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LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 11:07


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6642831)
Was that ":rolleyes:" really necessary?

Yes, it certainly was :rolleyes: :p , GTAV is the obstacle between us and TR - GOTY Edition, it must be destroyed!!!

TippingWater 09-02-13 14:10

Funny story, my mother saw my background wallpaper, the one with Roth and Lara, and asked me if they are zombies :vlol:.

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 14:11


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6642979)
Funny story, my mother saw my background wallpaper, the one with Roth and Lara, and asked me if they are zombies :vlol:.

Are you kidding? With Roth there it was only human nature to make that question :vlol: !

BinRaider 09-02-13 14:58


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6642848)
Yes, it certainly was :rolleyes: :p , GTAV is the obstacle between us and TR - GOTY Edition, it must be destroyed!!!

Fo sho.

We all need to mob to the studio and sabotage production just enough to see them into 2014.

Evan C. 09-02-13 15:01

I think that if the game is good enough, it can have a big piece on the market. GTA V will sell well no matter what because it's the favourite game of casual players, teenage and boys too. But I am confident that TR will sell really well.

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 15:05


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643018)
Fo sho.

We all need to mob to the studio and sabotage production just enough to see them into 2014.

Hahaha, you bring the fire I'll bring the mob. See you there in an hour *high-five* .


TheRCroft 09-02-13 15:11


Originally Posted by pTURKEYq (Post 6642665)
No, no, no... I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Are they really expecting that TR will get 83000 fans before Martch 5? Damn 83 thousand? What are they thinking? And the prizes are two tracks? I had no idea that people from CD are so retarded.

Yeah, CD really are off their trolley sometimes. It's like when they wanted to hit 100.000 likes in 6 days when they hadn't even reached 15.000 just for a teaser of the Turning Point trailer.

Zebra 09-02-13 15:15


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6643027)
Yeah, CD really are off their trolley sometimes. It's like when they wanted to hit 100.000 likes in 6 days when they hadn't even reached 15.000 just for a teaser of the Turning Point trailer.

I don't think they actually expected to reach that goal. They simply wanted to get as many new fans as possible. And by using such an unrealistically high number they could be sure that fans would try extra hard to get others to like the page because the fans knew how difficult it would be to reach it.

GUMI 09-02-13 15:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643024)
Hahaha, you bring the fire I'll bring the mob. See you there in an hour *high-five* .


Ill bring xtine to sing a song while we raid CD :pi:

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 15:42


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643041)
Ill bring xtine to sing a song while we raid CD :pi:

We were gonna smash up whoever company make GTAV studios but we should raid CD to to get early access to a copy of the game :p . Xtine will be good, bring her :tmb: !

Back on topic: I need that game, what did you say we were gonna earn if we reacehd the number they wanted?

Bomb Fighter 09-02-13 15:46


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643041)
Ill bring xtine to sing a song while we raid CD :pi:

Good luck with getting her off the cauch in her mansion.

BinRaider 09-02-13 15:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643024)
Hahaha, you bring the fire I'll bring the mob. See you there in an hour *high-five* .


Bitch i'm already there tbh :pi:


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643041)
Ill bring xtine to sing a song while we raid CD :pi:

Bring her in a body bag and throw her in the fire :vlol:

pTURKEYq 09-02-13 15:52


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6643029)
I don't think they actually expected to reach that goal. They simply wanted to get as many new fans as possible. And by using such an unrealistically high number they could be sure that fans would try extra hard to get others to like the page because the fans knew how difficult it would be to reach it.

Yes, sure. But first, they have to deserve for the fans. What exactly CD want me to do? Should I beg all my friends, and maybe then some of them will like Tomb Raider?


**LARA LOVER** 09-02-13 16:04

Kinda off toipic, but did you guys see the new God of War trailer? So good! :yik:

I wish they would do a live action trailer like this for TR! :p

GUMI 09-02-13 16:06


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643050)
Bring her in a body bag and throw her in the fire :vlol:

I already did it. :pi:

Evan C. 09-02-13 16:25


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6643064)
Kinda off toipic, but did you guys see the new God of War trailer? So good! :yik:

I wish they would do a live action trailer like this for TR! :p

I don't like it at all, it's really cheesy.

Zebra 09-02-13 16:26


Originally Posted by pTURKEYq (Post 6643054)
Yes, sure. But first, they have to deserve for the fans. What exactly CD want me to do? Should I beg all my friends, and maybe then some of them will like Tomb Raider?


I'm sure some people will do that :p.

GUMI 09-02-13 16:28

My signature = Flawless :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 16:29


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6643077)
I'm sure some people will do that :p.

^ I have been listening to K-pop all summer and as a result my friends do so too, so maybe it will actually work for Tomb Raider too :vlol: !

Gamd1011 09-02-13 16:31


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643079)
My signature = Flawless :tmb:

Except that you used gay as a derogatory term. :/

Underhoe 09-02-13 16:32

:gay: like 90% of the forum. Watch yo mouth gorl. There are many sassy biches out 'ere.

