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Hey guys! Looks like their marketing campaign is finally is starting to get serious :D. Quote:
That's awesome! You should make a new thread about it, people might not see it in here. XD Quote:
I know, but it's the wrong kind of challenge, a false challenge even. It would be purely based on chance, and that's just annoying in games (imo). The challenge should be that you need proper skills and a good strategy: enemies moving fast (so you need good aiming skills), enemies actively searching for you (so you can't stay in one hiding place forever), that you need to plan your attack in advance (for example who you will take out in what way and in which order). So that when you just jump into the action and start shooting randomly at enemies, or you try to 'camp' in one place and try to kill them all from there, you will die. |
That looks like fun! I won't win but I'll fun making something anyway.
Let's just hope that the enemy AI is that good, but I doubt it :o. I mean in the demo she set a guy on fire, but the guys on the other side did not even notice that :o.
It's amazing what people, even a petite woman can manage with adrenalin pumping.
even if i would be a master with photos and stuff i just dont get an idea what to do in this contest xD
Say what you want about their campaign I feel that Crystal has done a lot to connect with their fans this time around. I know some old schoolers think they aree trying to disengage their original audience but in terms of fan involvement art, cosplay, fan films, podcasts, documentaries and apps have all been more encouraged and acknowledged and added a closer connection with the studio even know they do go silent for periods of times and don't release game information. :)
And like I said they never said it's a simulation, if they did i'd understand why you'd question their decisions but honestly too much realism takes away the fun and if a game isn't fun it's a fail in my eyes. Lara would've been dead the moment she was stranded on the island (or earlier) in real life so yeah... |
32 days, people! :jmp:
To be honest, I think you pretty much argued your own answer fairly adequately to your 'realism' argument with this post, and yahoo answers quote If CD were aware of this, then they probably felt it wasn't beyond the realms of believability to have Lara choking/strangling a big tough scavenger, especially if she's also using a tool/weapon to help her. I don't think the move is exactly obligatory either, so you don't have to make [poor little] Lara perform it :p. |
Breaking necks with a bow is pretty easy if you're intention is strong enough.
Trust me, I've done it before :mis: J/k:pi: |
I can't wait to stab people in the throat with arrows :D
I am excited for this, but I'm disappointed Lara's pistols won't be in it. :( Maybe they'll get added in as DLC?
It'll probably be a weapon part upgrade for the pistol. |
I can't think of any other games where a bow is used in this manner. As I said in my preview - "tenacious explorer to expert killer in the blink of an eye" - remembering this is a video game not real life. |
I will say, it is pretty easy. Especially when someone is off guard, I've tried before and nearly did it. I stopped after the first snap I heard though. |
Has anyone wondered about the birds that are present pretty much everywhere? I'm talking about the black birds (crows?) that fly around in flocks. They seem to appear whenever something important happens during the game, and they were also present in concept art. I wonder if they have any significance, perhaps metaphorically.
Small women can take out larger enemies (Nina and Anna from Tekken are assassins and they are shorter from TReboot Lara) so long they are experienced which Lara certainly isn't, which leads me to believe (I almost typed beliebe :vlol: ) that as the game progresses she'll be able to execute stealth attacks and others tasks a lot easier ( "I feel stronga now!" ) :tmb: . Quote:
I object to Lara being described as short! :mad: Accodring to Brian Horton who designed her (for this game at any rate), she's 5'6 Five foot six inches. That is not short, it is above average in UK. As a fellow 5'6er I have a right to claim my almost tallness!
[/insecure height rant :p] Erm...back on topic...:pi: |
To be honest, if she was 1.72 I'd be perfectly fine with it but 1.68 is not enough D: ! |
I agree 168 is short, and being that short is ridiculous considering that she takes out mercenaries double her hight and weight. It would be ok if she was trained for combat, but isn't she suppoused to be helpless and innocent in this one?
I still dislike her current height more than anythi... no, wait, more than many things but not anything! , and the whole point was for Lara to look inferior to the scavengers yet she slaughters them like a pro... in my opinion Crystal just needed an exuse for the height change which would later on defy anyway -_- ... |
I still feel that the 'finishers' we've seen have been taken out of context in the videos, somewhat. It may seem unealistic, but it's not something I'm going to be too worried about as I play. |
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