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Spong 26-10-12 19:00


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499700)
For someone who hates the look of this game, you sure are following it a lot. :pi:

I watched a small section of one video because of my curiosity about what the achievement was. Yeah, obviously I'm a MASSIVE TR9 fanboy.

Phlip 26-10-12 19:01


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6499711)
I watched a small section of one video because of my curiosity about what the achievement was. Yeah, obviously I'm a MASSIVE TR9 fanboy.

No, you're constantly discussing and following it. You even watched a full video with that commentary and depiction of scripted ledges earlier. So don't try and get clever, sunshine. ;)

Spong 26-10-12 19:04


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499716)
No, you're constantly discussing and following it. You even watched a full video with that commentary and depiction of scripted ledges earlier. So don't try and get clever, sunshine. ;)

I listened to the commentary, I didn't watch the video. Unless something leapt out at me, like that GLARING FLAW in the gameplay that I mentioned.

Peep Show 26-10-12 19:05


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6499607)
I hope there's no DO 100000000000 HEADSHOTS, like in Uncharted.
I'll scream.

Lol why, that was so easy in UC.

tampi 26-10-12 19:06

Mothers always say: "the one who loves you more will you mourn" or something and then you get a slap. Needless to say who is Spong.


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6499723)
Lol why, that was so easy in UC.


Phlip 26-10-12 19:10


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6499724)

Well there's like 100000000000 enemies per room so actually you get things like that quite quickly. :p

Spong 26-10-12 19:11


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499731)
Well there's like 100000000000 enemies per room...

Sounds like TR2.

tampi 26-10-12 19:13


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499731)
Well there's like 100000000000 enemies per room so actually you get things like that quite quickly. :p

But that's ridiculous! What kind of enemies are those? Cockroaches?:confused:

Phlip 26-10-12 19:15


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6499737)
But that's ridiculous! What kind of enemies are those? Cockroaches?:confused:

Just loads of the same mercenaries. I mean I am exaggerating, but here are still ****-loads of enemies every 5 seconds.

tampi 26-10-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499741)
Just loads of the same mercenaries. I mean I am exaggerating, but here are still ****-loads of enemies every 5 seconds.

Mmmm, not sure that I like. Looks like a shooter.
That takes away all the merit.

Phlip 26-10-12 19:29


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6499761)
Mmmm, not sure that I like. Looks like a shooter.
That takes away all the merit.

ok I am still exaggerating. Uncharted 1 and 2 are excellent, but they do go a bit overboard with the amount of mercs. :)

klona 26-10-12 19:38


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6499723)
Lol why, that was so easy in UC.

you're kidding. ;-;

tampi 26-10-12 19:38


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499766)
ok I am still exaggerating. Uncharted 1 and 2 are excellent, but they do go a bit overboard with the amount of mercs. :)

I hope there isn't impossible challenges. Anyway, the number of deaths can not exceed the number of villains.

I do not know if I remember a number like 300? :confused: People who were on the island. I think Karl or some once said.

leglion 26-10-12 19:47


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499741)
Just loads of the same mercenaries. I mean I am exaggerating, but here are still ****-loads of enemies every 5 seconds.

Not really. Every gameplay footage that wasn't meant to show off combat had a healthy dose of enemies.

Phlip 26-10-12 19:50


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6499792)
Not really. Every gameplay footage that wasn't meant to show off combat had a healthy dose of enemies.

What? I'm saying Uncharted has ****-loads of enemies.

leglion 26-10-12 19:58


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6499795)
What? I'm saying Uncharted has ****-loads of enemies.

My bad. Sorry, I just woke up. :pi:

vicky95_xoxo 26-10-12 20:03


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6499761)
Mmmm, not sure that I like. Looks like a shooter.
That takes away all the merit.

It really isnt personally i despise shooters. i could hate COD more if i tried. i absolutley love uncharted it is one of the most breathtaking and amazing games ive ever played. (exept for tomb raider) of course :p i dont play shooter unless they have a good story line and are in 3rd person :D uncharted 2 and 3 are amazing. although they do over do the enemies somtimes and it can get really frustrating.

Peep Show 26-10-12 23:22

I hate shooters but Uncharted is one of my fav. series because the gameplay/story is amazing so that makes the shooting fun too.

