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Lukass 20-09-12 21:29


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6443287)

Oh God :vlol:! Priceless!

just*raidin*tomb 20-09-12 21:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443285)
There better be 1000 times more collectibles and exploration in Tomb Raider than in Legend then.

If its less than Legend, then there wouldn't be hubs, and I would demand they make it a downloadable title no more than 15 bucks.:p

Gamd1011 20-09-12 21:30

Didn't they cut at least 2 levels from Legend?

And then the rainforest level?

Mikky 20-09-12 21:32

Yep, but they were way further ahead in development at the time of that E3 interview/demo.

Gamd1011 20-09-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6443294)
Yep, but they were way further ahead in development at the time of that E3 interview/demo.

Oh. :/

It makes me sad when I look at old Legend trailers. :(

Lukass 20-09-12 21:44

Would be nice if we saw at least a tiny snippet of something new in the FH#2. At least a few seconds :pi:

Mikky 20-09-12 21:47


Fail. <3

Lukass 20-09-12 21:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6443305)
You mean kinda how they did that teaser for the Crossroads trailer? Hmmm, I know we're starving for new info, but I don't see much point in having a video for a video. :p

There was a few new snippets in the first FH video.

Only TR lover 20-09-12 21:54

^Flying boot! :)

LENGuin 20-09-12 21:55

^ Is that a boot next to Lara in the last pic?

EDIT: Ha, someone beat me to it

Mikky 20-09-12 21:55


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443310)

Oh, I complete misunderstood then! :o I thought you meant they should release a teaser trailer or something for the actual FH2 episode. :p

But yeah, I understand now. I'm sure we will be seeing some new bits of gameplay in there. :D

just*raidin*tomb 20-09-12 22:10

Oh! We will get see Lara's new hair? Will it have improved? So many pressing concerns! Stay tuned to find out! :eek:

BinRaider 20-09-12 22:12


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6443339)
Oh! We will get see Lara's new hair? Will it have improved? So many pressing concerns! Stay tuned to find out! :eek:

Please let it be so! Lara's improved hair > Life.

Peep Show 20-09-12 22:14


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6443339)
Oh! We will get see Lara's new hair? Will it have improved? So many pressing concerns! Stay tuned to find out! :eek:

What about her nails or her boots? OMG so exciting.


Lio123 20-09-12 22:30

I know right?!

just*raidin*tomb 20-09-12 22:31

But you're forgetting about the boob physics guys! D:

Mikky 20-09-12 22:33

You guys. :vlol:!

Lukass 20-09-12 22:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6443382)
But you're forgetting about the boob physics guys! D:


TippingWater 20-09-12 22:38


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6443349)
What about her nails or her boots? OMG so exciting.


*notices white text* Actually it would be cool if her nails were more detailed :).

Mikky 20-09-12 22:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443388)


OMG, I can't stop laughing! Especially at that last wobble at the end. It's like they're water balloons or something! :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 20-09-12 22:39

Lol her boobs are waterbed physics. I can't. :vlol:

Lio123 20-09-12 22:40

I want to know more about the guy with brown hair and glasses i hope he lives.

Lukass 20-09-12 22:43


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6443390)
*notices white text* Actually it would be cool if her nails were more detailed :).

Well, she had pretty detailed nails before, but she lost them probably...


God, I can't believe we're discussing her nails.

Lio123 20-09-12 22:45

Weird, how the old images look better than know.

TippingWater 20-09-12 22:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443397)
Well, she had pretty detailed nails before, but she lost them probably...


God, I can't believe we're discussing her nails.

Ha ha ha :D :vlol:.

Mikky 20-09-12 22:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443397)
Well, she had pretty detailed nails before, but she lost them probably...




God, I can't believe we're discussing her nails.

OMG, I never knew they were that bad! D: I actually thought people were just being nitpicky/exaggerating about her nails, but I can sort of see why now.

That is seriously poor. Come on, CD, you can do better than that. :/

Lukass 20-09-12 22:49


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6443401)
Weird, how the old images look better than know.

I know, right? I think it's funny :o And sad :(

Lio123 20-09-12 22:54

I know, i wonder what happen,unless they are showing old video parts and making it look like the game is getting better graphics, just saying.

Mikky 20-09-12 22:54


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6443401)
Weird, how the old images look better than know.

Ah, I know why! Because the old images are official screenshots that have been edited to look better and the new image posted is from gameplay video which is not edited.

I knew I was right all along about the edited screenshots. :pi:

TippingWater 20-09-12 22:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6443397)
Well, she had pretty detailed nails before, but she lost them probably...


God, I can't believe we're discussing her nails.

Core Lara is so damn hardcore, she didn't even have 3d fingers :D.

Lio123 20-09-12 22:56

I agree with @Mikky.

just*raidin*tomb 20-09-12 23:04

The second is a lot closer. I can see why it would look less detailed from a close view, but I honestly hardly see a difference.

Zebra 20-09-12 23:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6443420)
The second is a lot closer. I can see why it would look less detailed from a close view, but I honestly hardly see a difference.

Yeah. And here hands are a lot muddier in the second screen so that probably also makes them look less detailed.

Lio123 20-09-12 23:10

well i see a differences.

SeanCordernay 20-09-12 23:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6443414)

Core Lara is so damn hardcore, she didn't even have 3d fingers :D.

It's because this Lara, the true badass one, was always ready to throw down, hence the constant fists :p

Lukass 20-09-12 23:19

I don't know what they think, but look...

Sam's pockets are 3D.

Lara's are just textures.

Lara's nails :p

Even bloody Whitman has more detailed nails :vlol:

TheRCroft 20-09-12 23:20

Probably because they are saving Lara for last, I'm sure her current model will improve.

TippingWater 20-09-12 23:57


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6443433)
It's because this Lara, the true badass one, was always ready to throw down, hence the constant fists :p

He he :D.


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6443439)
Probably because they are saving Lara for last, I'm sure her current model will improve.

That's a given.

Rai 21-09-12 00:01


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6443439)
Probably because they are saving Lara for last, I'm sure her current model will improve.


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6443476)

That's a given.

Well then peeps should quit worrying over these details :tea:

Evan C. 21-09-12 00:04

Meagan Marie, tomorrow is my birthday, and considering I am super, would you please give me a 3 hours gameplay video showcasing a hub? Thank you :hug:

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