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Spong 29-10-12 20:17


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6504057)
^^I'd say definitely considering it's night the first time she gets to the first base-camp and night again by the time she kills creepy Russian guy.

And the remaining two days could be the rest of the game. There's no rule saying the passage of time, in terms of narration and pace, has to pass uniformly. Not saying that I'm right in my claim about the days.

Rai 29-10-12 20:23

^I see your point, but isn't 'day 1' set before the game starts proper - or at least in the den? If day one is that and day two is the deer hunt and day three leads up to the night hub, the parachute footage is around the third of the way in, it would seem odd that day four takes up the rest of the game.

Spong 29-10-12 20:26


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6504085)
^I see your point, but isn't 'day 1' set before the game starts proper - or at least in the den?

I vaguely recall something like that being said, yeah.


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6504085)
If day one is that and day two is the deer hunt and day three leads up to the night hub, the parachute footage is around the third of the way in, it would seem odd that day four takes up the rest of the game.

I see what you're getting at, but still, this four days thing is niggling at me for some reason. I know I heard/read it somewhere. But even so, it's most likely changed since then.

LNSNHGTDS 29-10-12 20:32

It can be either possible or impossible.

For example, Anniversary took place within 3 days, Legend within 5-6 and Underworld within 2-3. Bearing in mind that she does not go from one end of the world to another I'd say it's quite possible that the whole game is set in 4 days.

larafan25 29-10-12 20:34


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6504121)
It can be either possible or impossible.

For example, Anniversary took place within 3 days, Legend within 5-6 and Underworld within 2-3. Bearing in mind that she does not go from one end of the world to another I'd say it's quite possible that the whole game is set in 4 days.

But...we don't see time pass in those games, we do in this game.

So far we've seen Lara exit the den, and sit through the night (day 1 I think, well the first day we've seen), hunt a deer on day 2 and then her first kill that night.

The night hub probably takes place th next night, which would already be three days.

I wonder how consistent the lengths of daytime would be.

LNSNHGTDS 29-10-12 20:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504134)
But...we don't see time pass in those games, we do in this game.

So far we've seen Lara exit the den, and sit through the night (day 1 I think, well the first day we've seen), hunt a deer on day 2 and then her first kill that night.

The night hub probably takes place th next night, which would already be three days.

I wonder how consistent the lengths of daytime would be.

Oh, sorry, I missed the point again :p , I thought we were talking about whether it was possible or not for the whole story to fit in four days :p ...

skylark1121 29-10-12 20:36

I wouldn't be surprised if they have rethought the whole 'day' system (if it existed in the first place). If it's true that the hubs have a random change about them when you revisit them (I.E the player experiences the hub during the daytime for story reasons, but if they fast-travel back to look for relics it may be night time), that would throw off the day count. :/

Spong 29-10-12 20:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6504121)
Underworld within 2-3.

The Med Sea chapter takes place a week (I think) before Croft Manor gets blown up, there's a subtitle at the start of the level saying so :pi:


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6504145)
I wouldn't be surprised if they have rethought the whole 'day' system (if it existed in the first place). If it's true that the hubs have a random change about them when you revisit them (I.E the player experiences the hub during the daytime for story reasons, but if they fast-travel back to look for relics it may be night time), that would throw off the day count. :/

That was why I originally asked :tmb:
I'm thinking if the days did indeed exist like that, they've probably been ditched.

LNSNHGTDS 29-10-12 20:40


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6504146)
The Med Sea chapter takes place a week (I think) before Croft Manor gets blown up, there's a subtitle at the start of the level saying so :pi:.

:p ... I'm too sleepy to be a proper human being and actually thing, I think I'll try again tomorrow!

Anyway, one week and 1-2 days :p ...

larafan25 29-10-12 20:41


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6504145)
I wouldn't be surprised if they have rethought the whole 'day' system (if it existed in the first place). If it's true that the hubs have a random change about them when you revisit them (I.E the player experiences the hub during the daytime for story reasons, but if they fast-travel back to look for relics it may be night time), that would throw off the day count. :/

The idea was not that it's random though.

