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Lukass 03-10-12 20:29


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463171)
Seriously though, come on. Crystal keep shoving all that 'defining moment' rubbish down our throats about her first kill, but to look at that animation you'd think she'd been slaughtering people left, right & centre without a care in the world for years :p

That's kind of true. I'd expect that at the end of the game or the classic Lara.

And now, please...tell at least 2 or 3 things you LIKE about the game. And be serious, please :p You reminds me of peeves sometimes :vlol:

MuhaBagci 03-10-12 20:42


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463157)
^ It's old.

LOL, it is x) I just wasn't sure about it :P

Lukass 03-10-12 20:45


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6463198)
LOL, it is x) I just wasn't sure about it :P

I was so excited for a second :vlol:

Spong 03-10-12 20:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463179)
And now, please...tell at least 2 or 3 things you LIKE about the game. And be serious, please :p You reminds me of peeves sometimes :vlol:

The XP thing sounds interesting, I'm curious to see how they use that in relation with the gear-gating & exploration.

And that's genuinely it, nothing else I've seen has been inspiring. Don't care about Lara, don't care about Hollywood set-pieces, don't care about killing deer, don't care about QTEs, don't care about linear & dull gameplay that's strangled by an overbearing story, don't like the look of the seemingly unbelievable combat.

The only other two things I need for a passable TR, exploration/traversal & puzzles, I haven't seen yet.

TippingWater 03-10-12 20:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463122)
That GIF is over the 500kb limit :pi:
Plus I think that particular animation is one of the most ridiculous scenes I've seen from TR9 so far. Lara sure gets over first kill quickly, quick enough to be ramming sharp objects into people's throats with vigour anyway. It stretches an already taut believability.

I agree. The only way that animation and "character growth" would make sense is if it happens much, much later in the game and if Lara went to experiences far more traumatizing that that supposedly "rape" scene. Or maybe at the end of the game it will be revealed that Lara was actually mad and killed her innocent crew mates, and based on this assumption the "undiscovered" island near Japan makes total sense :D.

Lukass 03-10-12 20:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463203)
The XP thing sounds interesting, I'm curious to see how they use that in relation with the gear-gating & exploration.

And that's genuinely it, nothing else I've seen has been inspiring. Don't care about Lara, don't care about Hollywood set-pieces, don't care about killing deer, don't care about QTEs, don't care about linear & dull gameplay that's strangled by an overbearing story, don't like the look of the seemingly unbelievable combat.

The only other two things I need for a passable TR, exploration/traversal & puzzles, I haven't seen yet.

We're going to see the two last mentioned things soon, so that will either make or break the game for more people, not just you. :tmb: And agree with the rest. Let's hope we'll see some exploration on Friday, fingers crossed.

Spong 03-10-12 20:55


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463220)
Let's hope we'll see some exploration on Friday, fingers crossed.


Lukass 03-10-12 20:59


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463234)

It's the parachute demo, so I hope it won't last 5 minutes like at E3. I'm hoping for an extended version and since they said there's much to explore, I hope to see that.

Spong 03-10-12 21:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463240)

It's the parachute demo, so I hope it won't last 5 minutes like at E3. I'm hoping for an extended version and since they said there's much to explore, I hope to see that.

So everyone's gonna be going mental on Friday? And then it'll turn out to be the same demo we've been watching for the last fifty years :p

Lukass 03-10-12 21:08


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463251)
So everyone's gonna be going mental on Friday? And then it'll turn out to be the same demo we've been watching for the last fifty years :p

You're wrong! We've seen the Descent demo only at E3 :p it's the combat and parachute demo, but it was shortened because of the limited time they've had. It would be fair to show extended version of it like they did with the cavern demo last year.

Spong 03-10-12 21:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463257)
You're wrong!

That made me laugh :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463257)
We've seen the Descent demo only at E3 :p it's the combat and parachute demo, but it was shortened because of the limited time they've had. It would be fair to show extended version of it like they did with the cavern demo last year.

You mean an extended version of what we saw at the MS conference? Nah, it'll never be that :ohn:

Or maybe it will :pi:

Lukass 03-10-12 21:18


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463263)
That made me laugh :p

Why? :p


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6463263)
You mean an extended version of what we saw at the MS conference? Nah, it'll never be that :ohn:
Or maybe it will :pi:

It will :pi:

Spong 03-10-12 21:20


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463271)
Why? :p

The exclamation mark made it 'sound' all shouty :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6463271)
It will :pi:


Tonyrobinson 03-10-12 21:34

Oh yeah! It'll be nice to see that demo close out the game shows season for TR. :D

TippingWater 03-10-12 21:46


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6463300)
Oh yeah! It'll be nice to see that demo close out the game shows season for TR. :D

Wait, so no more shows until the game is out? :o

Tonyrobinson 03-10-12 21:48

In the newsletter today it says Meagan will be finishing her travelling soon with NYCC. So I expect convention season will end. :)

klona 04-10-12 11:49


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6463320)
Wait, so no more shows until the game is out? :o

They can still show screenshots. :p
I think we've had enough gameplay videos for now.

