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King.Louie 02-09-12 02:34


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6412392)
I never played TR1-6

Most of the classics are on psn! Get to downloading :smk: lol

italibabee 02-09-12 02:35

When I get the money to download them I will.

larafan25 02-09-12 02:35


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412396)

Most of the classics are on psn! Get to downloading :smk: lol

OMG YES! And document your playthrough of them!

King.Louie 02-09-12 02:37


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6412399)
When I get the money to download them I will.

Start with TR2 first! Best of the series :whi:

Dark_Messiah 02-09-12 02:37


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412403)
Start with TR2 first! Best of the series :whi:

That award goes to TR4 :ton:

larafan25 02-09-12 02:38


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412403)
Start with TR2 first! Best of the series :whi:


She wants to play TR, she needs to start with Tombs.

Start with TR1.

Then play TR4.

Then play TR5.

Then play crap 2 and crap 3.


Phlip 02-09-12 02:39


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412391)
Why? What's so bad about it?

The block pushing is slow, boring and tedious as ****.

King.Louie 02-09-12 02:40

TR4 is boring, annoying, tedious, and way to long! We don't want her to rage quit her first classic TR do we? :p

larafan25 02-09-12 02:41


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6412409)
The block pushing is slow, boring and tedious as ****.

Oh pfft.

It's exciting seeing which door is going to open next and what's going to jump out at me.

skylark1121 02-09-12 02:41


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412396)

Most of the classics are on psn! Get to downloading :smk: lol

Love the Gif! :vlol: (I also love how hilariously clumsy TR3 Lara is. :pi: Reboot Lara and TR3 Lara might get along well. >.>)

italibabee 02-09-12 02:41


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6412409)
The block pushing is slow, boring and tedious as ****.

I don't wanna.
I'm not gunna play the classics now.

Dark_Messiah 02-09-12 02:43


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6412413)

I don't wanna.
I'm not gunna play the classics now.

skylark1121 02-09-12 02:45


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6412413)

I don't wanna.
I'm not gunna play the classics now.

^ Does that not just look exciting to the max? :jmp:

larafan25 02-09-12 02:45


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6412414)

Not sure if hot or...

Nope, definitely hot.

italibabee 02-09-12 02:47

I'm not being serious.

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 03:06


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412396)

Omg that GIF :vlol:


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6412412)
Love the Gif! :vlol: (I also love how hilariously clumsy TR3 Lara is. :pi: Reboot Lara and TR3 Lara might get along well. >.>)

They'd be like brother and sister, man and wife <3

Rai 02-09-12 03:08


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412362)
A few days ago, it was quite blatant what Karl said. Unlike any of the answers which came before.

So it doesn't explain how Meagan no comments on the questions and how there was an MP icon on


Karl must have been lying, why else would Meagan be so giggly and no comment?! D:

Plus the icons which went unresolved and taken down!? D:


I love the way you manage to convince yourself about these things on the smallest of so-called-not-really-clues. Vital hint in bold: Meagan took the icon down. She made a mistake, she's only human. The icon could have been made when CD were still considering it. Meagan may not have known the best way to answer or had been told to leave it to Karl or something. She's a friendly giggly sort of person, so it's you're fault if you misinterpret that. Karl and Meagan and Brian have all said they're focusing in single player. Several times now and really quite definitely this last time it was mentioned by Karl. There is no reason to doubt them. There is NO Multiplayer. Now go dream about the ultimate TR for you that encompasses just about everything. ;) :p

larafan25 02-09-12 03:10


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6412431)
I love the way you manage to convince yourself about these things on the smallest of so-called-not-really-clues. Vital hint in bold: Meagan took the icon down. She made a mistake, she's only human. The icon could have been made when CD were still considering it. Meagan may not have known the best way to answer or had been told to leave it to Karl or something. She's a friendly giggly sort of person, so it's you're fault if you misinterpret that. Karl and Meagan and Brian have all said they're focusing in single player. Several times now and really quite definitely this last time it was mentioned by Karl. There is no reason to doubt them. There is NO Multiplayer. now go dream about the ultimate TR for you that encompasses just about everything. ;) :p

*kick from party*

Le game has multiplayer.

klona 02-09-12 03:11


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412432)
Le game has multiplayer.

Rai 02-09-12 03:11

You know I'm right. You're just in denial. Aww. :hug:

larafan25 02-09-12 03:12

Well I'd like someone to comment on the icons from the website.

skylark1121 02-09-12 03:12


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6412429)
They'd be like brother and sister, man and wife <3

They're idea of a good time would be holding hands, jumping off of high places, and plummeting to a painful, character defining, accident that most people couldn't survive! <3 :D

klona 02-09-12 03:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412436)
Well I'd like someone to comment on the icons from the website.

