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TippingWater 02-08-12 13:03


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359806)
^ the blonde guy is Alfie Allen isn't he? Cool.

All I can see is beer, beer and more beer :o.

tomee 02-08-12 13:11


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6359789)

Nothing new here. :pi:

BinRaider 02-08-12 13:13


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6359809)
All I can see is beer, beer and more beer :o.

That man is gonna die of alcohol poisoning before we see the next TR. Mark my words...

TippingWater 02-08-12 13:14


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6359826)
Nothing new here. :pi:


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359828)
That man is gonna die of alcohol poisoning before we see the next TR. Mark my words...

:vlol::vlol::vlol: I hope Karl won't get a boo-boo on his liver :o.

LNSNHGTDS 02-08-12 13:21

I 've been seeing this gag a lot and I want to ask, does Karl have actually comfirmed him being beer-adicted :p ???

If yes then I want to point out that there were TONS of alcohol bottles (beer? ) at that place with the creepy music were Lara decended a dark hole... :whi: , maybe it 's related with Karl 's beer love...


Rai 02-08-12 13:24

^Karl went on a major beer tour recently. It's safe to say he likes his beer :p. It's unfair to say he's an alcoholic/beer addict though. I read a comment/s accusing him of being drunk whilst working, which is both grossly unfair and a terrible, most likely unjustified accusation.

Lukass 02-08-12 14:49


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359828)
That man is gonna die of alcohol poisoning before we see the next TR. Mark my words...

Don't know if you were just trying to be funny. :confused:

Next time don't embarrass yourself. It makes you look like an idiot. :wve:

Tonyrobinson 02-08-12 14:52

He's Irish! We can handle it. :p

BinRaider 02-08-12 15:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6359965)
Don't know if you were just trying to be funny. :confused:

Next time don't embarrass yourself. It makes you look like an idiot. :wve:

Who died and made you the god? How do you know that i'm the one that looks like an idiot? :wve:

And yes, it's a joke. Any idiot can see that.

TippingWater 02-08-12 15:16


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6359965)
Don't know if you were just trying to be funny. :confused:

Next time don't embarrass yourself. It makes you look like an idiot. :wve:


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359983)
Who died and made you the god? How do you know that i'm the one that looks like an idiot? :wve:

And yes, it's a joke. Any idiot can see that.

I don't want you to fight, this place is about pointless nit-pickin' and bitchin' ... Do you think that I am sexy? Stop fightin'!

WWETombRaider 02-08-12 15:26

^ :vlol:

SpyrosMonster 02-08-12 15:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6359965)
Don't know if you were just trying to be funny. :confused:

Next time don't embarrass yourself. It makes you look like an idiot. :wve:


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359983)
Who died and made you the god? How do you know that i'm the one that looks like an idiot? :wve:

And yes, it's a joke. Any idiot can see that.

Shhhhh both of you!

TippingWater 02-08-12 15:47


LNSNHGTDS 02-08-12 15:49


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6359848)
^Karl went on a major beer tour recently. It's safe to say he likes his beer :p. It's unfair to say he's an alcoholic/beer addict though. I read a comment/s accusing him of being drunk whilst working, which is both grossly unfair and a terrible, most likely unjustified accusation.

Oh, now I get it, well just liking beer is fine... even my 11 year-old brother likes beer :p ... But thosr accusations about him being drunk during work are just

Killercowz 02-08-12 15:49


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6359828)
That man is gonna die of alcohol poisoning before we see the next TR. Mark my words...

Oh my goodness... :p

JsotoTRSaga 03-08-12 04:56


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6359789)

LOL Karl is havi'n a Drink once again :vlol: I wonder if we will find beer as an easter egg in the next TR game like i have been suspecting since i first clicked the ''Follow'' thingy in Karl's Twitter :vlol: and OMG at the second picture :eek: why does the Beer's Glass have to be so Big? not like if he was celebrating that his ''Secret sister'' Kristen Stewart is now hanging out with a new BF :pi: (A.K.A the Snow white guy)

LaraDuh 03-08-12 05:35


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6359789)

:pi: He's going drive home after that.

