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Tabuu 12-09-12 23:51


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6431476)
Bought oranges today.. Sam.. :pi:

i miss sam she was such a great girl. :'( until i punched her and made her cross eyed now she is under a tree eating a orange screaming in shock lara your alive. WELL NO DOH SAM its all about lara have you not learned from interviews

SeanCordernay 12-09-12 23:52


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6431421)
Um he should be back pretty soon, but he doesn't really know why. lol

:vlol: he never knows why :vlol:

Phlip 12-09-12 23:58


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6431101)
:vlol: That makes 2 of us.

Is it really 11 days away? :D At least in the UK.

Rai 13-09-12 00:28


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6431463)
Not me.


basecamps found
documents found
blah blah
tombs raided
something with food

Tomb Raiding seems to be more of an extra, something that's just thrown in there to be able to call it Tomb Raider with a somewhat straight face. You don't even have to raid them to complete the game... Strange.

These tombs that we find are side tombs, I'm certain of it; we've been told about them. These will be separate from the regular story tombs that Lara finds. Lara wouldn't say 'I hate tombs' in a side mission tomb. So I wouldn't worry. How on earth did you find the code thing?

@Tabuu, why are you pretending to be a character? :confused: If by Lara friend, you mean larafan25, don't worry, he'll be back soon :)

VV hehe :p

Peep Show 13-09-12 00:30


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6431463)
Not me.


basecamps found
documents found
blah blah
tombs raided
something with food

Tomb Raiding seems to be more of an extra, something that's just thrown in there to be able to call it Tomb Raider with a somewhat straight face. You don't even have to raid them to complete the game... Strange.

But don't you love 2 raid?

Stevo505 13-09-12 00:42


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6431463)
Tomb Raiding seems to be more of an extra, something that's just thrown in there to be able to call it Tomb Raider with a somewhat straight face. You don't even have to raid them to complete the game... Strange.

Doubt it. I really do. Why would they have a cutscene of Lara saying "ugh! I hate tombs!" featured in the trailer if it wasn't going to be part of the main story? I bet you tombs will be part of the story.

skylark1121 13-09-12 02:28


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6431526)
Doubt it. I really do. Why would they have a cutscene of Lara saying "ugh! I hate tombs!" featured in the trailer if it wasn't going to be part of the main story? I bet you tombs will be part of the story.


I mean seriously.... Of course they're going to have tomb raiding as part of the story. :rolleyes: :ton:

SeanCordernay 13-09-12 02:30


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6431568)

I mean seriously.... Of course they're going to have tomb raiding as part of the story. :rolleyes: :ton:


italibabee 13-09-12 02:33

They wouldn't call it Tomb Raider if it didn't have tomb raiding.

Spong 13-09-12 03:21


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431570)
They wouldn't call it Tomb Raider if it didn't have tomb raiding.

Of course they would. None of us would be here if they called it anything else because, let's face it, TR9 seems very far removed from Tomb Raider. God knows we've seen enough evidence to prove that TR9 shouldn't even be carrying the TR name. It's another Resident Evil 4.


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6431463)
Tomb Raiding seems to be more of an extra, something that's just thrown in there to be able to call it Tomb Raider with a somewhat straight face. You don't even have to raid them to complete the game... Strange.

Completely agree. I suspect the challenge tombs (or whatever they are) will be about as Tomb Raider as TR9 will get, and those certainly do appear to be a gameplay extra.

And if tomb raiding in the traditional sense was a pillar of TR9, why have we STILL not seen any? The game's been in development for years, we're fast approaching the closing chapters of the hype for the game, and we've seen nothing except Lara, Lara and more bloody Lara :rolleyes:

italibabee 13-09-12 04:35

I like Resident Evil 4.

Spong 13-09-12 04:36


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431612)
I like Resident Evil 4.

And I'm sure millions will love TR9 as well. But it ain't TR, not what I've seen of it anyway. The same applies to RE4, it's a good game in its own right, but a terrible Resi that's never been worthy of its title.

italibabee 13-09-12 04:48

I think I actually agree with you.

Mr. Giraffe 13-09-12 04:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6431613)
And I'm sure millions will love TR9 as well. But it ain't TR, not what I've seen of it anyway. The same applies to RE4, it's a good game in its own right, but a terrible Resi that's never been worthy of its title.

