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larafan25 31-08-12 01:58


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6408427)

Oh that's perfect!

Reminds me of the cutscene with Rutland in Ghana!


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6408435)
Omg stop.

Not sure if serious or not sure or not...

SeanCordernay 31-08-12 01:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408439)
Oh that's perfect!

Reminds me of the cutscene with Rutland in Ghana!

Haven't played legend since my XBox broke

P.S. I'm about to play TRU in spite of you :mis:

Stevo505 31-08-12 02:01

Isn't this thread about Tomb Raider 2013 and not Underworld? ._.

TippingWater 31-08-12 02:02


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6408426)

larafan25 31-08-12 02:02


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6408440)
Haven't played legend since my XBox broke

P.S. I'm about to play TRU in spite of you :mis:

The new game is becoming Uncharted in spite of ALL OF US.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6408443)
Isn't this thread about Tomb Raider 2013 and not Underworld? ._.

It's about TOMB RAIDER.

Whatever that means.

Did you fancy a chat about the new game? :pi:

Stevo505 31-08-12 02:10


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408447)
It's about TOMB RAIDER.

Whatever that means.

Did you fancy a chat about the new game? :pi:

Well, it's in the TR 2013 section, so. If this was about the whole franchise, it would be in general chat... right?

And no, not really. I just hate coming here to look for news about the game and seeing the pages flooded with TRU.

TippingWater 31-08-12 02:11


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6408448)
Well, it's in the TR 2013 section, so. If this was about the whole franchise, it would be in general chat... right?

And no, not really. I just hate coming here to look for news about the game and seeing the pages flooded with TRU.

larafan25 31-08-12 02:11


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6408448)
Well, it's in the TR 2013 section, so. If this was about the whole franchise, it would be in general chat... right?

And no, not really. I just hate coming here to look for news about the game and seeing the pages flooded with TRU.

Oh, sorry. :o

You should check 13 pages back, there's a couple screenshots from the new demo they're showving at PAX.

I was riden a dinosaw last time yall got sum new media for cryen out loud.

TippingWater 31-08-12 02:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408451)
Oh, sorry. :o

You should check 13 pages back, there's a couple screenshots from the new demo they're showving at PAX.

I was riden a dinosaw last time yall got sum new media for cryen out loud.

For real? :D New screens? I bet its a lie :whi:..

Underhoe 31-08-12 02:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408446)

She looks like a drugged whore after a series of plastic surgeries.

trfanX34 31-08-12 02:18


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6408454)
She looks like a drugged whore after a series of plastic surgeries.

She looks like a big-boobed blowfish

Spong 31-08-12 02:18


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6408454)
She looks like a drugged whore after a series of plastic surgeries.


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6408455)
She looks like a big-boobed blowfish

Business as usual then.

TippingWater 31-08-12 02:19


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6408456)
Business as usual then.

SeanCordernay 31-08-12 02:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408447)
The new game is becoming Uncharted in spite of ALL OF US.

I guess our frivolous qualms mean nothing then if this is the case :/


Did you fancy a chat about the new game? :pi:
:vlol: proper ftw


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408450)


SeanCordernay 31-08-12 02:22


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408457)

I wonder what Lara's doing with that other hand :whi:

larafan25 31-08-12 02:25


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6408459)
I wonder what Lara's doing with that other hand :whi:

The mods are coming for your double posts. :mis:


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408450)

But yall.

We need to find a way to bring the way to find a bring in a way to the back of the reboot. We need to talk about the reboot, as this thread is about the reboot.

larafan25 31-08-12 02:27

You killed me.


TippingWater 31-08-12 02:28

just*raidin*tomb 31-08-12 02:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408460)

But yall.

We need to find a way to bring the way to find a bring in a way to the back of the reboot. We need to talk about the reboot, as this thread is about the reboot.

excuse me

Underhoe 31-08-12 02:34

Oh Julian. :vlol:

SeanCordernay 31-08-12 02:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408460)
The mods are coming for your double posts. :mis:

Did you snitch on me :yik:


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408465)


I guess we have to get back on topic lol

larafan25 31-08-12 02:35


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6408469)
excuse me

Make us talk about the reboot.


