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trfanX34 01-09-12 18:05

Actually, Rihanna's music would fit perfectly in TR's OST -

Getting to the island - Princess of China (Lara doesn't know enough geography...)
Finding bow - Take A Bow
First kill - Oh mama, I just shot a man down
Finding Sam - Where have you beeeeeeeeeen?
Radio tower - SOS
Weather cycles - Umbrella
Horny russian guy -S&M
Sam's abusive relationship with Matheus - Love The Way You Lie
Lara blowing up & pushing men off cliffs - Raining men

Coincidence? :eek:

JsotoTRSaga 01-09-12 18:07

^ LMAO :vlol: OMG so funny where you call the russian a ''Horny russian guy'' :vlol:

Mikky 01-09-12 18:07

OMG! :vlol:!

SpyrosMonster 01-09-12 18:09

ΤΟΜΒ raider is copying rihanna!!! >.<

tomee 01-09-12 18:10

This is genius. :vlol:

TippingWater 01-09-12 18:14


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6411522)
Actually, Rihanna's music would fit perfectly in TR's OST -

Getting to the island - Princess of China (Lara doesn't know enough geography...)
Finding bow - Take A Bow
First kill - Oh mama, I just shot a man down
Finding Sam - Where have you beeeeeeeeeen?
Radio tower - SOS
Weather cycles - Umbrella
Horny russian guy -S&M
Sam's abusive relationship with Matheus - Love The Way You Lie
Lara blowing up & pushing men off cliffs - Raining men

Coincidence? :eek:

:vlol: OMG! You are epic I love you! :D:vlol:

jumper2009 01-09-12 18:26


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6411252)
:cln:. I cannot get into any other game at the moment to help me pass the time until Tomb Raider's release :o. Argh..

I dont get why u guys are so hyped about this game. It looks generic and looks not really like a TR.

TippingWater 01-09-12 18:36


Originally Posted by jumper2009 (Post 6411554)
I dont get why u guys are so hyped about this game. It looks generic and looks not really like a TR.

OK, so what games do you recommend then? :)

JsotoTRSaga 01-09-12 18:37


Originally Posted by jumper2009 (Post 6411554)
I dont get why u guys are so hyped about this game. It looks generic and looks not really like a TR.

errmm... what? :rolleyes: Typical haaatttttttttteeeeeeeee!

Edit: now he is going to imply COD is not generic as a response to the post before mine :vlol:

Lukass 01-09-12 18:40


Originally Posted by jumper2009 (Post 6411554)
I dont get why u guys are so hyped about this game. It looks generic and looks not really like a TR.

You cared enough to join the forum and post.

TippingWater 01-09-12 18:40


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6411566)
errmm... what? :rolleyes: Typical haaatttttttttteeeeeeeee!

Edit: now he is going to imply COD is not generic as a response to the post before mine :vlol:

Ha ha oh my..

Mikky 01-09-12 18:41

But jumper2009 has a point. :confused:
wite tex

TippingWater 01-09-12 18:46


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6411571)
But jumper2009 has a point. :confused:
wite tex

italibabee 01-09-12 18:49


Mikky 01-09-12 18:53


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6411575)

OMG, Karl's face. Priceless. :')

TippingWater 01-09-12 18:59

JsotoTRSaga 01-09-12 19:03

Why are they laughing so much in those screenshots? i don't think the IGN guys are clowns for amusement.. :p

just*raidin*tomb 01-09-12 19:10


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6411599)
Why are they laughing so much in those screenshots? i don't think the IGN guys are clowns for amusement.. :p

The guy said that they should google image camilla. lol

TippingWater 01-09-12 19:13


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6411612)
The guy said that they should google image camilla. lol

Safe-search off :p:whi:..

JsotoTRSaga 01-09-12 19:13

When she is laughing i assume it is because of the californication images then? which appear on google search? lol The ones that she appears ummm... not too dressed to say it in some rather Everyone 10+ way.... :p

TippingWater 01-09-12 19:20


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6411620)
When she is laughing i assume it is because of the californication images then? which appear on google search? lol The ones that she appears ummm... not too dressed to say it in some rather Everyone 10+ way.... :p

Yeah :p.

Mikky 01-09-12 19:44

^ Why post an edited one? The original one barely shows much.



TippingWater 01-09-12 19:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6411688)
^ Why post an edited one? The original one barely shows much.


Mikky 01-09-12 19:54

Burn it with fire. D:

Spong 01-09-12 19:54


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6411688)
^ Why post an edited one? The original one barely shows much.

Because you're not allowed to post that image unedited. People have got into trouble over it before. Might be a good idea to get rid of it, and TippingWater as well seeing as he quoted it.

Mikky 01-09-12 19:56

The edit button suddenly stopped working. Oh, no. :)

I really don't see the problem. You can't even see her nipples.

Rai 01-09-12 20:00

The edited version was done all because the unedited pic was posted and a Mod asked for it to be deleted, but the person edited instead, so don't be surprised if a mod deletes it.

Spong 01-09-12 20:00


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6411706)
The edit button suddenly stopped working. Oh, no. :)

On your own head be it I guess.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6411706)
I really don't see the problem. You can't even see her nipples.

Well, when you start your own Tomb Raider forum you can allow that kind of image in your rules :tmb:

just*raidin*tomb 01-09-12 20:07

If people can have pics of half naked men as their avatar then I see no reason why the unedited pic shouldn't be allowed. It's a bit silly if you ask me. :p

Mikky 01-09-12 20:08

I just realized this discussion should probably be in the Camilla thread.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6411728)
If people can have pics of half naked men as their avatar then I see no reason why the unedited pic shouldn't be allowed. It's a bit silly if you ask me. :p

IKR? People are always oh-so-sensitive.

Linoshi Croft 01-09-12 20:09

It is. I got banned for posting that same image within a video...and she had massive stars, covering absolutely EVERYTHING. More covered up than that image infact. :p

Stevo505 01-09-12 20:09


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6411522)
Actually, Rihanna's music would fit perfectly in TR's OST -

Finding bow - Take A Bow

Coincidence? :eek:

Two different bows :o

Mikky 01-09-12 20:10


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6411735)
It is. I got banned for posting that same image within a video...and she had massive stars, covering absolutely EVERYTHING. More covered up than that image infact. :p

You got banned? That is so not cool. ;_;


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6411737)
Two different bows :o

Missing the point. :p

Lost_Paradise 01-09-12 20:15

I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

Gamd1011 01-09-12 20:16


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6411754)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

I smell bull****...

Stevo505 01-09-12 20:17


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6411754)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

Holy **** ._. I hope that's true.

Linoshi Croft 01-09-12 20:17


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6411754)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

What like the entire game? :p

Mikky 01-09-12 20:18


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6411754)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

As big as the whole game?! :confused: Oh, come off it, Karl! :vlol:

Spong 01-09-12 20:18


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6411754)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this but at the 0:39 second mark in this video Karl said that one of the hubs is probably the same size as tomb raider underworld.

First time I've heard such a claim, and that's one hell of a claim. As much as I dislike the game, Underworld isn't small. So what Karl said is...interesting.

Stevo505 01-09-12 20:19


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6411763)
First time I've heard such a claim, and that's one hell of a claim. As much as I dislike the game, Underworld isn't small. Interesting...

Very interesting. I'm sure Karl knows how big it was, and I don't think he'd make such a bold claim if it wasn't true, or at least mostly true.

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