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LNSNHGTDS 20-02-13 22:41


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6660532)
He dead.

Shhh, the fangirls might hear you.

Richard_Croft 20-02-13 22:42


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6660528)

I'd love to have that pic in a bigger resolution! I hope they release it :cln:

Linoshi Croft 20-02-13 22:45

Where did that video come from? it's actually really interesting.

Richard_Croft 20-02-13 22:46

^From here!

Mikky 20-02-13 22:48


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6660547)
Where did that video come from? it's actually really interesting.

I can't even watch it on my tablet. :,( Would be nice if there was a youtube version.

Oh, wait, I think it's working now.

Richard_Croft 20-02-13 22:50

There is a bigger version! Well, not that big :p
But Sam does look quite different in there, uhm

FearEffect 20-02-13 22:55


NO ! :mad:

Gladous 20-02-13 22:57


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6660436)
There is no doubt it's Amelia Earhart's last resting place. The plane you see in the trailer is a Lockheed 10 Electra, which was the model Amelia was flying with before disappearing.

Oh, duh! The Tomb of the Lost Adventurer = Amelia Earnhart because she pronounced dead because she was lost and never found.

Makes SO much sense now. :jmp:

TheShadowOfMe 20-02-13 22:59


This is Lara? I mean, photo in Turning Point, right? xD

dantedmc 20-02-13 22:59

surviving together? what? Ya'll gonna die, bitches. Well, except Lara.

Linoshi Croft 20-02-13 23:01


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6660581)

NO ! :mad:

They are talking about the multiplayer not the singleplayer. :p

TheShadowOfMe 20-02-13 23:02


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6660604)
They are talking about the multiplayer not the singleplayer. :p

That's what I wanted to write... xD

Cristina 20-02-13 23:31


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6660528)
Where is ALEX ?


Oh, not sure if posted before :

Is that the beta artwork of lara we seen maybe between 1 or 2 weeks before?

Richard_Croft 20-02-13 23:40


Mikky 20-02-13 23:58

Let's play "Spot The White Ledge"

I'll give you a clue - you can see them.

Ivy Valentine 21-02-13 00:02


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6660821)
Let's play "Spot The White Ledge"

I'll give you a clue - you can see them.

WHUT! I thought they got rid of them?!

Richard_Croft 21-02-13 00:02

^They didn't!
@Mikky: Lol :vlol:

It's official!! 11 DAYS!! :p

Mikky 21-02-13 00:07

White ledges have never really bothered me that much, but I find it so silly to put them in when we have Survival Instinct. I mean, SI also points out ledges for us, so what is the point? :p

Linoshi Croft 21-02-13 00:09

Didn't Jay said we'd get something today? :pi:

Mikky 21-02-13 00:10


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6660858)
Didn't Jay said we'd get something today? :pi:

We did get the commercial, I guess. :pi:

ItIsOkBro 21-02-13 00:12

Whitman for serious reminds me of a character from one of the Jurassic Park movies

Rai 21-02-13 00:26

So,I don't know who this guy is, but he has Tomb Raider 'facts':

Mikky 21-02-13 00:39

"Lara Croft doesn't sleep. She waits."

That's funny. I could have sworn she was asleep while her best friend was getting kidnapped. :whi:

Stevo505 21-02-13 01:04

That man said Laura. LAURA. LAURAAAAAA.


suckerpunch 21-02-13 01:36


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6660571)
There is a bigger version! Well, not that big :p
But Sam does look quite different in there, uhm

i just cant get over at how much better lara croft looks in that pic than now in the final artwork.

scremanie 21-02-13 01:39

She looks like a bug. Or like Underworld Lara in a different outfit.

Gamd1011 21-02-13 01:45

Alex is missing in that picture... :confused:

Guess that means he's the one that's going to be excluded in Endurance Week?

Richard_Croft 21-02-13 01:46


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 6661140)
i just cant get over at how much better lara croft looks in that pic than now in the final artwork.

And Sam looks better in that pic than in the Endurance Week's concept

mikesamillion2 21-02-13 01:54


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6661152)
Alex is missing in that picture... :confused:

Guess that means he's the one that's going to be excluded in survivor week?

I am not happy about this xD I want to cosplay Alex, it would have been nice to know more about his character! Hopefully I'll find out in the game xD

Gamd1011 21-02-13 01:58


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6661167)
I am not happy about this xD I want to cosplay Alex, it would have been nice to know more about his character! Hopefully I'll find out in the game xD

I just realized I wrote SURVIVOR week. :p

dantedmc 21-02-13 03:28

what a dead space.

TRItheMaster 21-02-13 03:33


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6661250)
what a dead space.

I wanna see something new! :cln:

dantedmc 21-02-13 03:35


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6661255)
I wanna see something new! :cln:

But seriously, don't you think they need to promote the game more? Updates must float out of nowhere hourly, in my view.

TRItheMaster 21-02-13 03:47


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6661257)
But seriously, don't you think they need to promote the game more? Updates must float out of nowhere hourly, in my view.

Exactly there hasn't been very much! :D

thebelljarkid 21-02-13 03:58


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6661177)
I just realized I wrote SURVIVOR week. :p

Wow, you're not a true Tomb Raider fan. Why are you even on TRF? Kidding ;)

mizuno_suisei 21-02-13 04:19

Any word on PC Specifications yet? *sigh*

I want to pre-order the survivor edition but I can't know which console to get it on as I have the option of PC or 360 and I can't pre-order until I know the PC specs. Damn renting and car repayment making me poor! Still so odd on why they've left the releasing of specs so late!! If they release them on the day of game release ima be so pissed!

KasumiBlosssom 21-02-13 04:38


Originally Posted by mizuno_suisei (Post 6661299)
Any word on PC Specifications yet? *sigh*

They were actually revealed quite some time ago. Here you are,


OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: 2GHz Dual Core (Intel Core 2 Duo or better, AMD Athlon X2 or better)
Memory: 1 GB (Win XP), 2 GB (Win Vista/7)
Video Card: nVIDIA GeForce 8800 / AMD Radeon HD 2900 or better

mizuno_suisei 21-02-13 04:42


Originally Posted by KasumiBlosssom (Post 6661316)
They were actually revealed quite some time ago. Here you are,

Thank you for the link but apparently these are wrong and just estimates by Steam? Last I knew, CD haven't released anything officially. Jay said he'd get back to me about it weeks ago but he hasn't :/

KasumiBlosssom 21-02-13 04:47

Oh right, I'm sorry about that. Hmm I wish my computer could run TR :p

mizuno_suisei 21-02-13 04:59

Oh no no please don't apologise! I just recall a fair few saying the specifications seemed a bit too low (more for TRU) and that they were likely a guess as CD haven't released them. Who knows, they could be the right specs!

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