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larafan25 09-10-12 18:31


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472714)
yeah :o you like how it's done?

Well to be able to jump straight up, then move Lara seems like a lot of control, which I like I think. I liked the control we had in Alice Madness Returns.

Also, when Lara jumps to the first ledge, you see she turns just just just before grabbing the ledge which to me implies a huge lack of magnetism, which is great.

It just seems like we have a lot of control over steering her.

Which I think I'll like as long as it feels good.

lcroft_lc 09-10-12 18:44


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6472680)
Outfit evolution, I would say. And BTW, a new video

Is there anything new on that video or upgraded graphics? :confused:

Evan C. 09-10-12 18:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6472721)
Well to be able to jump straight up, then move Lara seems like a lot of control, which I like I think. I liked the control we had in Alice Madness Returns.

Also, when Lara jumps to the first ledge, you see she turns just just just before grabbing the ledge which to me implies a huge lack of magnetism, which is great.

It just seems like we have a lot of control over steering her.

Which I think I'll like as long as it feels good.

I stop reading there.

larafan25 09-10-12 18:45


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6472755)
I stop reading there.

It was great IMO, it seems a lot of people didn't like it, but what is there to compare to?

Hardly any mainstream or popular games are platformers with steering in mid air.

I thought it was done perfectly fine in AMR.

Only TR lover 09-10-12 18:53

Not sure if CD wanted to go for some realism in this game but midair steering pulls it away from it... Not convinced so far...

larafan25 09-10-12 18:54


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472774)
Not sure if CD wanted to go for some realism in this game but midair steering pulls it away from it... Not convinced so far...

Realism is poop tho.

I'd rather have directional control than not just for the sake of realism.

I've always found it more fun to be able to steer while in the air, that and it opens the doors for more platforming challenges that require you to steer while jumping, thus constantly being part of the game and responsible.

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 18:55


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472774)
Not sure if CD wanted to go for some realism in this game but midair steering pulls it away from it... Not convinced so far...

I think that moving in midair is possible in real life, Lara's steering doesn't seem that weird to me. Maybe it's still under development?

larafan25 09-10-12 18:55


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6472777)
I think that moving in midair is possible in real life, Lara's steering doesn't seem that weird to me. Maybe it's still under development?

I've tried it, it's hard to turn your entire body after a jump.

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 18:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6472779)
I've tried it, it's hard to turn your entire body after a jump.

It might be hard but not completely impossible. Plus when she does the steering she's usually jumping a large gap, a.k.a. a distance long enough for her to turn.

SpyrosMonster 09-10-12 18:58


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6472675)
Either that is a part of outfit evolution, or they removed it because so many people seemed to think they'd rip into shorts.

I think that it will get ripped as it was before later in the game.

larafan25 09-10-12 18:58


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6472780)
It might be hard but not completely impossible. Plus when she does the steering she's usually jumping a large gap, a.k.a. a distance long enough for her to turn.

Well Lara seems to turn her entire body though.

Like, I can jump in the air and spin, but it's not very useful.

Regardless of whether it's realistic or not, I think it's definitely needed in the series to fix platforming.

BinRaider 09-10-12 19:00


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472684)

Yes, love the lips. And never build - hair looks much better also.

Oh cool, it looks like they've added in her quiver now :D

Zebra 09-10-12 19:07


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472692)
I don't like the jump at 00:46. She jumps straight up and in the middle of the jump she starts to go forward?

I think that has to do with the control the player now has over jumps. The player in this vid probably first simply pressed the jump button which made Lara jump upwards and while she was in the air, he pushed the left stick forward to move Lara. It looks a bit weird but I really like that they're giving us more control over the jumping.

larafan25 09-10-12 19:08


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6472807)
I think that has to do with the control the player now has over jumps. The player in this vid probably first simply pressed the jump button which made Lara jump upwards and while she was in the air, he pushed the left stick forward to move Lara. It looks a bit weird but I really like that they're giving us more control over the jumping.

You played the game right?

How does it feel (aside from possibly light) to move Lara?

Zebra 09-10-12 19:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6472810)
You played the game right?

How does it feel (aside from possibly light) to move Lara?

You mean when she's in the air? The jumps were really short. I guess that's something we'll get to upgrade later on in the game but in the demo they were really short. I couldn't properly test the steering because she would always be back on the ground so quickly. She certainly reacted to me tilting the stick into different directions during a jump, though.

lcroft_lc 09-10-12 19:12

21 weeks till release. :jmp:

larafan25 09-10-12 19:15


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6472817)
You mean when she's in the air? The jumps were really short. I guess that's something we'll get to upgrade later on in the game but in the demo they were really short. I couldn't properly test the steering because she would always be back on the ground so quickly. She certainly reacted to me tilting the stick into different directions during a jump, though.

Hmmm...I'm excited to play the game and feel this!

I want big long jumps.

Lukass 09-10-12 19:38


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472684)

Yes, love the lips. And never build - hair looks much better also.

Omg, she looks so different again..Prettier than before.

TippingWater 09-10-12 19:52

Wow this game keeps looking better and better :o:cln:.

just*raidin*tomb 09-10-12 20:27

Well I'm happy to see the quiver and the glove. Looks pretty cool. :cool:

Also, holy crap. All the collecters editions and pre order exclusives. I don't know which one to get. D:

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 20:28

Is there a tiny tiny hope that this will become DLC later?

