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lcroft_lc 26-09-12 18:26


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451340)

Do we even know yet if his wife has given birth? :p

No, I said which meal the baby is going to taste first in his/her life. :p

TippingWater 26-09-12 18:41

Thoughts on this? I do not really agree with him..

Mikky 26-09-12 18:46

But it's not an attempted rape scene. At least, I don't see it that way.

Linoshi Croft 26-09-12 18:48

He has some points with the scene, I think they could of had used a much more appropriate and interesting (less obvious) character arc to show Lara becoming stronger. Although, to say actually giving her an origins and a reason to why she was the way she was is pointless I completely disagree with. I like the idea of seeing her origins. Plus, I still stand by that I feel reboot Lara has proved she is just as or more badass than previous Lara considering the ammount she goes through and still comes back fighting. The only difference is Lara actually reacts more naturally and feels pain rather than just absorbing bullets and having super legs. :p

larafan25 26-09-12 18:52

Well first off it's not about having a rape backstory, that idea is kind of "absurd".

Lara Croft is being put through these trials that are not all based around her sexuality, to show growth.

Lara Croft in every incarnation whether you overlooked it or not, had gone through a traumatizing event in her backstory taking her from a pretty common life (for whichever age she comes from) to the life of a tomb raider.

It's no different in this reboot.

The cutscene has a sexual tone, and it's something that most people would obviously report as creepy sexual assault. Though before we're given the chance to take the scene into our own hands, the tone shifts to live or die.

edit: If anything it's just there, it's just a reflection of truth and the reality of humanity. Unless you're stranded on an island full of gay scavengers, as a young woman that's probably going to be one of your worries. It's worry people have just walking down the street at night.

It shows from the scavenger perspective, an undermining of who Lara Croft is and what she's about, so technically from the scavenger character's point of view it's an insult to Lara's power, but not an insult from the developers on Lara as a female character.

Mikky 26-09-12 18:52

I also think he's forgetting (or completely ignoring the fact) that that's not the only reason why Lara's going to become stronger. I mean, the way that guy was going on about it in the video made it seem like that was the sole reason for Lara becoming "badass" or whatever. It's not; she's going to go through much more in the game.

larafan25 26-09-12 19:11

I really want this game to have a screenshot feature.

TippingWater 26-09-12 19:12


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6451335)
larafan came back. That is the only explanation I have.

:vlol: *chuckles*

Rai 26-09-12 19:13


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451455)
I also think he's forgetting (or completely ignoring the fact) that that's not the only reason why Lara's going to become stronger. I mean, the way that guy was going on about it in the video made it seem like that was the sole reason for Lara becoming "badass" or whatever. It's not; she's going to go through much more in the game.

This, plus the fact that it's not the attempted assault that's the turning point for Lara to begin to turn badass, but the fact the assault and the struggle that follows results in Lara's first human kill. It's the underlined part that's the important part to the start of her change. (Although I'm sure the attempted assault did have an affect on Lara, she did fight back, so she does have some of that badassness in her already).

Mikky 26-09-12 19:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6451485)
I really want this game to have a screenshot feature.

No1curr abot Tom Ryda. It's all about Resident Evil 6 atm.

God, is it also going to be info overload like this a week before TR? ;__;

But yes, as you have mentioned countless times, a screenshot feature would be nice. :p

larafan25 26-09-12 19:16


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451492)
No1curr abot Tom Ryda. It's all about Resident Evil 6 atm.

God, is it also going to be info overload like this a week before TR? ;__;

But yes, as you have mentioned countless times, a screenshot feature would be nice. :p

UH I want to buy RE6 and play through the entire campaign with someone.

When does it come out?

Mikky 26-09-12 19:25


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6451497)
UH I want to buy RE6 and play through the entire campaign with someone.

When does it come out?

October 2nd. 6 days left. :D

I just wish I had a console to actually play it on. :pi:

Tabuu 26-09-12 19:41


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6451425)

Thoughts on this? I do not really agree with him..

U know he is some kind of perv. he said he misses old big boobie lara and he is disappointed at a simple scene for in game. know wha when i get the game i am going to fail the qte event for the rape scene and i'm going to show all those people who say its a rape scene what happens when you fail the qte :p

Tonyrobinson 26-09-12 22:18

Haha Karl had a little boy after all this time of saying it was a girl! :vlol:

larafan25 26-09-12 22:18


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6451797)
Haha Karl had a little boy after all this time of saying it was a girl! :vlol:

Karl actually has a girl.

el oh

Mikky 26-09-12 22:19


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6451797)
Haha Karl had a little boy after all this time of saying it was a girl! :vlol:

His wife gave birth?! D: Congrats! :D

And it's a boy? Yay, we have another Karl in the world. :p

Lukass 26-09-12 22:20

OooOooooOoooo, congratulations indeed! :D

Ross C 26-09-12 22:36

Can everyone on here please, for the love of god, stop calling it a rape scene, even if your talking about someone else. The sooner that dies away the better.

