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Anja 23-08-12 13:16


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395667)
Me? I never lie missy! :p:ton:


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6395668)
He's not, I saw that too. Pretty disappointing.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, lets go with that /sarcasm

Lukass 23-08-12 13:17


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395671)
Exactly!:( Disappointing is the best word to describe it. Also I bet that the ending will be expanded in the DLC. Again! :rolleyes:

Ah, you were talking about this!? Aha...yeah, that was a bit disappointing :( didn't like it either...

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:17

Well... The face IS actually really weird...

...but I'm having so much fun!!! :D

Peep Show 23-08-12 13:17

OMG @ the part where sam dies

Lukass 23-08-12 13:18

The first pic disturbing :vlol:

But the rest is yum!

TippingWater 23-08-12 13:18


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395674)
Well... The face IS actually really weird...

...but I'm having so much fun!!! :D

How did you enable her?

Peep Show 23-08-12 13:19

Lukass you flop, I can't write on your wall.

Underhoe 23-08-12 13:19


Lukass 23-08-12 13:20


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6395675)
OMG @ the part where sam dies

I know! But she was bitch anyway. She deserved that :jmp:

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:23


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395680)
How did you enable her?

Well, you're just putting into \Skyrim\Data\, then you go to find Barrell near the warrior, mage and theif stone (near Riverwood). That's pretty much it. :D

You're just wearing it as any other armor. It's great :cln:

TippingWater 23-08-12 13:24


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395691)
Well, you're just putting into \Skyrim\Data\, then you go to find Barrell near the warrior, mage and theif stone (near Riverwood). That's pretty much it. :D

You're just wearing it as any other armor. It's great :cln:

Wait, so I have to go where to activate her :o. Sorry but idk.. :o.

edit: Ooo at the beginning of the game?

Anja 23-08-12 13:24


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395691)
Well, you're just putting into \Skyrim\Data\, then you go to find Barrell near the warrior, mage and theif stone (near Riverwood). That's pretty much it. :D

You're just wearing it as any other armor. It's great :cln:

wait...I know this is offtopic but you don't need the mod installer to install mods for skyrm?Please say so ...

I like Sam but I hope she dies.

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:28


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395695)
Wait, so I have to go where to activate her :o. Sorry but idk.. :o.

Yes. Do you remember, when you came out of Helgen, at the very beginning of Skyrim? Then you go with Ralof/Hadvar, to Riverwood. On the way, there are three stones (warrior, thief, and mage), and when you put the files from downloaded mod to Skyrim\Data\, you go to find those stones, and there's a barrell. In this barrell you can find the outfit. You're wearing it like an armor.


Originally Posted by Anja (Post 6395696)
wait...I know this is offtopic but you don't need the mod installer to install mods for skyrm?Please say so ...

You don't need mod installer for this one. Dunno about the other mods.

TippingWater 23-08-12 13:31


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395700)
Yes. Do you remember, when you came out of Helgen, at the very beginning of Skyrim? Then you go with Ralof/Hadvar, to Riverwood. On the way, there are three stones (warrior, thief, and mage), and when you put the files from downloaded mod to Skyrim\Data\, you go to find those stones, and there's a barrell. In this barrell you can find the outfit. You're wearing it like an armor.

You don't need mod installer for this one. Dunno about the other mods.

Thank you Adamaru! I hope I will find it there :o.

My attempt at an Lara using with in-game customization :p:o.

_Tomb_Raider 23-08-12 13:31


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6395330)
Aww... the guy with the glasses calls Lara LC.

I'm going to be uploading a more audible version of this.

So when will you post it?
I think there was some version where they twisted sound so we can hear the game??

EDIT: NEVERMIND, got it...

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:33


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395706)

Thank you Adamaru! I hope I will find it there :o.

My attempt at an Lara using with in-game customization :p:o.

You're welcome. Thats mine in-game customization :cln:

Back on topic...

Well guys, you're so confusing me. So there's no leaked footage, right? D:

Lukass 23-08-12 13:35

I need some news. Are we gettin' anything soon?

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6395715)
I need some news. Are we gettin' anything soon?

