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LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 09:29


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501858)
And because she's accustomed to bows. But the point is that it's not impossible to fight enemies with "advanced" weapons. If i remember correctly, various African tribes defeated the british even though their weapons were ingerior.

Lara's comfortable with them. As look as it isn't poking you in the back there shouldn't be a problem. :pi:

If you think so...

Well good for her for being able to use bows easily but I'm too biased to accept the bow as a main weapon for the following games so I'll try to avoid it as much as possible :p !

It's not what I think, it's what we clearly saw during E3 2012!

At the first camp we encounter you can see that at the Upgrades there's a 2-pistol icon available as an upgrade for the pistol.

If that's not proof then what is?

leglion 28-10-12 09:34


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501862)
Well good for her for being able to use bows easily but I'm too biased to accept the bow as a main weapon for the following games so I'll try to avoid it as much as possible :p !

It's not what I think, it's what we clearly saw during E3 2012!

At the first camp we encounter you can see that at the Upgrades there's a 2-pistol icon available as an upgrade for the pistol.

If that's not proof then what is?

We saw her get one pistol. The upgrade will probably be reload speed or somthing like that. Like the upgrades in GOL.

I'm simply playing devil's advocate lol. We simply have no idea if it'll be there or not. Didn't CD say it wasn't gonna be in this game?

Well the ammo will probably be scarce so you'll be forced to you it at one point or another. :pi:

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 09:43


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501866)
We saw her get one pistol. The upgrade will probably be reload speed or somthing like that. Like the upgrades in GOL.

I'm simply playing devil's advocate lol. We simply have no idea if it'll be there or not. Didn't CD say it wasn't gonna be in this game?

Well the ammo will probably be scarce so you'll be forced to you it at one point or another. :pi:

But there's a screen with two pistols D::p !

Wow, they really said that D: ? Maybe they meant not as an "actual" weapon since they will be an upgrade so...

I still have the pickaxe :p ! Anyway, I will use it, but not if I have other options.

Stevo505 28-10-12 09:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501862)
It's not what I think, it's what we clearly saw during E3 2012!

At the first camp we encounter you can see that at the Upgrades there's a 2-pistol icon available as an upgrade for the pistol.

If that's not proof then what is?

Where? I've never seen that...

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 09:46


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6501869)
Where? I've never seen that...

It was in the demo that was shown all over E3, someone took a screen of the upgrade screen that is accesible via the base camps, it's definately somehwere in this thread but I'm less that willing to serach it right now :p !

leglion 28-10-12 09:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501868)
But there's a screen with two pistols D::p !

Wow, they really said that D: ? Maybe they meant not as an "actual" weapon since they will be an upgrade so...

I still have the pickaxe :p ! Anyway, I will use it, but not if I have other options.

lol i doubt you'd take out a bunch of gun wielding scavengers with such a close range weapon.

Where is that screen. Someone posted a picture of it but when i checked the video it wasn't there...

It's still a weapon... that doesn't make any sense. :|

Lukass 28-10-12 09:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501849)
is she gonna be the tribeswoman with the bow fighting mercenaries with advanced weapons? I mean is she stupid or what?


LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 09:52


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501873)
lol i doubt you'd take out a bunch of gun wielding scavengers with such a close range weapon.

Where is that screen. Someone posted a picture of it but when i checked the video it wasn't there...

It's still a weapon... that doesn't make any sense. :|

I once took out a whole "wave" of mercenaries in Legend by only kicking them :p , of course Legend's enemies are stupid but still...!

I'm sure I'll be able to kill smarter mercenaries with a pickaxe, or at least die in the process xD ! And still, I said that I'm gonna use the bow, I just don't fancy it as a signature weapon.

I'm not completely sure if it was in the video but it certainly does exist.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see :/ .

Lukass 28-10-12 09:57

Well, I'd like to see the pic of the duals too. I don't remember that. If there really was a pic of dual guns, I bet there was a thread(s) celebrating that "amazing" news that she'll get them.

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 09:59


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6501882)
Well, I'd like to see the pic of the duals too. I don't remember that. If there really was a pic of dual guns, I bet there was a thread(s) celebrating that amazing news that she'll get them.

Apparently few noticed and every time I tried telling about that screen my post was just getting buried, this is actually the first time anyone has noticed that I posted about the possibility of the dual pistols' appearance in TR :p .

Lukass 28-10-12 10:01


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501884)
Apparently few noticed and every time I tried telling about that screen my post was just getting buried, this is actually the first time anyone has noticed that I posted about the possibility of the dual pistols' appearance in TR :p .