Lukass 04-10-12 11:54


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6463900)
They can still show screenshots. :p
I think we've had enough gameplay videos for now.

We've had enough of cinematics, not gameplay videos. That's a big difference :p

SpyrosMonster 04-10-12 12:32

I hope we get an extended version of the parachute demo. IT WAS AWESOME!
And something tottally irrelevant! I played AC and it was awful I don't get what you like about that game...

CloudOfGlitter 04-10-12 13:05

Its gonna be a playable demo in New York? !:yik:!!?!When????!
I'm gonna go there in dicember so I wanted to play it if there's the oportunity :p

TippingWater 04-10-12 13:08


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6463949)
I hope we get an extended version of the parachute demo. IT WAS AWESOME!
And something tottally irrelevant! I played AC and it was awful I don't get what you like about that game...

Well the game is really big and almost fully interactive.

SpyrosMonster 04-10-12 13:14


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6463988)
Well the game is really big and almost fully interactive.

I have to agree that's a good thing but the game itself didn't make me to want to finish it or even play it again...

Only TR lover 04-10-12 13:48


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6463999)
I have to agree that's a good thing but the game itself didn't make me to want to finish it or even play it again...

I've had that feeling with past games. Somehow Assassins creed doesn't work for me...

larafan25 04-10-12 18:39

I have a feeling something...will happen or be said today.

I feel it in ma bones.

trfanX34 04-10-12 18:46


Did you people notice how Lara's and Himiko's necklaces are kinda similar?



larafan25 04-10-12 18:47


pipermaru 04-10-12 18:49

I just hope they don't turn this necklace into something magical and super-duper-powerful like Excalibur and Thor's Hammer.

larafan25 04-10-12 18:50

It's been said it's not integral to the main plot, just has a bit of a side story.

trfanX34 04-10-12 18:50


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6464502)

Good to know, I'll be able to sleep in peace tonight thanks to you.

To show my appreciation, I'll give you a banana. Here:

larafan25 04-10-12 18:50


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6464509)
Good to know, I'll be able to sleep in peace tonight thanks to you.

To show my appreciation, I'll give you a banana. Here:

That's not a banana.

trfanX34 04-10-12 18:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6464510)
That's not a banana.

Bitch please, I have a master's degree on bananology.

Darn, my banana was replaced with an anti-hotlinking pic. To show that I'm really sorry about that, I'll give you MANY bananas:

larafan25 04-10-12 18:54


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6464511)
Bitch please, I have a master's degree on bananology.

Don't you DARE use the Orange's name in vain! :mad:

If there is anything we've learned on this form, it's that fruits are delicate and need to be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm sorry, I just slipped off the banana peel, but it's still too recent. :(

SeanCordernay 04-10-12 18:57

Omg ya'll :vlol:

BinRaider 04-10-12 18:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6464517)
Don't you DARE use the Orange's name in vain! :mad:

If there is anything we've learned on this form, it's that fruits are delicate and need to be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm sorry, I just slipped off the banana peel, but it's still too recent. :(

OMG. Every time I see that last pic I just cry with laughter. I'm really not exaggerating! :vlol:

larafan25 04-10-12 18:58

Can you believe it's only been three days?

lcroft_lc 04-10-12 18:58

Two amazing SE Art Auction pieces:
Original Tomb Raider (2013) Ink Drawing “The Darkest Hour” by Brian Horton
Autographed Tomb Raider (2013) Concept Art “Scavenger Stronghold” by Brenoch Adams

klona 04-10-12 18:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6464517)
Don't you DARE use the Orange's name in vain! :mad:

If there is anything we've learned on this form, it's that fruits are delicate and need to be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm sorry, I just slipped off the banana peel, but it's still too recent. :(

And again...


Lukass 04-10-12 18:59

You're so late with the necklace on the picture with Himiko, trfanX34 :o

larafan25 04-10-12 18:59


That first one is SOOO AOD

and that second one!


Lukass 04-10-12 19:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6464528)
Two amazing SE Art Auction pieces:
Original Tomb Raider (2013) Ink Drawing “The Darkest Hour” by Brian Horton
Autographed Tomb Raider (2013) Concept Art “Scavenger Stronghold” by Brenoch Adams

Holy ****! Amazing :jmp:

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