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tomee 16-09-12 18:06


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6437673)
The TR2013 emphasis league table:

more like

Batman and James Bond
Lara's emotional development
Lara's drive

Huge hubs That we're not willing to show
Iconic moments That we also won't show
The bow

Other cast

lcroft_lc 16-09-12 18:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437429)
I just can't...:rolleyes:

Some people, you know...:vlol:

When we are going to break-up? :pi:

Anja 16-09-12 18:08

You're all doing it wrong


Mikky 16-09-12 18:10

^ That's more like it.

LENGuin 16-09-12 18:20

Don't forgot those PILLARS

Rai 16-09-12 18:22

What pillars :confused:

Mikky 16-09-12 18:23


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6437749)
What pillars :confused:



JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 18:24


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6437150)
Its within reality and obviously there's a very good explanation behind that mystery, same goes for Bermuda triangle. :)

There'a a logical explanation for this in the real world and it is that those places are actually holding the Supernatural. Supernatural elements whether we have seeen them or not are real but are RARE that's why people call them Supernatural but the truth is that whatever it is that happens in Both Bermuda (which is located very close to the country where i live) and the Dragon's Triangle it's actually something Natural but rare enough to be considered supernatural. I hope this game has even more depth and magic included in the island (Creatures from the concepts <3) to make it even more scary than the real world's myth.

Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6437271)
What? OK I will wait for you hun. :hug:

"Combat" according to Karl:
  • Grab a beer.
  • Finish drinking it.
  • Then knock someone off with it.

Fixed :D. :vlol:

Lukass 16-09-12 18:26


Originally Posted by Anja (Post 6437707)
You're all doing it wrong



Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6437749)
What pillars :confused:

Posts of the day :vlol:

Mikky 16-09-12 18:43

We should have a poll asking everyone who's still interested in the new Tomb Raider. I mean, just looking through these last few pages of this thread, you can tell how many people have lost all patience and can't be bothered with the game anymore simply because of CD's promotion campaign and all these things CD still haven't delivered on *cough* hubs *cough*. A poll would definitely give everyone a better idea of who's still interested in the game and who has outright stopped caring. But then again, I have a feeling that the people who said they've stopped caring will get all excited for it again once new stuff is revealed so perhaps having a poll this soon isn't a good idea. IDK. What do you guys think?

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 18:46


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6437796)
We should have a poll asking everyone who's still interested in the new Tomb Raider. I mean, just looking through these last few pages of this thread, you can tell how many people have lost all patience and can't be bothered with the game anymore simply because of CD's promotion campaign and all these things CD still haven't delivered on *cough* hubs *cough*. A poll would definitely give everyone a better idea of who's still interested in the game and who has outright stopped caring. But then again, I have a feeling that the people who said they've stopped caring will get all excited for it again once new stuff is revealed so perhaps having a poll this soon isn't a good idea. IDK. What do you guys think?

It could be rather nice if we request this poll by December or January. :D It's too soon yet i'm afraid and almost everyone will vote for ''i'm excited'' option. ;)

Lukass 16-09-12 19:19


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6437796)
We should have a poll asking everyone who's still interested in the new Tomb Raider. I mean, just looking through these last few pages of this thread, you can tell how many people have lost all patience and can't be bothered with the game anymore simply because of CD's promotion campaign and all these things CD still haven't delivered on *cough* hubs *cough*. A poll would definitely give everyone a better idea of who's still interested in the game and who has outright stopped caring. But then again, I have a feeling that the people who said they've stopped caring will get all excited for it again once new stuff is revealed so perhaps having a poll this soon isn't a good idea. IDK. What do you guys think?

I think it's a good idea. I think I know the results, though. I know it won't force them to show us anything new and finally something worth showing, but...

Oh and I am still interested in the game. It's Tomb Raider and I'll always love the series even if this game was utter crap. I still like it, although I have never had so many doubts about any TR game before.

Love2Raid 16-09-12 19:26

This is one of my favourite renders of 'Nicobass':

100% Tomb Raider. *sigh* :(

Lukass 16-09-12 19:30

^ Oh wow...