Lukass 26-09-12 22:42


Originally Posted by Ross C (Post 6451823)
Can everyone on here please, for the love of god, stop calling it a rape scene, even if your talking about someone else. The sooner that dies away the better.

Agreed. It's been annoying when it started and it's still annoying. Who even started this whole "raped-scene" nonsense?

Tabuu 26-09-12 22:48


Originally Posted by Ross C (Post 6451823)
Can everyone on here please, for the love of god, stop calling it a rape scene, even if your talking about someone else. The sooner that dies away the better.

ok from now on i'll call it a touch lara seen


also agreed

trlestew 26-09-12 22:49

So, is the ESRB website going to mention an "Instance of attempted touching of Lara Croft "?

Tabuu 26-09-12 22:53


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6451833)
So, is the ESRB website going to mention an "Instance of attempted touching of Lara Croft "?

perfect congratz KARL

trfanX34 26-09-12 22:54

Guys ur all racist liek y cant sum nice looking russian guy hug lurra without trying to rayp hur, ur just sayen dat becoz hes russian u raycist bunch. /joke obviously

Mikky 26-09-12 22:55

^ lolwot?


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6451833)
So, is the ESRB website going to mention an "Instance of attempted touching of Lara Croft "?

I don't think so.

Lukass 26-09-12 22:55


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6451837)
Guys ur all racist liek y cant sum nice looking russian guy hug lurra without trying to rayp hur, ur just sayen dat becoz hes russian u raycist bunch. /joke obviously

trlestew 26-09-12 22:56


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6451837)
Guys ur all racist liek y cant sum nice looking russian guy hug lurra without trying to rayp hur, ur just sayen dat becoz hes russian u raycist bunch. /joke obviously

Yeh, he shud totally be
That'd be 10x worse.

Tabuu 26-09-12 22:58


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6451841)
Yeh, he shud totally be
That'd be 10x worse.



renspyro 26-09-12 22:59

^OMG :vlol:

Lukass 26-09-12 23:00

Stop it y'all, otherwise this thread is going to be closed. And I'll kill you then! :mad:

Peep Show 26-09-12 23:00

Call it the first kill scene, simple as that.

trfanX34 26-09-12 23:01


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6451838)
^ lolwot?


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6451839)

guys i just mean liek ur racist coz a russian guy hugs lurra and y'all r liek omg hes russian he wunts 2 rayp hur, no not rly, i saw 10 russian guise on mah way hoam from skewl sum tim eago and hugd them and only 9 raypd me aftwrwards.


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6451841)
Yeh, he shud totally be
That'd be 10x worse.

lieak ya u get it.

/alright im done with this stupid speech.

Lukass 26-09-12 23:01

^ FGod :vlol:

duals, bitches!

Peep Show 26-09-12 23:02


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6451846)
guys i just mean liek ur racist coz a russian guy hugs lurra and y'all r liek omg hes russian he wunts 2 rayp hur, no not rly, i saw 10 russian guise on mah way hoam from skewl sum tim eago and hugd them and only 9 raypd me aftwrwards.

You are horrible. :vlol:

Rai 26-09-12 23:02

I already tweeted Karl, but congrats to him on his new son, Karl Jr or Conrad (or some other name) :D.

Mikky 26-09-12 23:03


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6451846)
guys i just mean liek ur racist coz a russian guy hugs lurra and y'all r liek omg hes russian he wunts 2 rayp hur, no not rly, i saw 10 russian guise on mah way hoam from skewl sum tim eago and hugd them and only 9 raypd me aftwrwards.

LMAO! OMG. :vlol:

Tabuu 26-09-12 23:06


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6451843)
^OMG :vlol:

wait you posted woman vs wild vid right i subscribed to that

larafan25 26-09-12 23:30

There will be NO dual pisulz u crayz.

My avatar blinks, and I'm making a wonkey eye avatar for Lara, like my Sam one.

Peep Show 26-09-12 23:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6451873)
There will be NO dual pisulz u crayz.

You're wrong.

SeanCordernay 26-09-12 23:36

Awww, it feels good to be home :cool:

Peep Show 26-09-12 23:36


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6451881)
Awww, it feels good to be home :cool:

Welcome back. :hug:

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