Maybe at PAX. But it's highly doubtful, I think.

Lukass 23-08-12 13:36


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395716)
Maybe at PAX. But it's highly doubtful, I think.

I smell axe climbing.

When is that PAX thing?

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6395721)
I smell axe climbing.

When is that PAX thing?

Aug 31 - Sep 2.

Lukass 23-08-12 13:38

Ugh :( I want it right now..I'm not willing to wait :/

Peep Show 23-08-12 13:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6395715)
I need some news. Are we gettin' anything soon?

Probably not.

Lukass 23-08-12 13:40


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6395725)

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:44


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6395729)

Oh my god, from where do you get those gifs guys? :confused: :D

_Tomb_Raider 23-08-12 13:44

So what dose Lara say that makes Sam back off from that teacher?

And what dose teacher by trade even mean?

Peep Show 23-08-12 13:44

Someone needs to merge all gameplay videos we have so far into one in HD and no commentary, i'm getting sick of switching between different videos all the time. :p

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:46


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6395736)
So what dose Lara say that makes Sam back off from that teacher?

Was wondering too.

TippingWater 23-08-12 13:46


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395711)
You're welcome. Thats mine in-game customization :cln:

Back on topic...

Well guys, you're so confusing me. So there's no leaked footage, right? D:

I like you customization :cln:.

The mod works, so thanks again Adamaru, btw I think that I prefer to use my custom head.

It just reminds more of Lara than the actual mod.

_Tomb_Raider 23-08-12 13:46


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6395737)
Someone needs to merge all gameplay videos we have so far into one in HD and no commentary, i'm getting sick of switching between different videos all the time. :p

I might even do it, but I guess I would get bored soon. :o

tomee 23-08-12 13:49


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6395683)

I saw that edit. :pi:
You almost got me until I read forlorn caves. :pi:

Adamaru 23-08-12 13:50


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6395743)

I like you customization :cln:.

The mod works, so thanks again Adamaru, btw I think that I prefer to use my custom head.

It just reminds more of Lara than the actual mod.

Wish we could change just hair, not all head, huh. :o

TippingWater 23-08-12 13:51


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395748)
Wish we could change just hair, not all head, huh. :o

Yes, I wish I could change her hair. Well actually I love how her hair looks like, I just would like to add a ponytail.

Lukass 23-08-12 13:59

I love y'all betchiz!

Bye! :wve:


tomee 23-08-12 14:03


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6395708)

_Tomb_Raider 23-08-12 14:05


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6395742)
Was wondering too.

It's sound like:
Lara: Right, safety number's like that night in Brighton Sam! Remember?
SAM: In Brighton?
Lara: sdfsgfshdtfshdhf! Remember that?

I think she says Brighton which is town in UK. But I just can make out the last part.

Underhoe 23-08-12 14:06


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6395746)
I saw that edit. :pi:
You almost got me until I read forlorn caves. :pi:

I don't know what you're talking about. :whi:

Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6395775)
It's sound like:
Lara: Right, safety number's like that night in Brighton Sam! Remember?
SAM: In Brighton?
Lara: sdfsgfshdtfshdhf! Remember that?

I think she says Brighton which is town in UK. But I just can make out the last part.

I imagined her saying that. :vlol:

TippingWater 23-08-12 14:08


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6395776)
I imagined her saying that. :vlol:

Can you imagine her singing this!?

:vlol::vlol: I bet that it would sound just like her saying that :o.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6395768)
I love y'all betchiz!

Bye! :wve:


Take care betch! :hug:

tomee 23-08-12 14:09


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6395776)
I don't know what you're talking about. :whi:

Sure you don't.

I imagined her saying that. :vlol:

_Tomb_Raider 23-08-12 14:11

:vlol: :vlol: You guys...

So you guys know what program makes all the front sound go away and all you can hear is background sound like in that video I posted?

TippingWater 23-08-12 14:17


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6395784)
:vlol: :vlol: You guys...

So you guys know what program makes all the front sound go away and all you can hear is background sound like in that video I posted?

Audacity, Audition :p.

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