So ziplines.

Have you guys noticed how, the environment, it feels sort of disconnected. In the sense that it's like, a set-ish thing, and then there are flat-ish hunks of land that we do stuff on. The ziplines get us between these. I see them in the night hub. I think there are lots.

Are you in favor of them?

Underhoe 31-08-12 02:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6408472)
Make us talk about the reboot.


So ziplines.

Have you guys noticed how, the environment, it feels sort of disconnected. In the sense that it's like, a set-ish thing, and then there are flat-ish hunks of land that we do stuff on. The ziplines get us between these. I see them in the night hub. I think there are lots.

Are you in favor of them?

They (Karl) told us we can literally explore everything we see. So no, not at all. It feels very limited.

TippingWater 31-08-12 02:38


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6408476)
They (Karl) told us we can literally explore everything we see. So no, not at all. It feels very limited.

Tell me about it..

larafan25 31-08-12 02:39


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6408476)
They (Karl) told us we can literally explore everything we see. So no, not at all. It feels very limited.

Well yeah. I think places all exist in the game world, it's just that your actions are limited in certain areas. Like...hmm...what I mean is, it's like controlled exploration. Like, obviously I'd die if I fell off the cliff, but the fact is there is no way I could naturally get to places that aren't meant to be explored, even though they are fully-modeled and existent in the game map. So if I did somehow come upon them by glitch, it would probably be ripe with bad collision and invisible walls or just plain death.

tomekkobialka 31-08-12 16:44

^ I know exactly what you mean. For example, Just Cause 2 had a completely free environment to could visit every single point in the map. But Tomb Raider? It'll just be a bunch of hubs and connections I think. :(

Lukass 31-08-12 17:11


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6409452)
^ I know exactly what you mean. For example, Just Cause 2 had a completely free environment to could visit every single point in the map. But Tomb Raider? It'll just be a bunch of hubs and connections I think. :(

Yeah, that's exactly what it's going to be like. The question is, how the hubs are actually massive and how much we can explore in each of them. I must tell, I fear it's going to be nothing too exciting. I hope what they call a massive hub is not a size of TRU Mexico. That is not massive to me.

tomekkobialka 31-08-12 17:21

Hmmm...I'm not too sure about the size of a hub, but what I really do want is variety. Each hub should be unique and exciting. They'll probably be the main areas of exploration within the island I think - I could just imagine, e.g., Lara coming across a map in some long abandoned hut, beginning a certain kind of "treasure hunt" where Lara has to solve different puzzles, ultimately resulting in her uncovering some secret passageway which either leads to the prize or...who knows, perhaps will be the starting point of some even bigger treasure hunt on the island. That's what I'm after when I mean "exploration". :tmb:

In fact, everything in the game should be "hand-made" - no repeated sections of map or anything, as that will just show laziness from the developer's part. Each path and hub should be different and original. Oh yeah, and have some sense of non-linearity. :D

tomee 31-08-12 18:08


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6408450)

I'll let the images speak for themselves. :vlol:

tomekkobialka 31-08-12 18:10


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6409622)

I'll let the images speak for themselves. :vlol:

...are you trying to say that Tomb Raider wants to make you cry and give you goosebumps? :confused:

tomee 31-08-12 18:11


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6409630)
...are you trying to say that Tomb Raider wants to make you cry and give you goosebumps? :confused:

er, no..
I mean the resemblances are uncanny.

tomekkobialka 31-08-12 18:16


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6409633)
er, no..
I mean the resemblances are uncanny.



tomee 31-08-12 18:29


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6409646)



Love2Raid 31-08-12 19:15

Does anyone think this game will be 'fun'? It seems a bit depressing/'taking itself too seriously' to me.

Spong 31-08-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6409789)
Does anyone think this game will be 'fun'? It seems a bit depressing/'taking itself too seriously' to me.

