. :(:(:(

What. TR has nothing to do with either of those series.

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 06:06


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345563)
PC players can't play those games so I wish to see that TR will never be on PS ever again. That's not going to happen though. :(:(:(

What? That doesn't make any sense.

SpyrosMonster 26-07-12 06:16


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345563)
PC players can't play those games so I wish to see that TR will never be on PS ever again. That's not going to happen though. :(:(:(

you know there are some people that own a PS3 and are TR fans... What are talking about ?
Just because Uncharted and The last of us are PS3 exclusives that doesn't mean that Ps3 players shouldn't get TR!

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 06:19

Actually, according to a poll made fairly recently, the majority of people on this forum play tomb raider on PS3.

TippingWater 26-07-12 06:19

I was just kiddin' TR should come out on all potent platforms imo :cln:.

SpyrosMonster 26-07-12 06:26


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6345571)
Actually, according to a poll made fairly recently, the majority of people on this forum play tomb raider on PS3.

Ahem... XBOXFanboyz Are coming

JsotoTRSaga 26-07-12 06:31

Actually I am a fan of both x360 & Ps3 but I don't own a ps3 and I do own a 360 :p and it would not be fair for TR to release exclusively on PS3 or the Distant (Thank God) PS4 because i am not rich to buy a console just to play a game really... :whi: they should just release on all the consoles available. PERIOD. :mis:

SpyrosMonster 26-07-12 06:33


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6345579)
Actually I am a fan of both x360 & Ps3 but I don't own a ps3 and I do own a 360 :p and it would not be fair for TR to release exclusively on PS3 or the Distant (Thank God) PS4 because i am not rich to buy a console just to play a game really... :whi: they should just release on all the consoles available. PERIOD. :mis:

Let's just stop talking about consoles. It will get us nowhere.. :P

LNSNHGTDS 26-07-12 11:41


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345563)
PC players can't play those games so I wish to see that TR will never be on PS ever again. That's not going to happen though. :(:(:(

Erm... selfish much?

klona 26-07-12 12:28


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345555)
No. Playstation has Uncharted & The Last of Us. As long as they don't release them on other consoles, Tomb Raider shouldn't be on PS. :pi:

Lukass 26-07-12 12:50


Peep Show 26-07-12 12:53


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6345555)
No. Playstation has Uncharted & The Last of Us. As long as they don't release them on other consoles, Tomb Raider shouldn't be on PS. :pi:

Gurl bye!

Valentino 26-07-12 13:15

Playstation gave birth to Tomb Raider though. Playstation is Tomb Raiders MOTHERRRR

Rai 26-07-12 13:38

Wasn't Tomb Raider on another console and PC before the Playstation, so that statement isn't true :p

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 13:50


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6345923)

What? Save me hun. :(


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6345930)
Gurl bye!

Me no gurl. :ton:

Lukass 26-07-12 14:06


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6345985)
Wasn't Tomb Raider on another console and PC before the Playstation, so that statement isn't true :p

Wasn't it SEGA Saturn or something like that?


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6346006)
What? Save me hun. :(

Well, Shakhey, I dunno how! :D

klona 26-07-12 14:11


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6345954)
Playstation gave birth to Tomb Raider though. Playstation is Tomb Raiders MOTHERRRR

I can imagine this.

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 14:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6346039)
Well, Shakhey, I dunno how! :D

:vlol: What have you done to my name.

Lukass 26-07-12 15:02


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6346111)
:vlol: What have you done to my name.

Y'no it's like "a mate" you can write it as "a matey" too :p so I called you Shakhey, Shaikh :pi: U ok? U mad? :D

lcroft_lc 26-07-12 15:12


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6346174)
Y'no it's like "a mate" you can write it as "a matey" too :p so I called you Shakhey, Shaikh :pi: U ok? U mad? :D

No why I would be mad! I was like rolling on the floor laughing, not literally. :p :D :hug:

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 15:52

Sega Saturn originally had Tomb Raider, but Tomb Raider helped launch the Playstation and vice versa.

JesseBlue 26-07-12 16:13

Dat hair.

Spong 26-07-12 16:23


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6346282)
Sega Saturn originally had Tomb Raider, but Tomb Raider helped launch the Playstation and vice versa.

The Playstation might've helped launch Tomb Raider properly, but Tomb Raider helped launch the Playstation? I disagree.

In the UK anyway, games like Wipeout, with its excellent soundtrack of licensed club music, was what really launched the console. Sony mounted a big campaign here in the UK, they sent PSOnes with Wipeout and other games to nightclubs across the country and got the massive clubbing scene hooked. By the time TR1 came out a year later it was released to the clubbing gamers who'd already bought PSOnes, and the game was hugely popular :tmb:

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 16:23

^You could be right. It's just what I've heard over and over. I was 4 when it launched so I wouldn't really know. But I'm sure the game no doubt helped with the Playstation's popularity just as any good game would.
Tbh it seems like they photoshopped a bunch of elements from the ingame stuff together real quick so that they could release some concept art.

It confuses me. Because you would think they would make the concept art before they made the ingame elements but I think it's pretty obvious that there are pieces from in game objects in many of the concepts that were recently released. O.o

Not that they're bad or anything.

larafan25 26-07-12 16:25

I've heard that concept art goes through different stages, and later as the game is made more concept art is made with more detailed assets to better represent what is wanted to be seen in the game.

Lukass 26-07-12 16:26


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6346348)
I've heard that concept art goes through different stages, and later as the game is made more concept art is made with more detailed assets to better represent what is wanted to be seen in the game.

Sounds interesting. Hope they have something more for us...and better looking :D

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 16:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6346348)
I've heard that concept art goes through different stages, and later as the game is made more concept art is made with more detailed assets to better represent what is wanted to be seen in the game.

I guess so. :)

That's probably why it was so hard to decide what was concept and what were screenshots when we got the first images. :p

JesseBlue 26-07-12 17:02

Are you guys talking about the pic that i posted? :confused:

just*raidin*tomb 26-07-12 17:13


Originally Posted by JesseBlue (Post 6346453)
Are you guys talking about the pic that i posted? :confused:

Just the concept art in general.

Valentino 26-07-12 17:19


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6345985)
Wasn't Tomb Raider on another console and PC before the Playstation, so that statement isn't true :p

Okay well tell me, when you thought of Tomb Raider did you associate it with Playstation or a computer?

And we haven't had nearly as much concept art released as Underworld. Same goes for renders. Dont let that CGI Lara go to waste if we aint gettin no CGI cutscenes. Theres a Roth CGI model so why no have him in one? I know there is a render, but it looks more like a screencap (wich isn't even in the game lol)
But still, we have plenty of time for those

Spong 26-07-12 17:48


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6346489)
Okay well tell me, when you thought of Tomb Raider did you associate it with Playstation or a computer?

I can't speak for Rai, but I don't associate the game/series with any platform. I guess it all comes down to how you played your first few Tomb Raider games. I played TR1 on Saturn and then on PSOne, then I played TR2 & 3 on PSOne, then I played TR4 & 5 on PC. But if you started and continued playing most of the classics on PSOne, then I can understand why you'd associate it with that console.

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