What horse did you ride in?

Spong 13-09-12 05:10


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431616)
I think I actually agree with you.

I'd have been able to enjoy RE4 a lot more if it hadn't been called RE4. I get the feeling the same will apply with TR9. For a game to warrant an established title it has to include fundamental gameplay aspects that, themselves, become equally established with the name. And to be honest, I don't see that in TR9.
But of course, the way TR9 is 'taking inspiration' from everything that's de rigueur in the gaming world will pretty much ensure the game is popular amongst the masses. Does it matter if it's nothing like a Tomb Raider if everyone's playing it? To Crystal and SquEnix? Obviously not. To me? Yes, it does matter, because that kind of total overhaul is why I've personally lost interest in the Resi series. I don't particularly want to see TR dying the same death :(

italibabee 13-09-12 05:30

But since it's a reboot, shouldn't it not be considered TR9

I can understand how people wouldn't want it to be named Tomb Raider because of the way it's looking & the fact that it's a reboot.

I like that it still has the name Tomb Raider.
It's like a parallel universe.
I'm curious to how she will act in the end & for the next game.
If there is one.
Which hopefully there will be.

Spong 13-09-12 05:45


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431632)
But since it's a reboot,
shouldn't it not be considered TR9

That's just my personal title, it's the ninth game regardless of what universe/bio it adheres to. I'll never call it Tomb Raider because there's already a Tomb Raider. I'm sure Crystal hate that logic, what with them being so desperate to make the name their own, but they can suck it up.


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431632)
I can understand how people wouldn't want it to be named Tomb Raider because of the way it's looking & the fact that it's a reboot.

It's a weird quandry to be in. Crystal could've made it a completely new IP and it could've still been popular. Strip away Lara and all the game appears to be is an Uncharted clone (given the amount of un-TR footage we've seen). I'm not saying that to annoy TR fans, I'm saying that to prove a point. Uncharted is popular, its gameplay is popular, so TR9 without the TR still stands to be just as popular. But they've purposely added an established name to it and, immediately, more people are curious (which harks back to what I said about us potentially not being here if they called it anything else). But ultimately it just means the stakes are higher.


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6431632)
I'm curious to how she will act in the end & for the next game.
If there is one.
Which hopefully there will be.

That's something else which irks me. If TR9 is an origin story that merely gives us back what we had before, why bother at all? It's like taking a pointless detour or step back for no obvious reason. On the surface, TR9 appears to be shamelessly trying to aggrandise Lara Croft. If TR10 really does see business 'returning to normal', then TR9 is nothing more than a character vehicle. And for someone like me who doesn't give a toss about Lara, that's no reason to go out and buy the game.

princebenidere 13-09-12 05:53

For me i dont need any reason for me not buying tomb raider
i am happy that i can play TR again this coming year.

long live TR!!

and im thankful also for the dev of the game.

JsotoTRSaga 13-09-12 06:08

IMO iv'e never seen TR not being TR ever.... I truly understand Spong's post so much though since i have been a fan since 1998 when i was very young.... I grew up with TR and i felt that in the LAU trilogy Lara was different to the Lara I knew from TR1-TRAOD. Even the gameplay's mechanics changed a lot but still i never considered the LAU trilogy not to be TR. On the other hand I think that the reboot though looks a lot like a TR game.. too modernized, YES, i can see that it is in fact too ''modernized'' that even watching the screenshots and watching the demos it sometimes reminds me more of other modern games like Red Dead redemption, Assassin's creed, Uncharted etc. but it still IMO feel like a TR game. I feel as if though we where watching a 1996 TR1 but set in Modern 2012 - 2013. The game feels like a TR even though the swimming has been removed which is the only thing (apart from limited inventory) that bothers me at the moment, I still see this game being a TR game and I will buy it myself the second day it releases. Long live TR! I am happy the series didn't die in AOD or TRU even if it somehow did in mentioned games we will now face a new beginning and hopefully it won't disappoint... and if it does then bye bye TR. To get into the topic of the 'side tombs' they seem more like Side tombs more than main tombs, why would CD call this game TR if it didn't have Tombs? i seriously can't understand :p It is evident that Tombs will play a big and major role in this game and in the new series because if it didn't then this game wouldn't be called TR and the series would actually be dead. IMO TOMB RAIDER is the new beginning of what we have all loved through the years only that now it is getting a 'new look' and a relevant to current culture feeling :wve:

TippingWater 13-09-12 09:09


Originally Posted by princebenidere (Post 6431641)
For me i dont need any reason for me not buying tomb raider
i am happy that i can play TR again this coming year.

long live TR!!

and im thankful also for the dev of the game.

