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Spong 23-02-13 02:24


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6664730)
I know that, lol. I meant where on the internet are they coming from.

I have no idea. And unless you've got a JTag 360, there's no point in finding out.

MyRaider4Life 23-02-13 02:27


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6664734)
I have no idea. And unless you've got a JTag 360, there's no point in finding out.

I have no intentions of downloading it as I have no 360, I'd just like to look at the screenshots.

FearEffect 23-02-13 02:27


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664732)
The guy is from an Orkut's Xbox Community. He just told how he got the game, show those ss and said it will leak on Sunday.

Link :D

Billy959 23-02-13 02:32


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664732)
The guy is from an Orkut's Xbox Community. He just told how he got the game, show those ss and said it will leak on Sunday.


No wonder no one has ever heard of the leaking

egypt_gypsie 23-02-13 04:07

My favorite entry so far into the TR Reborn dA contest:

FearEffect 23-02-13 04:08

2 pictures in-game of the Scavenger Den.

Looks awesome !

tainanlctr 23-02-13 04:17

I am the best person to talk about it because I am the source. Am I'm tempted to contact Square Enix at all cost more without success. I want to help them avoid a tragedy. I have concrete evidence that someone here in Brazil stole a copy of Tomb Raider for xbox360

I want to help put this thug in jail

my twitter @tainanlctr

qrack 23-02-13 04:24

Did anyone PM megan or Jaywalker about the theft? Pretty sure they'll want to know about it.

tainanlctr 23-02-13 04:27


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6664883)
Did anyone PM megan or Jaywalker about the theft? Pretty sure they'll want to know about it.

I just said that I've already sent several messages to them. I tried for hours to contact Crystal or Sqaure. I've got concrete evidences and can help them combat this piracy

Girafarig32 23-02-13 04:29


Originally Posted by egypt_gypsie (Post 6664866)
My favorite entry so far into the TR Reborn dA contest:

If she wasn't so beat up (and whiny lol), she'd be hot. She looks great, anyways.

The release date. It's so close! :)

qrack 23-02-13 04:30


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6664885)
I just said that I've already sent several messages to them. I tried for hours to contact Crystal or Sqaure. I've got concrete evidences and can help them combat this piracy

You just said you were "tempted to contact" them, not that you actually did. Hopefully they're keeping tabs on this. Would suck for the game to fail because some douche decided to leak the game for free.

Since you have a twitter account, the official Twitter or maybe Karl's twitter might also be a good place to try and contact them (not sure what those are off the top of my head).

tainanlctr 23-02-13 04:36


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6664889)
You just said you were "tempted to contact" them, not that you actually did. Hopefully they're keeping tabs on this. Would suck for the game to fail because some douche decided to leak the game for free.

Since you have a twitter account, the official Twitter or maybe Karl's twitter might also be a good place to try and contact them (not sure what those are off the top of my head).

I received a DM on twitter Karl on twitter and he only asked where the link came from (the evidence of the crime of piracy). I answered over 10 times and till now he does not answer me back.

I really want to help but they are ignoring me. I've sent several messages to several different people's Square CD or on facebook and twitter

qrack 23-02-13 04:38


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6664903)
I received a DM on twitter Karl on twitter and he only asked where the link came from (the evidence of the crime of piracy). I answered over 10 times and till now he does not answer me back.

I really want to help but they are ignoring me. I've sent several messages to several different people's Square CD or on facebook and twitter

He could be stuck making a lot of phone calls or something trying to track this stuff down. Not sure what the procedure would be on their end to track this thing down and if they can even do anything about it outside of requesting content be taken down once it's out there (which would mean it would need to be out there in the first place). Crappy situation.

tainanlctr 23-02-13 04:46


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6664907)
He could be stuck making a lot of phone calls or something trying to track this stuff down. Not sure what the procedure would be on their end to track this thing down and if they can even do anything about it outside of requesting content be taken down once it's out there (which would mean it would need to be out there in the first place). Crappy situation.

They can still stay in control. Search on the case Mortal Kombat, a bastard here in Brazil was arrested. If Square Enix act immediately they can prevent a tragedy. I'm willing to help, I'm here with hunger, I am not able to sleep for concern but if they continue to ignore me I give up

FearEffect 23-02-13 05:59

Wallpaper Time

[IMG] urvivor-d5vwgm6.png[/IM]

Hope you like it :)



JerryC 23-02-13 06:50


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6664995)

Bon Travail! FearEffect

Mod edit: Image removed
These eight photos can comfirm that the guy gets the copy……:hea:

TRItheMaster 23-02-13 07:53

Okay ****. Can we stop with the images and/or convert them to links? :o

Spong 23-02-13 07:55


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6665030)
Okay ****. Can we stop with the images and/or convert them to links? :o

Just report the posts and the mods will hopefully remove them. As much as they should, no one's going to listen to you asking them to stop. They shouldn't be posting pics from sources like that in the first place.