ItIsOkBro 03-08-12 05:57


Originally Posted by LaraDuh (Post 6361924)
:pi: He's going drive home after that.

He's Irish he'll be fine. :pi:

SeanCordernay 04-08-12 19:07

My dreams about Tomb Raider just keep getting crazier and crazier :pi:

Peep Show 05-08-12 12:46

I wanna play it so bad, CD needs to give us a demo at least ugh i'm sick of waiting.

tomee 05-08-12 12:49


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6365284)
I wanna play it so bad, CD needs to give us a demo at least ugh i'm sick of waiting.

This'll hurt.
But the demo won't come until February.

Unless you can find your way to a gaming event where there's a hands-on demo.

just*raidin*tomb 05-08-12 13:43

A demo might not (and probably won't) come at all. :p

Peep Show 05-08-12 13:48


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6365289)
This'll hurt.
But the demo won't come until February.

Unless you can find your way to a gaming event where there's a hands-on demo.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6365360)
A demo might (and probably won't) come at all. :p

I know, a fan can dream. :o

tomee 05-08-12 14:35


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6365360)
A demo might not (and probably won't) come at all. :p

why? :confused:

just*raidin*tomb 05-08-12 14:39


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6365449)
why? :confused:

Because a lot of games don't these days.

tomee 05-08-12 14:40

Wow, that's new to me.

NRO. 05-08-12 14:59

They better release a demo for pc. If they don't, I'm going to pirate the game to see how it runs. No way in hell am I going to spend 60€ on a game that won't even run on my computer.

Stevo505 05-08-12 22:02


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6365488)
They better release a demo for pc. If they don't, I'm going to pirate the game to see how it runs. No way in hell am I going to spend 60€ on a game that won't even run on my computer.

Or you could use this website once CD releases the system requirements.

January_Snow* 05-08-12 23:13


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6366227)
Or you could use this website once CD releases the system requirements.

Oh please that site is never correct, for example it says my computer can't run TRU but I run it at full settings and it's plays perfect :tea:

People should use simple logic really. If you couldn't run TRU on medium or max settings the chances of your computer playing the new TR are pretty slim..

NRO. 06-08-12 14:59


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6366227)
Or you could use this website once CD releases the system requirements.

That site is unreliable.

SpyrosMonster 06-08-12 15:47


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6367122)
That site is unreliable.


I Just went to test it out... I selected "The Sims 2" which can run perfectly on my PC and these were the result


Linoshi Croft 06-08-12 15:49

Does that for Battlefield 3. I can run it on maximum but that site says I can just scracth minimum. :p

Stevo505 06-08-12 15:52

Really?? I have been using that site for a while and I didn't know it was ripping me off! :p Perhaps I can play more games on my PC than I thought.

Huh. I tried the Underworld demo and it works very well on high settings. Stupid website lied. :p

Steven_1379 06-08-12 16:01

I had a weird dream i threw Lara off the Cliff @begining of demo and i respawned glitched with TRA backpack and braid weeeeeeeeeeeeeird
the art styles didnt match ?>? (cus of the TR13 & TRA diferences...)duh

Rai 07-08-12 00:24

Catapharact posted this elsewhere - referencing the cover game, but it has Tomb Raider in the magazine too. So;

Have people seen this yet? Probably doesn't have anything new...:pi:

larafan25 07-08-12 00:28

I haven't seen it. Though I'm incredibly intrigued about the "truth of Lara". :pi:

Peep Show 07-08-12 00:36

The truth about Lara? :eek:

xLara_Nathanx 07-08-12 00:38


Screw TR.


Peep Show 07-08-12 00:40

WAIT do I see GTA V? :eek:

Rai 07-08-12 00:47


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6367984)

Screw TR.



Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6367986)
WAIT do I see GTA V? :eek:

Neither of you see GTA V, you only see Tomb Raider

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