Valentino 27-10-12 00:29

I hope there'll be more vistas to see in the game. The shipwreck vista is already a great view. I wonder if there is more. I love views with the sun. Does anyone remember the part in Uncharted when climbing the cliff to get into the U-boat?? Theres a beautifull view behind the waterfall which looks stunning. Very nostalgic

Khaled 27-10-12 02:35

I found this video by coincidence it's deer hunt demo with music of Crossroads trailer , it's amazing .
Also , I liked the main menu in the beginning I wonder if it's final menu or just for a demo .

just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 02:44

I hope that's gonna be the main menu. I'm assuming it is. It's so amazing. @_@

larafan25 27-10-12 02:46


the water doesn't move.

*ducks and covers*

just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 02:46




larafan25 27-10-12 02:47


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6500267)



Well's just meant to be a cloud simulation.

just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 02:49


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6500269)
Well's just meant to be a cloud simulation.

I don't really mind it.

But I think the water does kind of sort of move ish actually.

larafan25 27-10-12 02:50


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6500270)
I don't really mind it.

But I think the water does kind of sort of move ish actually.

I can't tell, I keep trying to pause it to see.

Someone needs to record the menu longer.

I WONDER if it makes sounds, like thunder or if there is music.

I'd LOL if it made water sounds, but the water wasn't watering.

italibabee 27-10-12 02:51

I love that Main Menu.

I'd love if the new render was somehow animated.
Like Lara would move slightly and look around her.
The water crashing into the rocks.
The rain.
It would be awesome.

Khaled 27-10-12 02:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6500266)

the water doesn't move.

*ducks and covers*

Yes , I saying the same ! it should be moved like the sky . I really like the main menu .

just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 02:57

Well the menu is like a moving collage really. So everything is moving, but it isn't really "real" or "ingame" I guess you could say. It has the island, the water, a map, and some fog effects sort of layered together. I like it.

larafan25 27-10-12 02:58

It's stylish. Which is nice.

I wonder what the main menu looks like after you press START.

SeanCordernay 27-10-12 03:17


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6500277)
It's stylish. Which is nice.

I wonder what the main menu looks like after you press START.

LMAO it explodes

larafan25 27-10-12 03:19


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6500285)
LMAO it explodes

TRU <3

OMG, you press start and Natla flies in front of the screen!

The disc can't eject fast enough TBQH!

SeanCordernay 27-10-12 03:21


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6500288)
TRU <3

OMG, you press start and Natla flies in front of the screen!

The disc can't eject fast enough TBQH!

I didn't even think of TRU tbqh!

LOL that would make for a great gag, CD should do it just because (just to piss off TRF)

skylark1121 27-10-12 03:50

Loving the Main Menu! :D If you look closely, it looks like there are even more mountains behind the fog. :)
The island looks so mysterious!


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6500288)
TRU <3

OMG, you press start and Natla flies in front of the screen!

The disc can't eject fast enough TBQH!


just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 04:02

Lol I remember pressing Start for TRU for the first time and being scared the **** out of. :vlol:

italibabee 27-10-12 04:18

I never played TRU.
Now I know when I press start I won't be scared.
You guys just spoiled it for me.

just*raidin*tomb 27-10-12 05:27

I don't think you would have been scared anyway. I just had my volume turned up because of the music. :p

The1andOnlyTR 27-10-12 05:47

Tid-Bit about the Pre-Beta Hunting Demo!
Even though I've seen the video of the gameplay a million times, playing it with heeadphones was dramatically different.
When I fell on the tree for the first time I nearly had a heart attack. It jumped me so bad. :p

SpyrosMonster 27-10-12 06:42

I saw a dream about TR! I saw that I met Meagan and she got to see and autograph some posters I have with her cosplaying and modeling. Also she gave me a chance to play the demo *and I completed it after some time because it was difficult to hit the deer. Then we discussed some things about tomb raider. I asked her about the main theme and she said that possibly they will reveal it after Christmas. I also asked her if we are going to get a playable demo and she said yes we are, either on Christmas or a month before or so...
yeah and all of those were just a dream.

LNSNHGTDS 27-10-12 06:44

I want a weird TR dream too, all you guys that remember the dreams you see are luvky D: !

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