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That's true. What if I shoot them all for fun before I decide to kill the deer. ._.
I don't mind having spiky bushes block my way. It is at least more natural than invisible walls. Spiky bushes do exist in the real world, you're not just gonna walk through them. This is where fast travel from camp to camp comes in, we return here to get through the evil bushes. Possibly.
You guys are so predictable though. Someone gives a good review or you see a video that shows the player making full use of the space and you all jump for joy; you see a bad review or a video like this one with a negative vibe and you slam CD/the game. You've all seen the demo a hundred times already :p. Lol @ 'Sam or Ralph'. |
I don't think that'll happen since you can retrieve arrows from enemies. In other words arrows are infinite in the since that they can be reused so that you're not just out of ammo and have nothing but melee, which would be kind of a bad situation.
It just completely shows how the game they're making goes against the views they're holding in a creative way, ya know? It's like they want mature themes, but a game that plays for children. But of course maybe it will all be great. IDK. I just realized it's a mature audience so maybe they will throw in some freedom and challenge, but seriously there are probably 155 ways to climb up onto that bunker in the deer hub, yet people are farting around on the other side of the hub. I don't get it. :/ |
The game feels split. It promotes something everyone wants, but also has someone a lot of people seem to loath, and when one review focuses on the positive we feel positive, and when it points out the negative we remember the entire side of things that we dislike. edit: Oh my fudge, that is not a double post. Crap. |
The people playing the demo in that video are idiots ._.
The only reason the game is rated M is because of the amount of blood and swearing, I bet. In terms of gameplay though, the game is going to be comparable to Legend.
Ps: I'm not worried by the easiness of the demo/s either. We have no idea if it's gonna be harder later on and that is a good thing. I have a feeling it'll be harder than Legend, perhaps TRU too (which aint a lot I know, but it's a step up). |
Well all the mixed reviews seem to say to me is people are seeing either side of the coin.
The game looks great quality-wise, of course people here nitpick the crap out of the graphics, but the game really is great looking and the quality of the presentation is good. At least I think. So there is a great reason for it to have positive reviews. But like Uncharted 3 (I think), people are finding the issue with cinematic gameplay and that is cause for some negative reviews that may overlook the quality of the content for what the content actually is which so far seems to be somewhat shallow. |
^Well then we'll just have to have patience and see what CD show us next instead of all the yo-yoing in responses (to the videos/write-ups).
Like I said before, it does look like there's a hidden area behind the plants, so we will need to get the pickaxe to mow the plants and access the area. God alone knows at the moment. There's not many ways how to get to the corpsy, in my opinion. The bunker has 4 walls (One of them is highlited by the planks) and the other way how to get there is from the opposite stone/rock. You don't have to explore the area much to get the bow. The demo is looking nice indeed, but that's all. You are doing nothing, just lurking around and trying to shoot three arrows to kill a dear. If they gave us the Night Hub as a demo it would be much better. There's so many things to do. |
The jump and fall after finding Sam's backpack... That thing has been buging me ever since this demo has been shown for the first time. At first I thought that you don't have to fall from the ledge, but by the 3rd review it became obvious that you simply can't make that jump since the game won't let you. It would be much more natural if there wasn't even a ledge, or if the ledge led to an another path to the hunting hub, the way it is now, well it feels so forced, and I just hope that the rest of the game won't play out like that. Because if it does, we'll end up with the experience being pushed down our throats instead of actually experiencing the game ourselves.
^Indeed, but I think upon a return visit we will make the jump and find a new place.
I'm still NOT fond of this forced story stuff. ._. I want freedom, openness. Quote:
BTW, are we sure the wolf den is always a QTE? Because they said way back when that it was a QTE because it's Lara's first kill, but she has a gun by that point and we've already had the first QTE encounter with the wolves. So maybe the only reason it was a QTE is because the wolf pounced on Lara as the player didn't evade. IDK. |
^ I don't know, but there's so many things that don't make sense anymore. I thought the wolf in the Night Hub was her first kill. Remember "Sorry, it was either you or me"? Now it doesn't make sense since she already killed three wolves before meeting Reyes and the other survivors (and it's before she finds Roth). They had to change the script it seems.
I agree there doesn't appear to be much to do, but different people have said there's more to find and do than it looks. I think the night hub as a demo may have been too big, you know? In the earlier stages of showing the hunting demo, the player was following a very linear 'I know where to go route', it would have been similar in the night hub. We've seen different plays and we've seen it's possible to get to the second platform without using the bunker part, we've also seen what appears to be blocked off areas such as the planks of wood blocking what could be a tomb, the bushes - so it seems there is more to do, some re-playable stuff to come back to. It's not really CD's fault that people aren't using the space to it's full potential, such as showing pickups or shooting the skulls. TRF Members have said they've done these in their play-throughs.
I dunno, maybe the hunting demo wasn't the best choice, but CD obviously planned to show Lara's earlier start and a little of her learning curve - which includes some mechanics we've not seen in TR before. So...again, I guess we wait for what they have to show us in the coming months. Edit, there does a appear to be a path or something on that ledge that breaks, but how to get back up there? |
JUUUUUUSSTT KIDDDIING. But I am confused and I need hubs, and rightfully so. |
I don't mind QTEs such as when Lara kills the Russian, because those are times when you are aware that the game leads you by the hand so you get to a point, it's like an interactive cutscene. But the thing with Lara slipping and falling from a perfectly normal ledge, because the game has to play out like that... Well that's the same like the leading you by the hand, but just that it's covered up, like you aren't suppoused to notice.. |
^Yeah, I think we'll see the night hub with the radio tower mission.
Instead, just have events that trigger in certain areas at certain times. That's how it would have to be if the world was fully open. But I'm still certain we can go up that path, because we'll be able to upgrade our jumps, and Karl mentioned a beach hub. IDK though. |
@Lukass, Yeah, I was thinking of The1andOnlyTR when I was typing that. I really want to see this as no-one filmed that. Maybe they weren't allowed before.
I wonder where she finds the torch or if she just has it.
If I remember correctly that part was titled day 2 or something, but we can prove that the script has changed simply by looking at what we have seen so far Day 1 is the Den and finding the campfire Day 2 is hunting deer, finding Sam and killing the Russian guy. Day 3 is probably the parachute demo. So if we go by this we can asume that the night hub was moved to further in game, or maybe even totally scraped from the final product. |
^But that part isn't in the demo.
I think night hub is day 3 or 4. |
Day three is definitely not the parachute demo - that's quite a bit further along. The night hub surely comes after Sam and the others.
The two hints are... The Axe: She has to get the red one from Roth after brining his crap from the wolf den The Plane: The scavengers mention more wreckage from the plane when Lara crashes into the building, this could be a hint of the plane that crashes behind her as well the environments in the parachute demo look similar to the night hub (I think) just during the day. I'm sure the parachute demo is after the night hub. |
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