It's that as you progress, any changes you encounter will affect hubs you fast travel back to.

So if it's the third day, when you travel back to a hub that was night when you first came upon it, it will be day.

Though this is all weird and confusing.

Spong 29-10-12 20:43


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6504167)
:p ... I'm too sleepy to be a proper human being and actually thing, I think I'll try again tomorrow!

Anyway, one week and 1-2 days :p ...

You were right with your original point though. There's no rules really as to how time flows in a story/game.

skylark1121 29-10-12 20:44


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6504146)

That was why I originally asked :tmb:
I'm thinking if the days did indeed exist like that, they've probably been ditched.

Yes, they may still use day 1 for story purposes, though. I think it would be interesting to experience day 1 in flashbacks--I'm sure they'll incorporate parts of it somehow. :pi:


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504172)
The idea was not that it's random though.

It's that as you progress, any changes you encounter will affect hubs you fast travel back to.

So if it's the third day, when you travel back to a hub that was night when you first came upon it, it will be day.

Though this is all weird and confusing.

Hmm... I guess it could work that way, but I think it might make the game feel slightly unbalanced. It's definitely possible, though. :)

Rai 29-10-12 21:37

I just think the night hub is night for story purposes, but, if say you get to the next part of the game during the day and it's sunny, if you then return to the hub, it'll be daytime and sunny there too.

Same with the scavenger shanty town. If it's day when you visit it the first time, you can then get to night and re-visit it at night time. I think that's how it works and I think I've just repeated what LF was saying :pi:.

Lukass 29-10-12 21:42

^ That's how I understand the weather system too.

larafan25 29-10-12 21:45

I made a diagram:

This long black rectangle is the course of the story and Lara's physical journey across the island (but in a straight path as an example). Each red bar is a trigger for a change in weather and/ or day-to-night. When Lara passes a red bar the weather or time of day will change, but only the first time she passes the bar, if she walks back over the bar (or any old bars) the changes that have occurred will remain the same until she passes the next untouched bar.

Lukass 29-10-12 21:50

^ Yes and one of those red bards is when she kills the deer (for example), right?

larafan25 29-10-12 21:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6504301)
^ Yes and one of those red bards is when she kills the deer (for example), right?

Yeah. If the change of time happens when she kills the deer, which I think it does as it starts raining and getting darker.

I'm thinking they're going to use dark storms as a way of easing into the nighttime, so it seems less of a drastic and quick change.

Lukass 29-10-12 21:53


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504305)
Yeah. If the change of time happens when she kills the deer, which I think it does as it starts raining and getting darker.

I'm thinking they're going to use dark storms as a way of easing into the nighttime, so it seems less of a drastic and quick change.

It's the same like in Underworld then, except the ability of getting back to previous locations. The weather changes at certain points in TRU too.

larafan25 29-10-12 21:57

I don't remember it changing but I'll believe you. :pi:

The question I have is the question of what happens once we reach the end? Are we given a treasure hunt mode to go revisit the island? If so would we trigger any weather changes?

LNSNHGTDS 29-10-12 21:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504313)
I don't remember it changing but I'll believe you. :pi:

The question I have is the question of what happens once we reach the end? Are we given a treasure hunt mode to go revisit the island? If so would we trigger any weather changes?

That's what I still haven't got yet :/ !

I hope that the weather just randomly changes if we fast-travel from hub to hub.

trfanX34 29-10-12 21:59

^ That's what I've been wondering too.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6504307)
It's the same like in Underworld then, except the ability of getting back to previous locations. The weather changes at certain points in TRU too.

The weather never changes in TRU, just in Mexico it's raining in some areas and in some others not :p

Lukass 29-10-12 22:01


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504313)
I don't remember it changing but I'll believe you. :pi:

The question I have is the question of what happens once we reach the end? Are we given a treasure hunt mode to go revisit the island? If so would we trigger any weather changes?

I remember the weather changing in Mexico, I might be wrong though. I'm not sure if it's raining through the whole level or just at certain parts.