Le memories ;__;

Tabuu 16-09-12 20:14

i miss those days i mean this better be a good tomb raider i really mean it see deee :mad:

Lukass 16-09-12 20:55

Lio123 16-09-12 21:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437945)

Me too:

Lukass 16-09-12 21:03

And it looks like we're going to be bored until Christmas.

Lio123 16-09-12 21:06


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437959)
And it looks like we're going to be bored until Christmas.

Oh well what can you do:

Bomb Fighter 16-09-12 21:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437959)
And it looks like we're going to be bored until Christmas.

The special edition announcment? Meg promised it will be unvield this year!

Lukass 16-09-12 21:21


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6437979)
The special edition announcment? Meg promised it will be unvield this year!

31. 12. 2012 is also this year.

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 21:23

The effects of no news and media is really paying off again :rolleyes: meh.. this forum feels just like how it felt back in December (2011)/January (2012) with little to no new Media :/
@Lukass now that you mention that about ''I've never had any doubts about a TR game before'' it made me realize that i'm feling the same way too... i mean i was never this focused on media before with TRU, TRAOD, TRL or any other TR Game, but this is one for some odd reason (perhaps because it is a reboot) it causes too much doubts in one's mind. Only thing i keep thinking is ''Will this game leave much to be desired?'' We are all so bored i'm afraid this section is officially dead now :p compared to how it was back in June/July :(

Bomb Fighter 16-09-12 21:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437980)
31. 12. 2012 is also this year.

Do you really think they would wait until the last moment, lol?

Lukass 16-09-12 21:26


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6437984)
Do you really think they would wait until the last moment, lol?

Yes, they always do. Actually they've missed chances to show new content. There were 2 big gaming events, we have seen nothing. There's gonna be the Tokyo event, then there's the London thingy event - again - nothing new to see.

They were silent for 1.5 year just to announce the delay.

So yes, they always wait till the last moment!

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 21:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437988)
They were silent for 1.5 year just to announce the delay.

So yes, they always wait till the last moment!

So you are thinking that perhaps they will delay the game again?

Lukass 16-09-12 21:29


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6437990)
So you are thinking that perhaps they will delay the game again?

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 21:36


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437991)

LOL :vlol: I hope they don't do it because when they are all that silent just like they where for some months in the year 2011 and the early 2012 they tend to make questionable decisions like the delay. If Karl delays the game he is aDrunk bitch :p but if he doesn't then I will love him <3 Take Note KS.

Bomb Fighter 16-09-12 21:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6437988)
Yes, they always do. Actually they've missed chances to show new content. There were 2 big gaming events, we have seen nothing. There's gonna be the Tokyo event, then there's the London thingy event - again - nothing new to see.

They were silent for 1.5 year just to announce the delay.

So yes, they always wait till the last moment!

I see your point. AlThough these are things that shows in game content. And they cant show everything before the release like what was did with TRU. They are taking it slow and with caution. There wont be anything new until the game-shows marathon ends. But then, I think we might get new stuff. there is still a huge amount of things that werent talked yet.
Plus, Special editions specifics and mainly prices should be announced before christmas, so we can decide if we need to buy/ask for cheaper presents to save money for TR. :D

Tabuu 16-09-12 21:41


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6438001)
LOL :vlol: I hope they don't do it because when they are all that silent just like they where for some months in the year 2011 and the early 2012 they tend to make questionable decisions like the delay. If Karl delays the game he is aDrunk bitch :p but if he doesn't then I will love him <3 Take Note KS.


Lukass 16-09-12 21:45


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6438006)
I see your point. AlThough these are things that shows in game content. And they cant show everything before the release like what was did with TRU. They are taking it slow and with caution. There wont be anything new until the game-shows marathon ends. But then, I think we might get new stuff. there is still a huge amount of things that werent talked yet.
Plus, Special editions specifics and mainly prices should be announced before christmas, so we can decide if we need to buy/ask for cheaper presents to save money for TR. :D

I'm sorry, but...we were talking about this the other day. Yes, we have seen stuff, but it didn't show ANYTHING important in terms of gameplay. We have seen things from which was 70% cinematics, right? We haven't seen a tiny bit of proper gameplay (traversing, exploration and all that jazz. Running around in the forest with a bow is nice, but it shows nothing) and therefore I say we haven't seen NOTHING from the game. If they showed 3 minutes of proper traversing instead of her first kill cinematic, it would be hugely appreciated. Oh well.