I don't remember that pic, if I'm honest. But I do remember there was an icon of the duals. It was some small shiled and there were duals in the middle, but it has been takne down.

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 10:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6501886)
I don't remember that pic, if I'm honest. But I do remember there was an icon of the duals. It was some small shiled and there were duals in the middle, but it has been takne down.

Yeah, that icon was visible in the pic of the upgrade screen.

I'm trying to find it but no luck so far :( !

Lukass 28-10-12 10:05


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501888)
Yeah, that icon was visible in the pic of the upgrade screen.

I'm trying to find it but no luck so far :( !

Try harder, I wanna see it :p

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 10:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6501890)
Try harder, I wanna see it :p

Maybe it was in the E3 2012 thread, I'll look there.

leglion 28-10-12 10:08


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501877)
I once took out a whole "wave" of mercenaries in Legend by only kicking them :p , of course Legend's enemies are stupid but still...!

I'm sure I'll be able to kill smarter mercenaries with a pickaxe, or at least die in the process xD ! And still, I said that I'm gonna use the bow, I just don't fancy it as a signature weapon.

I'm not completely sure if it was in the video but it certainly does exist.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see :/ .

How well do you think that'll work out for you with the more vulnerable Lara and one shot kills? :pi:

You probably won't be able to complete the game with a pickaxe alone. Not to mention that not using the bow won't make them change it as a signature weapon.

The pic from the basecamp skill tree right? Go look for yourself. It's not there. Someone probably photoshopped it like they did those Camilla pics before we found out she was the voice actress. :pi:

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 10:13


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501893)
How well do you think that'll work out for you with the more vulnerable Lara and one shot kills? :pi:

You probably won't be able to complete the game with a pickaxe alone. Not to mention that not using the bow won't make them change it as a signature weapon.

The pic from the basecamp skill tree right? Go look for yourself. It's not there. Someone probably photoshopped it like they did those Camilla pics before we found out she was the voice actress. :pi:

Wait, one shot kills? Really? I missed that :O !

There goes my plan of jumping in the middle of a merc. camp and shooting everything at everyone D: !

It will still be fun though :p !

Well yeah, they're obviously not gonna change it because I'm stuborn :p ! But why are we even carrying on with this :p ? I'm gonna use the bow, I just don't like it, that's all, it's not like I'm gonna die because of the bow being the new sig. weapon, and I'll still enjoy the game.

Yes, yes, that's the pic, photoshoped huh? Maybe, anyway, as I said we'll wait and see, but since CD said "no" then it propably is a no :( . Too bad, oh well...

leglion 28-10-12 10:15


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501898)
Wait, one shot kills? Really? I missed that :O !

There goes my plan of jumping in the middle of a merc. camp and shooting everything at everyone D: !

It will still be fun though :p !

Well yeah, they're obviously not gonna change it because I'm stuborn :p ! But why are we even carrying on with this :p ? I'm gonna use the bow, I just don't like it, that's all, it's not like I'm gonna die because of the bow being the new sig. weapon, and I'll still enjoy the game.

Yes, yes, that's the pic and apparently it's like it doesn't exist! Weird :pi: ...

If it was genuine you could just screenshot it from the basecamp skill tree. :pi:

... :pi:

tomee 28-10-12 10:23


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6500875)
Does Lara have a black friend in the new game?

*Hopes for a Anya comeback*

She has a black friend called Reyes and surprisingly she's quite similar to Anaya. However as of now we know nothing about her.

Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501851)
Well, from what we've seen she's perfectly capable of fighting gun wielding enemies with a bow. And there are modern bows.

And that's if we do get the dual pistols.

Compound bows are ugly as hell. They should be burned.

leglion 28-10-12 10:26


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6501905)
She has a black friend called Reyes and surprisingly she's quite similar to Anaya. However as of now we know nothing about her.

Compound bows are ugly as hell. They should be burned.

Wasn't aware a weapon could be sexy. :pi:

But i do prefer the wooden bow to the compound bow if i must be honest.

LNSNHGTDS 28-10-12 10:31


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6501905)
Compound bows are ugly as hell. They should be burned.

Like totally!

Whoever created them must have been on some serious drugs!

Lukass 28-10-12 10:33

I don't think she'll get compound bow in this game. The wooden one is the best she can get.

tomee 28-10-12 11:35


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6501908)
Wasn't aware a weapon could be sexy. :pi:

But i do prefer the wooden bow to the compound bow if i must be honest.

It's not that weapons are sexy. But a compound bow is way uglier than a wooden bow.

klona 28-10-12 11:41

I prefer wooden bows. :)

scremanie 28-10-12 11:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6501912)
Like totally!

