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just*raidin*tomb 26-09-12 01:00


Originally Posted by Ross C (Post 6450065)
That really is a terrible thing to say... You can be funny in other ways you know?


Was that offensive or something? Sorry.

Rai 26-09-12 01:02


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6450537)
Oh Gosh, this is scary, indeed :vlol:

I can almost imagine Karl as he may have been in the 80s, you know with the long fringe over the eye going on :vlol:.

larafan25 26-09-12 01:03

I completely screwed up the eyes when preparing Lara's face, I didn't realize you're supposed to put five dots on each eye, so when I put four on each and nothing happened, I started placing dots everywhere.

Lukass 26-09-12 01:13


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6450543)
I can almost imagine Karl as he may have been in the 80s, you know with the long fringe over the eye going on :vlol:.

I can't :vlol:

Stevo505 26-09-12 01:14

I wonder if Karl ever had a mullet. Lol

Tabuu 26-09-12 01:30

Ive never seen a dead forum before

Rai 26-09-12 01:32


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6450562)
Ive never seen a dead forum before

You've never been to the Eidos forums then :eek: :whi:

(I'm kidding, :p)

This section has been far too quiet of late. :(

Stevo505 26-09-12 01:33


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6450562)
Ive never seen a dead forum before

It will bow up again around March. I think there were like 400 viewing this section when the gameplay trailer came out :p

Tabuu 26-09-12 01:45

i was one of the 400 O:

The1andOnlyTR 26-09-12 01:49

If I can't record video at NYCC I'ma be hella pissed. :ohn:

I need to record deaths and hidden corners of the hub for my TRF bitches. :ohn:

SeanCordernay 26-09-12 02:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6450545)
I completely screwed up the eyes when preparing Lara's face, I didn't realize you're supposed to put five dots on each eye, so when I put four on each and nothing happened, I started placing dots everywhere.

:vlol: What an enjoyable fail

Shark_Blade 26-09-12 03:35

I'm bored.

italibabee 26-09-12 05:33


Lukass 26-09-12 09:12


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6450580)
If I can't record video at NYCC I'ma be hella pissed. :ohn:

I need to record deaths and hidden corners of the hub for my TRF bitches. :ohn:

You won't be allowed to record that, I'm afraid. But please try...

Lara_Fan1 26-09-12 10:18


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6450525)
Lara and Karl. Kind of like a younger Karl...

Kinda scary! :p

I feel really horrible saying this but he looks like a rat in a human form :')

tampi 26-09-12 10:25

What is all this? Please!
What are those teeth?:confused:

TippingWater 26-09-12 12:32


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6450846)
What is all this? Please!
What are those teeth?:confused:



klona 26-09-12 12:36

^ Stop right there! :vlol:!

TippingWater 26-09-12 12:41


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6450903)
^ Stop right there! :vlol:!

Sure thing! :D Are you not a belieber? :vlol:


That's hot! Paris-Karl

He was born this way baby! Queen Flopga-Karl

So reductive. Madonna-Karl

And the best for the last :D

My precious! :D

scremanie 26-09-12 12:45

Are you high?

You must be high.

TippingWater 26-09-12 12:46


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6450913)
Are you high?

You must be high.

Maybe :p.

just*raidin*tomb 26-09-12 13:10

Are you guys ****ing kidding me? omfg alksdfj

I would be so scared if I was Karl.

klona 26-09-12 13:28

Karl Tweeted:

Early start this morning. Baby number 2 is a coming!!!!!!

MyRaider4Life 26-09-12 14:17

So guys, tomorrow when you're at Eurogamer, make sure you sneak a camera into the Crossroads session, kthx xxx love y'all

klona 26-09-12 14:42

What'll be shown at Eurogamer?

just*raidin*tomb 26-09-12 14:43

Nothing new. Same old same old.

Spong 26-09-12 14:43


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6451079)
What'll be shown at Eurogamer?

If you want specifics, go to their website :p

Lukass 26-09-12 14:46


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6451079)
What'll be shown at Eurogamer?

The forest demo. But we're not going to see anything as the people are not allowed to record that like they was at GamesCom and ComicCon. So basically nothing.

klona 26-09-12 14:48


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6451081)
If you want specifics, go to their website :p

I meant Tomb Raider.
I really couldn't care less about any other game. :p
(except for Sly 4)

Rai 26-09-12 14:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6451085)
The forest demo. But we're not going to see anything as the people are not allowed to record that like they was at GamesCom and ComicCon. So basically nothing.

How do you even know this? We didn't see anything from Tokyo, but that doesn't mean there will be nothing from Eurogamer. We've seen the footage tons of times. At least this time people will be able to attend to and report on the Q&A session with Meagan and Brian. That's something.

Lukass 26-09-12 14:58


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6451094)
How do you even know this? We didn't see anything from Tokyo, but that doesn't mean there will be nothing from Eurogamer. We've seen the footage tons of times. At least this time people will be able to attend to and report on the Q&A session with Meagan and Brian. That's something.

We might see some interview or official video, yes.

TippingWater 26-09-12 15:13


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6450980)
Karl Tweeted:


Congratz Karl! :D

Mikky 26-09-12 17:13

What the **** happened in here? It's like a whole new level of craziness. 0_o

tampi 26-09-12 17:26


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6451102)
Congratz Karl! :D


TippingWater 26-09-12 17:57


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451254)
What the **** happened in here? It's like a whole new level of craziness. 0_o

Welcome to my world! Mu ha ha ha! :D

lcroft_lc 26-09-12 17:59

I wonder if Karl's new baby going to drink milk first or beer! :p

Lukass 26-09-12 18:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6451320)
I wonder if Karl's new baby going to drink milk first or beer! :p

Mer Gerd!

just*raidin*tomb 26-09-12 18:04


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451254)
What the **** happened in here? It's like a whole new level of craziness. 0_o

larafan came back. That is the only explanation I have.

Mikky 26-09-12 18:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6451320)
I wonder if Karl's new baby going to drink milk first or beer! :p


Do we even know yet if his wife has given birth? :p


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6451335)
larafan came back. That is the only explanation I have.


Rai 26-09-12 18:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6451335)
larafan came back. That is the only explanation I have.

I'll have you know it started before we knew he was back! So stop giving him the credit! :smk:. There was talk about Karl's wife nearly due to give birth, so then talk turned to a Karl/Lara baby so I morphed Karl and Lara's faces together in baby form from Wait, LF was around, but he shouldn't get the credit :whi:. I take no responsibility for what has happend after that, however :whi:. Then lo and behold Karl tweets that the baby is on its way.

Has Karl's wife had the baby yet?

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