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 21:48


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438013)
I'm sorry, but...we were talking about this the other day. Yes, we have seen stuff, but it didn't show ANYTHING important in terms of gameplay. We have seen things from which was 70% cinematics, right? We haven't seen a tiny bit of proper gameplay (traversing, exploration and all that jazz. Running around in the forest with a bow is nice, but it shows nothing) and therefore I say we haven't seen NOTHING from the game. If they showed 3 minutes of proper traversing instead of her first kill cinematic, it would be hugely appreciated. Oh well.

This, Really.

Bomb Fighter 16-09-12 21:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438013)
I'm sorry, but...we were talking about this the other day. Yes, we have seen stuff, but it didn't show ANYTHING important in terms of gameplay. We have seen things from which was 70% cinematics, right? We haven't seen a tiny bit of proper gameplay (traversing, exploration and all that jazz. Running around in the forest with a bow is nice, but it shows nothing) and therefore I say we haven't seen NOTHING from the game. If they showed 3 minutes of proper traversing instead of her first kill cinematic, it would be hugely appreciated. Oh well.

We've seen exploration in the den and in the night forest with Whitman. As well as some combat with animals and more skilled Lara fighting with scavengers. Traversing the way to the coastal forest and to Sam. While I agree that we've seen way too much of cinematics, saying we haven't seen a proper gameplay isnt correct.

Lukass 16-09-12 21:53


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6438021)
We've seen exploration in the den and in the night forest with Whitman. As well as some combat with animals and more skilled Lara fighting with scavengers. Traversing the way to the coastal forest and to Sam. While I agree that we've seen way too much of cinematics, saying we haven't seen a proper gameplay isnt correct.

I know we can't talk about this, but have you seen the leaked bit with Roth? That's what I call traversal system.

OHMYGAWD my post count: 16, 666


Bomb Fighter 16-09-12 21:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438024)
I know we can't talk about this, but have you seen the leaked bit with Roth? That's what I call traversal system.

Thats why I didnt include it. But yes, I did and I agree. Altho what they shown was just the first hour of gameplay so we cant expect areas that complex this soon.

Tabuu 16-09-12 21:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438024)
I know we can't talk about this, but have you seen the leaked bit with Roth? That's what I call traversal system.

OHMYGAWD my post count: 16, 666


lukass is evil now

tomekkobialka 16-09-12 21:58

This is the sort of gameplay trailer I'm after:

38 seconds. It's nothing special, but it tells quite a lot about the game. Oh, and can anybody see any plot spoilers in there?

Not the static, boring stuff we've been getting so far. :pi:

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 22:03


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6438026)
Thats why I didnt include it. But yes, I did and I agree. Altho what they shown was just the first hour of gameplay so we cant expect areas that complex this soon.

Complex areas that we all love usually come by the 2nd hour of every TR game so i assume that they are supposed to show us something more complex instead of showing us unrelevant points (in terms of marketing campaign) like the ones shown so far.. the things that where shown really don't influence many on buying the game. Lara's first kill was one of the things that should have not been spoiled and kept as surprise and should have been replaced in the trailer by showing some cool puzzle or a Tomb.

Lukass 16-09-12 22:04


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6438041)
Complex areas that we all love usually come by the 2nd hour of every TR game so i assume that they are supposed to show us something more complex instead of showing us unrelevant points (in terms of marketing campaign) like the ones shown so far.. the things that where shown really don't influence many on buying the game. Lara's first kill was one of the things that should have not been spoiled and kept as surprise and should have been replaced by showing some cool puzzle or a Tomb.

I love you.

JsotoTRSaga 16-09-12 22:06


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438043)
I love you.

:p awwe <3 :gki: i was just being Honest.

Lukass 16-09-12 22:08

I love how they keep saying they don't want to go into much detail, they don't want to spoil anything, they can't talk about it at the moment, they're not ready yet, but they revealed her first kill.

*like Natla*

"I've never seen such delicious irony"


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