I feel the same way, sure I love nit-picking, but c'mon that's more to fill the time until the game is out or new content is revealed :D.

I guess that I would buy & play any Tomb Raider no matter how bad it would turn out, because after all Lara is my gorl! :D

Peep Show 13-09-12 10:00


Originally Posted by princebenidere (Post 6431641)
For me i dont need any reason for me not buying tomb raider
i am happy that i can play TR again this coming year.

long live TR!!

and im thankful also for the dev of the game.

Thank you, I feel the same way.

TippingWater 13-09-12 10:20


Originally Posted by peep show (Post 6431790)
thank you, i feel the same way.

<3 l-o-v-e!

Peep Show 13-09-12 10:21


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6431811)
<3 l-o-v-e!

Luv u and ur sexi avi <3.

TippingWater 13-09-12 10:24


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6431812)
Luv u and ur sexi avi <3.

Oh-mah-gah! Thanks gorl, you sexy as well gorl with dat avatarz!

Tommy123 13-09-12 10:41

Don't talk ghetto or else the forums will single you out and pestere the living **** out of you!

Lord knows I learned my lesson!


They were just jelly cause I was looking hella cute tbh

When are we getting more of those trailers!?

TippingWater 13-09-12 10:46


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6431831)
Don't talk ghetto or else the forums will single you out and pestere the living **** out of you!

Lord knows I learned my lesson!


They were just jelly cause I was looking hella cute tbh

When are we getting more of those trailers!?

I'll cut a betch! Ima cut a betch or two! I'll cut a betches! :D

Peep Show 13-09-12 10:50

Being banned for talking ghetto?

Dats racist. :eek:

Tommy123 13-09-12 10:52

Why larafan banned? :/

TippingWater 13-09-12 10:56


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6431850)
Why larafan banned? :/

Larafan is banned :o?

Lukass 13-09-12 11:01


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6431854)
Larafan is banned :o?


Spong 13-09-12 11:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6431860)

Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6431854)
Larafan is banned :o?


This just in: snow reported in Hell.

WTF!? Larafan banned? Did the mods finally get sick & tired of his rambling posts that rarely made sense? Or the way he'd



like this

when he

felt like




Lukass 13-09-12 11:07

:vlol:! Ohmaigaaawd!

gorl! Luruh!!!!

Tommy123 13-09-12 11:08

:vlol: :vlol:

Don't talk bad about my boo though. <3

Back on topic...

SpyrosMonster 13-09-12 11:28

Shhhhhhh Spong. :pi:

TippingWater 13-09-12 11:35


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6431873)
:vlol: :vlol:

Don't talk bad about my boo though. <3

Back on topic...

.................................................. .....................
Yeah, protect me honey! Protect me! Or were you talking about Larastan :p? But I love Spong, and I hope that he reciprocates the feelings :D.

So much drama :o.

tampi 13-09-12 11:48

What a picture!

The atmosphere is heated.:whi::cln:

TippingWater 13-09-12 13:25

The forums are officially dead. We need something new :o, quick.

Lukass 13-09-12 13:27

You noticed it today that the forums are dead? Well, good morning :pi:

TippingWater 13-09-12 13:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6431998)
You noticed it today that the forums are dead? Well, good morning :pi:

Good morning to you too sunshine!:cln:

Steven_1379 13-09-12 13:55

Im still here

and Lara still has painted boot buckles ;/
and invisible arrows
and invisible lighter
and traded a unrealistic infinite backpack for very unrealistic infinite pockets
and she still reaches for arrow on her back? and ligths arrow on fire
but yet she can pick up arrows,... only the island sends them to another universe
...the boot get a horrible revealing close up...and the wind posses her ponytail with the spirit of a crazy squirrel

next bowl

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