Whoever created them must have been on some serious drugs!

Sit down.

Spong 28-10-12 13:12

Replacing the dual pistols with a bow is like replacing Indy's whip with a pancake.

MyRaider4Life 28-10-12 13:13


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6501983)
Sit down.

Get out.

klona 28-10-12 13:22


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6502100)
Replacing the dual pistols with a bow is like replacing Indy's whip with a pancake.

spong< >me

PS. There are Dual Pistols in the bag and we're carrying it to Crystal's HQ.

lance6439 28-10-12 13:25

Madonna copying Lara.

UN-original, old ass bitch.

LOLO !!!! JK JK I like Madonna. I just found this funny :vlol:

Spong 28-10-12 13:27


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6502123)
Madonna copying Lara.

UN-original, old ass bitch.


LOLO !!!! JK JK I like Madonna. I just found this funny :vlol:

I'm convinced Madonna would've made a better VA than Camilla, just by that pic. Her voice is probably completely wrong, but hey, it can't be worse than Camilla's.

lance6439 28-10-12 13:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6502125)
I'm convinced Madonna would've made a better VA than Camilla, just by that pic. Her voice is probably completely wrong, but hey, it can't be worse than Camilla's.

Madonna could pull off a good accent but I don't think she could do better than Camilla. Madonna would probably sound too sophisticated.

klona 28-10-12 13:34


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6502123)
Madonna copying Lara.

UN-original, old ass bitch.

LOLO !!!! JK JK I like Madonna. I just found this funny :vlol:


Lukass 28-10-12 13:39

^ ****ing Lord!

tomee 28-10-12 13:49


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6502134)

It's oversized.

Lukass 28-10-12 13:51


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6502153)


tomee 28-10-12 13:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6502157)

I have a lot of cool TR gifs but they're all almost twice the size of the restriction.
Slow internets deserve to burn in hell.

suckerpunch 28-10-12 13:57

oh my god i am disgusted by you guys! its like you are betraying lara! :O
"i dont care for the dual pistols, they were never her signature weapons" WHAT THE ****
how can u guys say that, its mean and so not true! i cant believe you would actually like a bow to replace the guns. thats not lara croft then. its a new girl, they should rename her laura since they changed THE WHOLE ******* CONCEPT OF THE GAME.

Spong 28-10-12 14:03

^As much as I agree with the core of what you're saying, airing it in that way will only get the fanboys round here beating on your post ;)

Shark_Blade 28-10-12 14:07


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6502168)
oh my god i am disgusted by you guys! its like you are betraying lara! :O
"i dont care for the dual pistols, they were never her signature weapons" WHAT THE ****
how can u guys say that, its mean and so not true! i cant believe you would actually like a bow to replace the guns. thats not lara croft then. its a new girl, they should rename her laura since they changed THE WHOLE ******* CONCEPT OF THE GAME.

Who said that? :eek: Such blasphemy needs to be burn at the stake. Immediately.

tomee 28-10-12 14:11


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6502168)
oh my god i am disgusted by you guys! its like you are betraying lara! :O
"i dont care for the dual pistols, they were never her signature weapons" WHAT THE ****
how can u guys say that, its mean and so not true! i cant believe you would actually like a bow to replace the guns. thats not lara croft then. its a new girl, they should rename her laura since they changed THE WHOLE ******* CONCEPT OF THE GAME.

ted bit late now aren't we?

Love2Raid 28-10-12 14:54


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6502168)
oh my god i am disgusted by you guys! its like you are betraying lara! :O
"i dont care for the dual pistols, they were never her signature weapons" WHAT THE ****
how can u guys say that, its mean and so not true! i cant believe you would actually like a bow to replace the guns. thats not lara croft then. its a new girl, they should rename her laura since they changed THE WHOLE ******* CONCEPT OF THE GAME.

That's it, you answered your own question. This character is a new girl, that's the whole point of rebooting something. You can change anything you like while having the advantage of not having to start over with the whole 'getting people's attention' thing. The name is already famous, so why not use it again.

They can change anything they want and there is not a damn thing that we can do about it. I just hope they will have some respect and put those duals in the game, somewhere. If not, too bad but we'll have to deal.
Actually, maybe it's better that they are changing a lot about her. We would not want people to think that it is the same person, after all.

Anyway, they did TR and Lara their way in Legend, and it was a hit. Then they listened to the fans and tried to do TR the old way, but that didn't work out. If they can't do it 'right' (according to the fans), better let them do something entirely different. Their character, their game, old name.

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