When we finish the story, the game will offer us a treasure hunt mode, I think. And the weather is going to be the same like when you play the story for the first time. When you reach some point, it's going to change. Just my guess.

larafan25 29-10-12 22:02


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6504317)
That's what I still haven't got yet :/ !

I hope that the weather just randomly changes if we fast-travel from hub to hub.

Well if the story is incomplete I don't think it will change randomly, because CD seem to like their dramatic weather at certain story points.

Though if we had a treasure hunt mode in which we could revisit the island much like TRU, then I'd love a real time weather and day/ night cycle.

trfanX34 29-10-12 22:05

I hope that, in addition to a treasure hunt mode, we get to replay chapters too.

larafan25 29-10-12 22:07

That would be nice.

Or just havr replay chapters for the purpose of going back and collecting, then have some other mode that is very...freestyle exploration-based.

Lukass 29-10-12 22:14

I can't with such speculations.

I just want them to give us some new stuff, something visual again. It's nothing exciting to see and hear the same still over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

larafan25 29-10-12 22:19

I'm not here for visual right now, I'm here for promises.

You know they mentioned we'd be seeing the combat system in an answer about stealh playing a part in the game, but we really didn't get to see if stealth and covering is contextual or controlled.

I really need to know that.

Lukass 29-10-12 22:21

We've heard a lot of promises, but we haven't seen what they promised, yet. Not even a bit of it and that's what pisses me the most.

So, I'm here for visual right now.

When they're going to show us what they've promised, I really do not know.

scremanie 29-10-12 22:22

Just wait for the game.... it's not too long.

Why you guys want everything to be spoiled before release is beyond me.

tomee 29-10-12 22:22

Mod Edit: Image removed. Sorry, but this is below the belt for what is appropriate on the forum.

Found this while derping on google.

Lukass 29-10-12 22:23

^ Looks like she's on crack :vlol:

larafan25 29-10-12 22:24

I don't know if the point of view is sexist, or just stupid.


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6504366)
Just wait for the game.... it's not too long.

Why you guys want everything to be spoiled before release is beyond me.

I don't want things to be spoiled.

Dessert doesn't need to be spoiled, but we kind of new the main course, the facts about the game in a descriptive way. Or at least I'd like it like that.

Spong 29-10-12 23:46

So it's decided then? Tomb Raider should go back to the way it was. Y'know, when it was good and stuff.

_Awestruck_ 30-10-12 00:04


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6504439)
So it's decided then? Tomb Raider should go back to the way it was. Y'know, when it was good and stuff.

Core Design isn't coming back.


Rai 30-10-12 00:06


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504370)
I don't know if the point of view is sexist, or just stupid.

I don't want things to be spoiled.

Dessert doesn't need to be spoiled, but we kind of new the main course, the facts about the game in a descriptive way. Or at least I'd like it like that.

I agree, I don't want to be spoiled, but I think it's important for some of the mechanics of the game to be shown, something with more meat to it than we've seen so far.

@Spong, I don't think it's been decided that this game is bad and stuff. ;)

Spong 30-10-12 00:31


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6504445)
Core Design isn't coming back.





Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6504446)
@Spong, I don't think it's been decided that this game is bad and stuff. ;)

If only there was a way Crystal could somehow show us what the game might be like. Y'know, to give us some kind of base on which to form an initial opinion :p

Rai 30-10-12 00:38

^Well, I already agreed with that before you said it :p

Shark_Blade 30-10-12 01:40

What I've seen there's nothing much on puzzles.. such a far cry from what tr really is.

larafan25 30-10-12 01:44


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6504559)
What I've seen there's nothing much on puzzles.. such a far cry from what tr really is.

But TR is made up of other elements too and those have been present in the other videos, such as mild exploration and platforming as well as combat obviously.

I think it would all look a little more like TR without the QTE, cinematics, and dramatic walking intertwined with the gameplay.

Spong 30-10-12 02:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6504563)
But TR is made up of other elements too...

Other elements that, until now, have always been secondary to exploration and puzzle solving. In two and a half years of development we've seen everything but those two things.

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