Good question. Who knows? They've shown us such a narrow margin of the game that it's impossible to tell at the moment. Perhaps if they showcased one of the more 'free' areas, a part of the game that isn't so story-driven, that the fun would be more apparent. Up until now the gameplay seems very much like painting by numbers.

larafan25 31-08-12 19:23


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6409789)
Does anyone think this game will be 'fun'? It seems a bit depressing/'taking itself too seriously' to me.

That's something I do have hope in.

Well somewhat.

It does seem restrain itself in a lot of ways.

But I think exploring the hubs and jumping around will be fun, especially with the controls and steering in mid air. And if that is fun, then having the incentive to look around for the numerous hidden secrets will be fun.

I think combat looks like it could be fun.

It's the parts where you have to do random-crap which don't seem fun, based on their context.

It's kind of boring crawling through a linear tight cave by the looks of it. But if there was more to the tomb, and you actually had to explore it, then it would be an important piece of something more fun. I think.

Bomb Fighter 31-08-12 19:49


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6409789)
Does anyone think this game will be 'fun'? It seems a bit depressing/'taking itself too seriously' to me.

The game is 'fun', don't worry. For example, (if you aren't super-sensitive about killing animals) the hunting hub is very enjoyable. Aiming for headshots , sneaking behind the deers, shooting one rabbit after another, then some birds for change...

larafan25 31-08-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6409869)
The game is 'fun', don't worry. For example, (if you aren't super-sensitive about killing animals) the hunting hub is very enjoyable. Aiming for headshots , sneaking behind the deers, shooting one rabbit after another, then some birds for change...

When you think of the open spaces from the classics (lots in TR3) and imagine such spaces in this game, do you think it would be more fun to control Lara in this game?

Love2Raid 31-08-12 20:16


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6409798)
Good question. Who knows? They've shown us such a narrow margin of the game that it's impossible to tell at the moment. Perhaps if they showcased one of the more 'free' areas, a part of the game that isn't so story-driven, that the fun would be more apparent. Up until now the gameplay seems very much like painting by numbers.

Indeed, that's part of the problem. What they showed so far is more like 'go here, cutscene, do this, QTE, go there, cutscene, do that, QTE and so on. So they really need to show those 'hubs' they have been talking about sometime soon (because I want them to :p), it feels far too much like Legend 2.0 with a 'realistic' Lara (realistic = constantly getting hurt and screaming) right now. >_>

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6409805)
That's something I do have hope in.

Well somewhat.

It does seem restrain itself in a lot of ways.

But I think exploring the hubs and jumping around will be fun, especially with the controls and steering in mid air. And if that is fun, then having the incentive to look around for the numerous hidden secrets will be fun.

I think combat looks like it could be fun.

It's the parts where you have to do random-crap which don't seem fun, based on their context.

It's kind of boring crawling through a linear tight cave by the looks of it. But if there was more to the tomb, and you actually had to explore it, then it would be an important piece of something more fun. I think.

Yeah, it's quite controlled, like you're walking on a film set instead of a 'real' environment (same problem the other CD games had). I hope the hub areas will be huge and I hope that they haven't made the path too obvious. It's fun to just go in a direction and see where it leads... I also hope they add loads of random areas, like hidden caves (that don't necessarily have to lead anywhere) and put some humour in it (especially because the story is so serious, it is needed), easter eggs (also ones that only TR fans would find :p) etc.
I also want to see some crazy OTT things that nobody has done before, lol. Things that people on this forum will talk about for years... :p

Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6409869)
The game is 'fun', don't worry. For example, (if you aren't super-sensitive about killing animals) the hunting hub is very enjoyable. Aiming for headshots , sneaking behind the deers, shooting one rabbit after another, then some birds for change...

Right, that's something I'm looking forward too, but it won't keep me busy for hours. :p

SpyrosMonster 31-08-12 20:34

The game looks fun. The only thing that I want it to have is slow motion moments!!!

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