ItIsOkBro 09-02-13 16:39

The new Tomb Raider survival guide woke me up man. I've seen the light. I saw the sign. I opened up my eyes and I saw the sign. I'm officially tired of these cinematic games man. And I know Tomb Raider is more story driven than before but here's the thing. Take away all the cutscenes from Uncharted and you have literally the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played, ever. But do that to this new TR and you still have the weapon upgrades and gear gating and the backtracking and the exporation and the island history. TR's a game for real man.

Underhoe 09-02-13 16:44


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6643095)
The new Tomb Raider survival guide woke me up man. I've seen the light. I saw the sign. I opened up my eyes and I saw the sign. I'm officially tired of these cinematic games man. And I know Tomb Raider is more story driven than before but here's the thing. Take away all the cutscenes from Uncharted and you have literally the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played, ever. But do that to this new TR and you still have the weapon upgrades and gear gating and the backtracking and the exporation and the island history. TR's a game for real man.


Zebra 09-02-13 16:50


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6643095)
The new Tomb Raider survival guide woke me up man. I've seen the light. I saw the sign. I opened up my eyes and I saw the sign. I'm officially tired of these cinematic games man. And I know Tomb Raider is more story driven than before but here's the thing. Take away all the cutscenes from Uncharted and you have literally the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played, ever. But do that to this new TR and you still have the weapon upgrades and gear gating and the backtracking and the exporation and the island history. TR's a game for real man.

That's kinda sexist isn't it?

GUMI 09-02-13 16:52


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6643095)
The new Tomb Raider survival guide woke me up man. I've seen the light. I saw the sign. I opened up my eyes and I saw the sign. I'm officially tired of these cinematic games man. And I know Tomb Raider is more story driven than before but here's the thing. Take away all the cutscenes from Uncharted and you have literally the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played, ever. But do that to this new TR and you still have the weapon upgrades and gear gating and the backtracking and the exporation and the island history. TR's a game for real man.

Are you high?

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 16:52


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6643095)
The new Tomb Raider survival guide woke me up man. I've seen the light. I saw the sign. I opened up my eyes and I saw the sign. I'm officially tired of these cinematic games man. And I know Tomb Raider is more story driven than before but here's the thing. Take away all the cutscenes from Uncharted and you have literally the most boring and repetitive game I've ever played, ever. But do that to this new TR and you still have the weapon upgrades and gear gating and the backtracking and the exporation and the island history. TR's a game for real man.


M1chae1a 09-02-13 17:01

^OMG that pic :vlol:. I'm glad I don't look like that when i'm playing games, i'm a girl so I guess that helps :p Tomb Raider a real means game? :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 17:03


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6643122)
^OMG that pic :vlol:. I'm glad I don't look like that when i'm playing games, i'm a girl so I guess that helps :p Tomb Raider a real means game? :vlol:

You're a gurl? Too bad then, you can't play, it's for men only :ohn: .


M1chae1a 09-02-13 17:05


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643125)
You're a gurl? Too bad then, you can't play, it's for men only :ohn: .


Bit late to tell me that lol been playing TR since I was 6-7 :p

LaraDuh 09-02-13 17:05

Quick question. Is buying a "Reservation Card" the same as pre-order? I bought a Reservation Card for TR a couple days ago from Wal-Mart, and was wondering if I get the Pre-Order bonuses when I go to pick up my Copy of the game. /stupidquestion/ghetto:o

EDIT: It came with the VUDU credits but i'm still not sure if i will be getting the skin and the map .

GUMI 09-02-13 17:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643110)



LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 17:07


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6643126)
Bit late to tell me that lol been playing TR since I was 6-7 :p

You dirty little law-breaker, they must put you in jail :vlol: !

GUMI 09-02-13 17:11


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643130)
You dirty little law-breaker, they must put you in jail :vlol: !


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643133)
I think it's like asking them to save you a copy for you which is pretty much liked pre-ordering however, stores can be evil when money/products are at stake so you better askthem to make sure ;) .

You double posted lol

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 17:14


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643136)
You double posted lol

Quite you!

Srry for dat :o ...!

M1chae1a 09-02-13 17:21


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643130)
You dirty little law-breaker, they must put you in jail :vlol: !

Aww :( Ah well you will just have to get over it :p

LNSNHGTDS 09-02-13 17:25


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6643145)
Aww :( Ah well you will just have to get over it :p

I'll try really hard but I don't I'll ever be able to forget the atrocities you have commited...

M1chae1a 09-02-13 17:31


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643148)
I'll try really hard but I don't I'll ever be able to forget the atrocities you have commited...

Hehe :p I'm sure you will manage...maybe.

b.gluch 09-02-13 17:52

can you pre-order a game a day before release?

BinRaider 09-02-13 17:58


Originally Posted by b.gluch (Post 6643170)
can you pre-order a game a day before release?

I think so.

JsotoTRSaga 09-02-13 18:16

LOL Bin raider your avatar is so reminisent of the once Puerto Rican TV icon (1990's-2013) ''La Comay'' :vlol: they where separated at birth TBH.

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