TippingWater 09-10-12 20:29


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6472927)
Is there a tiny tiny hope that this will become DLC later?

I hope so, I don't want to be left out :o.

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 20:30


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6472930)
I hope so, I don't want to be left out :o.

Same here! And I don't intend to pre-order since I'm not from the US or whatever place they ship them to so...

Rai 09-10-12 20:37


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472684)

Yes, love the lips. And never build - hair looks much better also.

Pic is too big, should be no more than: 1024x768 pixels/ 500 kb. Could you please resize this pic or reduce to a link in your post. Same goes to anyone quoting it.


I'm unlikely to pre order or get the collector's or Survival editions due to price. I am hoping some of this stuff will come later in dlc. I'm especially interested in that extra challenge tomb and the aviatrix outfit.

Heartache 09-10-12 20:37

me too. would even pay a small amount for those as dlc

just*raidin*tomb 09-10-12 20:41

I really want that challenge tomb.

Lukass 09-10-12 20:44

I'm a bit sad that the challeneg tomb is not going to be in the game. Now it feels like I'm not buying "the whole" game :(. I mean, I'm ok with the outfits being DLC, but tombs too? :( It's the same like Beneath the Ashes.

larafan25 09-10-12 20:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6472970)
I'm a bit sad that the challeneg tomb is not going to be in the game. Now it feels like I'm not buying "the whole" game :(. I mean, I'm ok with the outfits being DLC, but tombs too? :( It's the same like Beneath the Ashes.




Are they supposed to be making tombs until they die, and then just release one giant game with tombs?

It's DLC.

Stevo505 09-10-12 20:50


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6472970)
I'm a bit sad that the challeneg tomb is not going to be in the game. Now it feels like I'm not buying "the whole" game :(. I mean, I'm ok with the outfits being DLC, but tombs too? :( It's the same like Beneath the Ashes.

There will probably be several other challenge tombs in the base game.

Evan C. 09-10-12 20:52

Yes and, sadly, Lukass this is happening since a long time ago. They said that when you'll play the game it's going to feel complete and everything added as a DLC or whatever would be a plus. But I understand why you say, because I don't have access to Xbox Live since it's to expensive for me. But as long as they release a GOTY edition includding almost everything or everything, I will be super happy.

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 20:53


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6472970)
I'm a bit sad that the challeneg tomb is not going to be in the game. Now it feels like I'm not buying "the whole" game :(. I mean, I'm ok with the outfits being DLC, but tombs too? :( It's the same like Beneath the Ashes.

It's not exactly the same. Beneath the assess was canon game content missing from the game.

This will propably be more like an add-on, doesn't expand on anything story-wise.

Heartache 09-10-12 20:56

you know that xbox live is free unless you want to PLAY online? you can still download stuff on xbox live without any costs. (well of course the dlc will most likely cost something but it would be the same if you would buy it in a shop)

ill start to pray now every night in hope that we will get all those dlc stuff sometime after the release of the game

yaron 09-10-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6472684)

Yes, love the lips. And never build - hair looks much better also.

Yeah , it looks away better but I want them to add this part to her hair:

I don't know how to call it because my English is not very well :P

It should be something like that:


I really like it :)

Kiss-Bite 09-10-12 20:57


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6472991)
There will probably be several other challenge tombs in the base game.

I sure hope so because it feels like all trees, rocks and mountains so far. I'm assuming that actual "tombs" are being held back for the game and just before release. May I genuinely ask, have we seen any tombs yet, have I missed some reveal?

Rai 09-10-12 20:59

We saw a tomb in the Final Hours 2 vid ^, the clip was about 6 seconds long though, so blink and you'd miss it :p

Stevo505 09-10-12 20:59


Originally Posted by Kiss-Bite (Post 6473012)
I sure hope so because it feels like all trees, rocks and mountains so far. I'm assuming that actual "tombs" are being held back for the game and just before release. May I genuinely ask, have we seen any tombs yet, have I missed some reveal?

There was a quick shot of a tomb in Final Hours #2.

Evan C. 09-10-12 21:00


Originally Posted by Kiss-Bite (Post 6473012)
I sure hope so because it feels like all trees, rocks and mountains so far. I'm assuming that actual "tombs" are being held back for the game and just before release. May I genuinely ask, have we seen any tombs yet, have I missed some reveal?

We have, a glimpse, on the second Final Hours Vid. And it changes it ALL, even it's like 2 secs long.

Kiss-Bite 09-10-12 21:02

The split second clip with the Buddha like statue... that's the only glimpse?

just*raidin*tomb 09-10-12 21:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6472970)
I'm a bit sad that the challeneg tomb is not going to be in the game. Now it feels like I'm not buying "the whole" game :(. I mean, I'm ok with the outfits being DLC, but tombs too? :( It's the same like Beneath the Ashes.

What? It's nothing special I'm sure. Just a small challenge tomb similar to the Blast lifts for GoL or something.

Btw Blast Lifts in GoL, that DLC was awesome. That was so much fun. <3

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-12 21:07


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6473032)
What? It's nothing special I'm sure. Just a small challenge tomb similar to the Blast lifts for GoL or something.

Btw Blast Lifts in GoL, that DLC was awesome. That was so much fun. <3

That's what I'm thinking aswell.

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