Ward Dragon 23-02-13 08:14

Stop discussing the game leak or posting images. I'm sure that Eidos will act on the information as soon as they can (it's the weekend so maybe they're busy right now :o).

klona 23-02-13 08:37

The game... Leaked...? o-o

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 08:38

^I don't think so...
I saw the images. Nothing to be interested in.

EscondeR 23-02-13 08:42

^ Actually seconded.

Some people, perhaps, just desperately need attention. They can thank you now for giving them that much :p

ajrich17901 23-02-13 08:44

^ Pretty much, the game is obviously gonna leak but it hasn't as of yet or there would be signs everywhere.

hayden 23-02-13 08:56

Instead of talking about the leak, why don't we all just leave it alone and forget about it?

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 08:57


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6665088)
Instead of talking about the leak, why don't we all just leave it alone and forget about it?

Ιt's never that simple.
That leak is now the new IT in TRF.

Spong 23-02-13 08:59


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665090)
Ιt's never that simple.
That leak is now the new IT in TRF.

Not if you ignore it and talk about something else.

LNSNHGTDS 23-02-13 08:59

Let's talk about her hair then :whi: ...

CBS_TombRaider 23-02-13 09:00

Lol, I totally missed all the chaos :p I guess that's good though. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off spoilers if they were just handed to me on a silver platter :pi:

Lukass 23-02-13 09:01


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6665092)
Let's talk about her hair then :whi: ...


CBS_TombRaider 23-02-13 09:02


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6665092)
Let's talk about her hair then :whi: ...

God no. We've been through that discussion a million times, as with the dual pistols, the fact whether Camilla sucks or not, 2D nails and boot buckles, too much combat...


Spong 23-02-13 09:03

I reckon Natla will be back in TR9 :cool:

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 09:03


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6665092)
Let's talk about her hair then :whi: ...

Well ok.
They should really fix her hair it's so annoying. God
Don't even get me started on her 2D nails and the painted boot buckles.
I can see Spong doing a facepalm.

LNSNHGTDS 23-02-13 09:04


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6665095)
God no. We've been through that discussion a million times, as with the dual pistols, the fact whether Camilla sucks or not, 2D nails and boot buckles, too much combat...


I know, but you're all forgetting one thing; we don't have a life (TR-wise) until the game comes out :p !!!

hayden 23-02-13 09:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6665098)
I know, but you're all forgetting one thing; we don't have a life (TR-wise) until the game comes out :p !!!

VERY true :hea:

Tonyrobinson 23-02-13 09:34


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6665096)
I reckon Natla will be back in TR9 :cool:

Yes that screenshot last night seemed to suggest as much! :pi:


Stevo505 23-02-13 09:41

Queen Himiko is actually Natla!!

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 09:47

I can imagine it.

Lara: So they are worshiping Natla, Erm sorry Himiko...
Whitman: O_o
Roth: O_o
Reyes: O_o
Scavenger: O_o
Deer: O_o
FeeFee: O_o
Tv: O_o
Me: O_o
World: O_o
GOD: O_o

CD: Yes, that's an easter egg.

LNSNHGTDS 23-02-13 09:48


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665126)
I can imagine it.

Lara: So they are worshiping Natla, Erm sorry Himiko...
Whitman: O_o
Roth: O_o
Reyes: O_o
Scavenger: O_o
Deer: O_o
FeeFee: O_o
Tv: O_o
Me: O_o
World: O_o
GOD: O_o

CD: Yes, that's an easter egg.

:vlol: That would be above flawless :vlol: !

Stevo505 23-02-13 09:50

They already made a nice easter egg reference to the first game when Whitman says "It's like finding Atlantis" :D

EscondeR 23-02-13 09:51


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665126)
I can imagine it.

Lara: So they are worshiping Natla, Erm sorry Himiko...
Whitman: O_o
Roth: O_o
Reyes: O_o
Scavenger: O_o
Deer: O_o
FeeFee: O_o
Tv: O_o
Me: O_o
World: O_o
GOD: O_o

CD: Yes, that's an easter egg.

Fixed ;)

TBH, the game title is already a big Easter Egg... or trollface :mis:

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