Which Icon?
I don't think I've ever seen it.
I would want multiplayer but it was confirmed there won't be any.

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 03:15


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6412437)
They're idea of a good time would be holding hands, jumping off of high places, and plummeting to a painful, character defining, accident that most people couldn't survive! <3 :D

:vlol: and in the end we will see how little Lara became big Lara...and then how big Lara became a homicidal maniac with a passion for archeology

larafan25 02-09-12 03:15


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6412438)
Which Icon?
I don't think I've ever seen it.
I would want multiplayer but it was confirmed there won't be any.

Rai 02-09-12 03:17


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412436)
Well I'd like someone to comment on the icons from the website.

There's no need, it's already been confirmed in the negative. The website still has Lara's height as 5'4 - Brian (reboot Lara's creator) has said 5'6 as has your queen Camilla. Megaen, bless her, gets stuff wrong. Except she was right to take the icon down. ;) :p

skylark1121 02-09-12 03:19


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6412439)
:vlol: and in the end we will see how little Lara became big Lara...and then how big Lara became a homicidal maniac with a passion for archeology

**With a tendency towards under-dressing and being very rude, sarcastic, and snobby to the antagonists. :D

:vlol: :vlol:

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 03:22


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6412443)
**With a tendency towards under-dressing and being very rude, sarcastic, and snobby to the antagonists. :D

:vlol: :vlol:

:vlol: sounds like the girl we know

skylark1121 02-09-12 03:25


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6412446)
:vlol: sounds like the girl we know

CD never expected Lara to find true love and throw a wrench into their reboot deal. :pi:

True love conquers all. <3 :vlol:

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 03:30


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6412453)
CD never expected Lara to find true love and throw a wrench into their reboot deal. :pi:

True love conquers all. <3 :vlol:

Who knew she would find love with Core's Lara :vlol:

And, yay were friends on TRF now!!! :hug:

You're one of the few who actually laugh with me :vlol:

italibabee 02-09-12 03:50


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6412434)

That gif.

lcroft_lc 02-09-12 05:43


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6411522)
Actually, Rihanna's music would fit perfectly in TR's OST -

Getting to the island - Princess of China (Lara doesn't know enough geography...)
Finding bow - Take A Bow
First kill - Oh mama, I just shot a man down
Finding Sam - Where have you beeeeeeeeeen?
Radio tower - SOS
Weather cycles - Umbrella
Horny russian guy -S&M
Sam's abusive relationship with Matheus - Love The Way You Lie
Lara blowing up & pushing men off cliffs - Raining men

Coincidence? :eek:


TippingWater 02-09-12 15:03


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6412439)
:vlol: and in the end we will see how little Lara became big Lara...and then how big Lara became a homicidal maniac with a passion for archeology

Mikky 02-09-12 19:05

Excuse my random gayness, but look!

It's so cute! And Meagan!

Peep Show 02-09-12 21:22


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6411522)
Actually, Rihanna's music would fit perfectly in TR's OST -

Getting to the island - Princess of China (Lara doesn't know enough geography...)
Finding bow - Take A Bow
First kill - Oh mama, I just shot a man down
Finding Sam - Where have you beeeeeeeeeen?
Radio tower - SOS
Weather cycles - Umbrella
Horny russian guy -S&M
Sam's abusive relationship with Matheus - Love The Way You Lie
Lara blowing up & pushing men off cliffs - Raining men

Coincidence? :eek:

The queen Rihsus inspiring a video game, when will the other pop girls? :cln:

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 21:41


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6413725)
The queen Rihsus inspiring a video game, when will the other pop girls? :cln:

Beyonce inspired Lara to be more bootylicious :D

Tonyrobinson 02-09-12 21:51


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6413751)
Beyonce inspired Lara to be more bootylicious :D

I remember the original TR reboot gag here was Beyonce's "Survivor" at the beginning of the campaign. :p

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 21:58


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6413760)
I remember the original TR reboot gag here was Beyonce's "Survivor" at the beginning of the campaign. :p

It's actually a Destiny's Child song, but yea :vlol:

larafan25 03-09-12 02:41

Spoiler: Gory shot...

See Lara?

TippingWater 03-09-12 02:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6414078)

Strawberry jam and strawberry syrup! Yum! :D So hungry, need something to eat!

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