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Rider 12-12-12 19:44


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6563815)
This is really unfortunate.
It seems that industrial espionage is terrible in this sector.
It's like opening a magazine shop on a street and the next month open four more stores.
It really seems the year of the bow.

I don't understand. :confused:

TR, AC 3, Crysis 3 and now LOU did i miss any?

Me neither. :confused:

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 19:47

Tombraider had the bow even during the original concept leaks? Which was ages ago, like years. :p

pTURKEYq 12-12-12 19:50


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6563814)
That is ok, but they said that in this episode something big is coming, something new, and it is about gameplay.

Yes I've heard that.
But graphics are what I could expect from Brian. He also can say something about the usability of the environment or whatever, which will change the gameplay style, but I don't think this could be a secret announcement. I hope that the next episode will reveal something really cool, like multiplayer obviously.

I Hate Her 12-12-12 19:57

I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

Stevo505 12-12-12 19:58

Oh look, your first post is a negative one. Welcome.

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:00


Originally Posted by I Hate Her (Post 6563838)
I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

There has been only one delay from... sometime around now to march 2013. Casual gamers learned about it one year ago, it's a long wait, but not that long as we, fans, think.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6563840)
Oh look, your first post is a negative one. Welcome.


Rider 12-12-12 20:00


Originally Posted by I Hate Her (Post 6563838)
I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

I think that for a good game, never is late. You know, i am glad that we are getting new TR game after all.
And i am glad that they took enough time to give us best TR experience. Rather than getting something that is rushed up, unfinished and full of bugs.

Edit: Omg i just saw your Forum name... lmao.

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:01


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6563845)
I think that or a good game, never is late. You know, i am glad that we are getting new TR game after all.
And i am glad that they took enough time to give us best TR experience. Rather than getting something that is rushed up, unfinished and full o bugs.

Burn! towards angel of darkness :p

skylark1121 12-12-12 20:04


Originally Posted by I Hate Her (Post 6563838)
I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

How many times has Bioshock Infinite been pushed back?... and I think we all know it won't do too shabby when it comes to sales. ;)

BinRaider 12-12-12 20:09


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6563840)
Oh look, your first post is a negative one. Welcome.


I think it's too late for them to reveal multiplayer to us tbh. I don't it will be something that big. CD have been known in the past (understatement of the millennia tbh) to over exaggerate so... yeah.

Lukass 12-12-12 20:10


Originally Posted by I Hate Her (Post 6563838)
I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

Beautiful first post and nick.
Welcome aboard!

_Awestruck_ 12-12-12 20:13


Originally Posted by I Hate Her (Post 6563838)
I can't help but wonder if it's too late for this game to be a huge success?

It's been pushed back a long while now. Most casual gamers I know who heard of the new game have totally lost interest because they heard about it a long time ago, and either thought it already came out or don't care that it's going to come out.

They really waited too long for this (imo)

Well why would they release it to horrible reviews if it were unfinished? They had to complete it first.

tampi 12-12-12 20:17


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6563816)
^There's something else though, something that will 'change the way we play Tomb Raider forever'. Apparently.

Eh? Yes, Im a lost now. How does that with that picture?:confused:
Mmmm.... I don't want to think what you are doing that I think.... or ...yes?

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6563819)
TR, AC 3, Crysis 3 and now LOU did i miss any?

Me neither. :confused:

And some films...:pi:

italibabee 12-12-12 20:30

I'll be so excited if it's multiplayer!

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 20:36

I only want multiplayer if they've done something unique with it, like Assassins Creed did. Otherwise, I'm not really keen on the idea.

CrisSioux 12-12-12 20:38


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6563914)
I only want multiplayer if they've done something unique with it, like Assassins Creed did. Otherwise, I'm not really keen on the idea.

i wouldnt mind an online multyplayer like assassin's creed tbfh

BinRaider 12-12-12 20:39


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6563914)
I only want multiplayer if they've done something unique with it, like Assassins Creed did. Otherwise, I'm not really keen on the idea.

...Whereas I couldn't give a ****. I just want the re-playability factor and that usually comes in free-roam or multiplayer.

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:39


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6563918)
...Whereas I couldn't give a ****. I just want the re-playability factor and that usually comes in free-roam or multiplayer.

Exactly! I was starting to lose faith that I was the only one who hopes this happen!

Billy959 12-12-12 20:39


is this official?

EDIT:could this be the famous render someone said a long time ago?

TheRCroft 12-12-12 20:45

I'm pretty sure that is fan-made.

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:45


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6563929)
I'm pretty sure that is fan-made.

We know that, they just wished it wasn't :) .

