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Love2Raid 15-02-13 21:27

Wow, those greedy bastards. >_<

Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6652216)

If it's any consolation, they also put works by legendary artists like Van Gogh and Monet on their iPhone cases. :p

LNSNHGTDS 15-02-13 21:27

This has gotta be a lot more organised than we actually think.

I think that it's like a tiny tiny company or something, we gotta do something about it, this is so ****ed up.

Where is FearEffect by the way?

ItIsOkBro 15-02-13 21:28

They also have 007 and Star Wars wallets and those sure as hell aren't licensed so I don't think they care.

LNSNHGTDS 15-02-13 21:30

Can't we like report the seller or something?

No matter the bitching and the fighting around here I think that, if enough members are gathered here on TRF, we can ban these hoes.


Weemanply109 15-02-13 21:47

Was this released in full before? (exception of magazine scans) [Click for HQ]

Stevo505 15-02-13 21:55

So the Illuminati is in this game? :p

Mikky 15-02-13 21:56

FearEffect has had it on his DA page for a while. It was leaked or something like that. That one is in much better quality, though. :D

FearEffect 15-02-13 22:08


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6652239)

O.M.G :mad:

Weemanply109 15-02-13 22:42


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6652327)
So the Illuminati is in this game? :p

Knowing CD, it wouldn't be surprised. :pi:

Gamd1011 15-02-13 23:02


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6652295)
Can't we like report the seller or something?

No matter the bitching and the fighting around here I think that, if enough members are gathered here on TRF, we can ban these hoes.


Here's the links to report the items.

TRItheMaster 15-02-13 23:17


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6652239)

Are you ****ing serious!? :cen:

Atlantisfreak666 15-02-13 23:22


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6652327)
So the Illuminati is in this game? :p

Yes, and the leader is Natla.

FearEffect 15-02-13 23:48

There' s a new trailer


TRItheMaster 15-02-13 23:50


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6652420)
There' s a new trailer


oh my god yes! :jmp:

MyRaider4Life 15-02-13 23:50

Link to the new trailer?

FearEffect 15-02-13 23:51

Sorry, i only have the bad quality one , i'm uploading

Zebra 15-02-13 23:51

I clicked the link but didn't see any spoiler. Then again, I immediately closed it again before I could really make sense of the pic :p.

EDIT: @FearEffect: Is the trailer you're uploading very spoilerish? Because I do want to watch it but I don't want any more spoilers.

Baratheon 15-02-13 23:55

Oh, a new trailer? I need to see!

FearEffect 15-02-13 23:55

There are some new scenes at the end, but if the monster isn't a spoiler, no problem.

TRItheMaster 15-02-13 23:56


Originally Posted by feareffect (Post 6652427)
there's some new scenes at the end, but if the monster isn't a spoiler, no problem.

ty so much!

Carbonek_0051 15-02-13 23:58

Youtube link?

Lara holic 15-02-13 23:59


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6652427)
There are some new scenes at the end, but if the monster isn't a spoiler, no problem.

and I've ruined the game for myself :hea:, thanks nevertheless :(.

FearEffect 15-02-13 23:59

Baratheon 16-02-13 00:01


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6652427)

Lara is pretty remarkable at the end. Thanks for the upload, Fear.

suckerpunch 16-02-13 00:02


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6652427)
There are some new scenes at the end, but if the monster isn't a spoiler, no problem.

thanks for the link, it looks great, but cd, ENOUGH WITH THE NEW FOOTAGE!
i can guarantee you guys, we have already seen everything. every hub, every move, every weapon and every character! they seriously showed too much of the game and it really makes me mad. there will be no surprises at all while playing the game!

tomblover 16-02-13 00:03

"Every survivor has their story."

What's the second thing she says? :confused:


Carbonek_0051 16-02-13 00:03


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6652431)

Thanks. :)

Stevo505 16-02-13 00:05


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6652434)
thanks for the link, it looks great, but cd, ENOUGH WITH THE NEW FOOTAGE!
i can guarantee you guys, we have already seen everything. every hub, every move, every weapon and every character! they seriously showed too much of the game and it really makes me mad. there will be no surprises at all while playing the game!

You can't guarantee that because it's very likely not true.

FearEffect 16-02-13 00:05


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6652437)
"Every survivor has their story."

What's the second thing she says? :confused:


Every Survivor Has Their Story, Every Legend Has A Beginning.

Rai 16-02-13 00:08


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6652434)
thanks for the link, it looks great, but cd, ENOUGH WITH THE NEW FOOTAGE!
i can guarantee you guys, we have already seen everything. every hub, every move, every weapon and every character! they seriously showed too much of the game and it really makes me mad. there will be no surprises at all while playing the game!

I'm sorry, but I'm sure you're wrong. Every hub? There's no way we've seen every hub in the game. I know we feel like we've seen a lot, but, I really doubt we've seen everything, or even half of it.

Thanks for posting, FearEffect. As we've seen glimpses of the monster before, it's not overly spoilerish.

skylark1121 16-02-13 00:09


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6652443)
I'm sorry, but I'm sure you're wrong. Every hub? There's no way we've seen every hub in the game. I know we feel like we've seen a lot, but, I really doubt we've seen everything, or even half of it.

This! Besides, in the guide to survival trailer, didn't it say that he was only 11% through with the game after he finished the radiotower? That shows how big the game is. :jmp:

tomblover 16-02-13 00:09

^ We've only seen the first hour extensively -- the rest have just been tiny snippets. :p

Lara holic 16-02-13 00:15

Beware Everyone, Spoilers Age is Upon Us.

after watching it for the 4th time, I can say I'm more exited :jmp:.

Mikky 16-02-13 00:17

That could possibly be the Launch trailer? EDIT - Nah, I just realized it's too short to be the launch trailer. More likely it's a TV ad.

Lara looks so badass at the end there! :D


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6652443)
I'm sorry, but I'm sure you're wrong. Every hub? There's no way we've seen every hub in the game. I know we feel like we've seen a lot, but, I really doubt we've seen everything, or even half of it.


trfanX34 16-02-13 00:18

I want the launch trailer to be as awesome as TRU's :(

James_Rutland 16-02-13 00:19

Has anyone noticed its using the same music track as the fanmade trailer in the OP of the "best trailer/media you've seen" thread? :D

Peep Show 16-02-13 00:24

I'm sorry but people who complain about the amount of footage CD has shown need to blame themselves, the last footage I saw was like 2 months ago and I couldn't be more happy, if you can't control yourself you should stay away from this forum.

skylark1121 16-02-13 00:28


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6652463)
I want the launch trailer to be as awesome as TRU's :(

Me too. That launch trailer was amazing. :)


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6652469)
I'm sorry but people who complain about the amount of footage CD has shown need to blame themselves, the last footage I saw was like 2 months ago and I couldn't be more happy, if you can't control yourself you should stay away from this forum.


renspyro 16-02-13 00:33


Edit: So the video was posted before...

Warning: New Scenes! But it's awesome!!

Spong 16-02-13 00:34


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6652481)


Warning: New Scenes! But it's awesome!!

Mars is a planet, not a month :pi::p

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