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Love2Raid 21-10-12 23:31

Forget the river, fix her nails!

leglion 22-10-12 00:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6490897)
You're a terrible nitpicker, aren't you? :rolleyes:lol*hugs*

Terrible? It's an entire river that's probably used for transport at multiple points in the game. It's not as if its something you wouldn't notice in motion like her shoe buckles... It's VERY visible and needs to be fixed.

Lukass 22-10-12 00:03


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6491004)
Terrible? It's an entire river that's probably used for transport at multiple points in the game. It's not as if its something you wouldn't notice in motion like her shoe buckles... It's VERY visible and needs to be fixed.

I think the river is fine. What's you don't like about it?

January_Snow* 22-10-12 00:24

Yes :confused: The water actually looks great

leglion 22-10-12 00:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6491007)
I think the river is fine. What's you don't like about it?

There's no depth to it. Like, literally. It looks like its solid. The stream in the dear hub looks way better. That waterfall is especially horendous. >.<

larafan25 22-10-12 00:28

I think it moves and flows like a big mass of heavy water as she begins wading into the waterfall.

My only complaint which isn't really logical, is that that when she's falling the water just seems, like a slide.

Though when she is actually moving through the water you see other streams pouring into the main stream and I'm sure the water looks heavy and dense.

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 00:42

If anything needs to be fixed it is the crew mates textures. They look like they are at a day spa with their cleanly pressed clothes and perfect hair. Definitely not what one would expect from a wreckage. :p

BigR4444 22-10-12 00:43

Im sure they put some special polish on the deer demo to make it presentable... no reason to think we wont get similar polish in the final version

Lukass 22-10-12 00:44

Lol, that's true too! Lara's is messy and dirty as hell and they're all like from fashion magazine.

Rai 22-10-12 00:46

Imo, the river looks fine and I'm sure given more polish and better quality footage, it'll look better. But I agree about the crew - they may not have been through what Lara has whilst on the island, but they did just go through the same wreck as her. They'd be dry by the time we meet them, but they wouldn't be perfect.

I wonder, Sam gets taken, right? Lara is going to go look for her, presumably we'll see Sam again (dead or barely alive maybe), she'd better not look as well groomed as when she was with that Mathius guy :p

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 00:48

Maybe Mathias had a thing for fashion and make up and gave her a new wardrobe.

"Sam, I see you've changed your look." :mis:

Rai 22-10-12 00:50


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6491060)
Maybe Mathias had a thing for fashion and make up and gave her a new wardrobe.

"Sam, I see you've changed your look." :mis:

Ohhh don't! :vlol:

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 00:52

Speaking of Sam anyone found out this lovely girls name yet? :o


I think it is Lauren Mary Kim she is listen as a stunt performer for the game. :)

larafan25 22-10-12 00:58



I hope we've finally found her! :D

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 01:01

Yes she is listed with Chris Jai Alex as a stunt performer and he is definitely part of the game. :)

BigR4444 22-10-12 01:01

Googled her............ I think I'm in love...

Stevo505 22-10-12 01:02

She's a stunt performer, but does she act? ._.

edit - Chris Jai Alex looks like that one dude in the Final Hours 1 video!

Rai 22-10-12 01:02

Lauren is listed as the stunt double. Could she still be the VA too? (as Camilla is doing both VA and motion capture). She is an actress too, apparently.

If she isn't the VA, I wanna know who is.

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 01:04

I think she may be Sam because Chris is definitely the Russian. I asked Karl on twitter. :p

Also I rember he was saying something years back about actors in Star Wars agency for the game or something and apparently she works for them. :)

Stevo505 22-10-12 01:05

Unless they are dubbing them with real actors? It may be like Underworld where they have mo-cap people for some characters, and then they do the acting in a studio.

larafan25 22-10-12 01:05


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6491074)
Yes she is listed with Chris Jai Alex as a stunt performer and he is definitely part of the game. :)

I would have just become a scavenger TBH.

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 01:08

Yes she most likely is Sam. Here is a blooper video I found of her. :)

She also has twitter!

just*raidin*tomb 22-10-12 01:18

Awww my gawd she's so cute.

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 01:20

This just in she's a ****ing bad ass! :yik:

larafan25 22-10-12 01:24

Maybe she's Lara's stun double?

Naw, I think she's just Sam's actor.

Stevo505 22-10-12 01:27

Are they doing facial mo-cap on Sam?

larafan25 22-10-12 01:28

I hope they're doing everything on everyone.

Tonyrobinson 22-10-12 01:37

I think they are doing it. She is wearing the helmet what the camera attaches to to pick up her expressions. That would explain the eye I think. :p

**LARA LOVER** 22-10-12 01:50


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6491067)
Speaking of Sam anyone found out this lovely girls name yet? :o


I think it is Lauren Mary Kim she is listen as a stunt performer for the game. :)

Think you are right check this out! :D

larafan25 22-10-12 01:52





That's our Sam. Hard to believe. <3

edit: UH WE NEED to give her a position amongst Godmilla TBH.

just*raidin*tomb 22-10-12 01:58

Oh my word, yes. She stunted for the RE movie?

**LARA LOVER** 22-10-12 02:24

Seems like she is involved in a lot of movies, tv, and video games! :yik:

Here's another conformation for Tomb Raider too, from IMDb! :cln:


If she isn't Sam she could just be Camilla's stunt double. ;)

LNSNHGTDS 22-10-12 04:22

OMG, she is amazingly gordgeous!!!

just*raidin*tomb 22-10-12 05:52

ZoMG Lara's hairr
Okay those that are so concerned with her hair, is this better? I came across this video and her hair is definitely updated.

Check it out at about 14:10.

Also whoever was playing it missed the jump at 21:20 which makes me happier than the hair tbh. No magnetic ledge jumping. <3 And after that they a different route and avoid the wolves somehow...interesting.

Omg and you can see what happens when you don't QTE!! He strangles her! D:

What was this AMD Event again? o.O

Hairhelmet12 22-10-12 06:35

^Ohhh! That was so cool! :D

CBS_TombRaider 22-10-12 06:57


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6491251)
Okay those that are so concerned with her hair, is this better? I came across this video and her hair is definitely updated.

Check it out at about 14:10.

Also whoever was playing it missed the jump at 21:20 which makes me happier than the hair tbh. No magnetic ledge jumping. <3 And after that they a different route and avoid the wolves somehow...interesting.

Omg and you can see what happens when you don't QTE!! He strangles her! D:

What was this AMD Event again? o.O

I wish they'd explored that hub some more. Oh well, I'm still glad we got more footage, even if it was low quality.
And my heart literally stopped for a second there when poor Lara got strangled. That was just... horrible D: That's definitely gonna make me want to 'protect' Lara.

Lukass 22-10-12 08:35

OMG the sound of her being strangled is creepy :D

tampi 22-10-12 08:40


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6491093)
This just in she's a ****ing bad ass! :yik:

So watching this, maybe Sam is a kunfu master?!:cln:

Peep Show 22-10-12 09:18

OMG Lara's death, i'm glad we gonna kill that ****ed up russian guy.

LNSNHGTDS 22-10-12 11:41


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6491331)
So watching this, maybe Sam is a kungfu master?!:cln:

Trolling :p !!!


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6491347)
OMG Lara's death, i'm glad we gonna kill that ****ed up russian guy.

That bitch must die! I mean who does he think he is to be even allowed to touch Lara :mad: ?!

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