TheRCroft 12-12-12 20:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6563931)
We know that, they just wished it wasn't :) .

? :confused: Billy959 was wondering if it was official, and if that was the render that was talked about in one of the magazines, so he clearly didn't know that.

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:49


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6563936)
? :confused: Billy959 was wondering if it was official, and if that was the render that was talked about in one of the magazines, so he clearly didn't know that.

For some reason I read "I wish that was official" :p , sorry.

I doubt it is aswell anyway. Doesn't look that coll anyway :o , the woman on the cover is so un-Lara, plus she looks as if she's in her 40s.

trfanX34 12-12-12 20:54


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6563920)



is this official?

EDIT:could this be the famous render someone said a long time ago?

From that link:

Yes I don't recognize her either. Did she have reverse-MJ surgery?

LNSNHGTDS 12-12-12 20:55


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6563948)
From that link:

Yes I don't recognize her either. Did she have reverse-MJ surgery?

Possibly lol :p .

Billy959 12-12-12 20:56

yes,seh is weird looking,but the work she's donw it's great!

If they used the CGI model to make renders like these it would look awesome!

BinRaider 12-12-12 20:56


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6563948)
From that link:


Yes I don't recognize her either. Did she have reverse-MJ surgery?

Omg, that is so cruel!

You bitch.


trfanX34 12-12-12 20:58

^ D: </3


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6563955)
yes,seh is weird looking,but the work she's donw it's great!

If they used the CGI model to make renders like these it would look awesome!

Yeah I know, it's impressive actually!
But that doesn't look like Lara at all. AT ALL. :pi:

Only TR lover 12-12-12 21:01


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6563960)
^ D: </3

Yeah I know, it's impressive actually!
But that doesn't look like Lara at all. AT ALL. :pi:

Probably because she has nails :D

Rider 12-12-12 21:01

Kelly Rowland?? :confused:

CBS_TombRaider 12-12-12 21:01


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6563967)
Kelly Rowland?? :confused:

Lol she actually does look a bit like her :p

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 21:08


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6563918)
...Whereas I couldn't give a ****. I just want the re-playability factor and that usually comes in free-roam or multiplayer.'d rather just have any multiplayer just for replay factor. Rather than a unique multiplayer? that'd add replay value anyway?

BinRaider 12-12-12 21:10


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6563981)'d rather just have any multiplayer just for replay factor. Rather than a unique multiplayer? that'd add replay value anyway?

I would rather have a unique one but I still really want mp even if it isn't original.

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 21:12


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6563987)
I would rather have a unique one but I still really want mp even if it isn't original.

But why? When you could pick up a many number of other games and just get a re-skin of the same experience? Seems pointless to me.

BinRaider 12-12-12 21:20


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6563992)
But why? When you could pick up a many number of other games and just get a re-skin of the same experience? Seems pointless to me.

B/c it just adds something more to TR. Most games have multiplayer now. Most might not be very original but the majority have their own little twists. Take Mass Effect 3, for example: It's just your bog standard wave-based mp game. But they add the customizable weapons, skills and characters and while even that isn't original it's still got that re-playability factor because you want to unlock more skills and weapons etc.

Carbonek_0051 12-12-12 21:34


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6563987)
...but I still really want mp even if it isn't original.

Then it would have been a waste of development time and you can guarantee that reviews would take down the score for having a generic multiplayer system.

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 21:35

Agreed Nate.


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6564014)
B/c it just adds something more to TR. Most games have multiplayer now. Most might not be very original but the majority have their own little twists. Take Mass Effect 3, for example: It's just your bog standard wave-based mp game. But they add the customizable weapons, skills and characters and while even that isn't original it's still got that re-playability factor because you want to unlock more skills and weapons etc.

Mass Effect 3 could carry its own as its combat system is pretty unique taking into account its combat wheel. I dunno, it felt different to me. Tombraider 's combat in single player has some unique elements but like most other games will be dumbed down in competitive multiplayer probably loosing those unique qualities.

Though I see where you're coming from.

I'd like to see the unique elements stay though, imagine throwing dirt in other players faces and things. That'd be seriously cool.

LENGuin 12-12-12 21:35


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6564051)
Then it would have been a waste of development time and you can guarantee that reviews would take down the score for having a generic multiplayer system.

Indeed, was the biggest negative I saw in Farcry 3 reviews

Linoshi Croft 12-12-12 21:36

I hope multiplayer wasn't the reason the game was delayed. :pi:

Carbonek_0051 12-12-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6564063)
I hope multiplayer wasn't the reason the game was delayed. :pi:

I bet you $10 it was. :whi:

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