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Mikky 24-02-13 20:10


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6667964)
The intro is just a shortened version of the Turning Point trailer, . :p

OK, that is all I will discuss.

Yeah, but the intro as a whole up to when she gets out of the den is just a fantastic way to start off a game, and all the music fits in perfectly. Kudos to CD.

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:10

but why would i join them if i already paid? do you want to see the receipt?

EscondeR 24-02-13 20:11

Because you would have used an illegal download and supported piracy. Is that uber-complicated to comprehend?

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:14

well i dont know much about piracy, all i know is thar its downloading products for free. i didnt know that downloading stuff you paid for is piracy, even if a week away

EscondeR 24-02-13 20:18

If you paid for it in Steam, you're supposed to download it thorugh Steam. If you prepaid it in some store, you're supposed to come in time and take it from their shelf. Not downloading god knows what from some iffy site... and week before the official release date.

IMO that was pretty obvious always.

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:22

From . and i ber it will be march tenth till i get my code. i bouht the download one, so taking it ofc a shelf will be really hard

qrack 24-02-13 20:30


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6668006)
From . and i ber it will be march tenth till i get my code. i bouht the download one, so taking it ofc a shelf will be really hard

Let's say you went car shopping and decided to buy a car from a dealership. You pay that dealership money for the car and they say that the car will be delivered in a week. With your logic, because you already paid for a car and you want to drive a car around now, it's okay to steal someone else's car to drive around in until your car arrives.

Cran360 24-02-13 20:31

I still can't see what the big problem is. I don't condemn piracy, after all, videogames are super expensive and if we were always paying for everything they want us to pay, we woulnd't have any money left... I mean, lots of people are going to play the game before us anyway, but still I don't think they're THat many downloading/playing it already. Let them play, who cares, it's no harm for us, we'll have a pretty little box and a great game soon anyway ;)

Zebra 24-02-13 20:32


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6668023)
Let's say you went car shopping and decided to buy a car from a dealership. You pay that dealership money for the car and they say that the car will be delivered in a week. With your logic, because you already paid for a car and you want to drive a car around now, it's okay to steal someone else's car to drive around in until your car arrives.

That's a pretty bad comparison, actually.

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 20:33


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6667954)
I just watched part 1 of a walkthrough, because, you know, some people already have the game. Yay? Anyway, HUGE SPOILER:

Seriously, though, the game has a great intro and the music is quite amazing. That is all.

I always hoped Lara was an atheist, but she's talked about God before so I always thought she is listed as a Christian but doesn't really care :p !


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6667964)
The intro is just a shortened version of the Turning Point trailer, . :p

Why D: ?

Zebra 24-02-13 20:35


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668031)
I always hoped Lara was an atheist, but she's talked about God before so I always thought she is listed as a Christian but doesn't really care :p !

I'd say Core Lara was an atheist and movie/Legend Lara either that or possibly a buddhist :p.

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:35

but if you already are at the dealership,and you paid for the car, why wouldnt you just drive it home? and game has the files ready, they should give us the game and send the code individually. that is not piracy, or is it?

Forcible 24-02-13 20:36


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6667996)
If you paid for it in Steam, you're supposed to download it thorugh Steam. If you prepaid it in some store, you're supposed to come in time and take it from their shelf. Not downloading god knows what from some iffy site... and week before the official release date.

IMO that was pretty obvious always.

Still, there is a difference between someone who will just download the game from torrent and never pay for, it and someone who has already paid for it but get it sooner that he should. That's also pretty obvious imo. :)

qrack 24-02-13 20:36


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668026)
That's a pretty bad comparison, actually.

It's not great, but it's not that far from what he's saying. He's trying to excuse theft by saying that he's paid for the product already.


Originally Posted by Cran360 (Post 6668025)
I still can't see what the big problem is. I don't condemn piracy, after all, videogames are super expensive and if we were always paying for everything they want us to pay, we woulnd't have any money left... I mean, lots of people are going to play the game before us anyway, but still I don't think they're THat many downloading/playing it already. Let them play, who cares, it's no harm for us, we'll have a pretty little box and a great game soon anyway ;)

There's no direct harm to us, but it definitely harms the publishers and developers who made the game. If they don't make money off of the game, then they stop making the game, and where does that leave the rest of us?

Valentino 24-02-13 20:38


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668031)

Why D: ?

It just cut the very first part where she falls into the water and then probably cuts after she slips from Roths hands into the sea. Only so it acts as an introduction to why Lara is on an island.

Zebra 24-02-13 20:39


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6668045)
It's not great, but it's not that far from what he's saying. He's trying to excuse theft by saying that he's paid for the product already.

But in his case it would be a victimless crime because he HAS paid for it. I get that it's legally wrong but I don't think it's morally wrong to download a game that you've preordered before release. The game having leaked at all certainly is wrong, though.

jajay119 24-02-13 20:40


Originally Posted by qrack (Post 6668045)
It's not great, but it's not that far from what he's saying. He's trying to excuse theft by saying that he's paid for the product already.

At least he has bought it not like the majority of pirates who, when they download things, never have any intention of giving a penny anyway. Yes, it's still wrong and illegal but in the grand scheme of things if you're gonna be pirated you'd rather it be by someone like him.

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 20:40


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668041)
I'd say Core Lara was an atheist and movie/Legend Lara either that or possibly a buddhist :p.

She could be a Christian and not be at the same time :p !

For example, in the case of Orthodox Christianity, which is the dominant religion in Greece, most Greeks will always say they're Christians if they are asked and wear crusifixes and all (just as jewelry and nothing more by the way :p ! ) but if you ask them they are propably NOT going to the church every Sunday, NOT praying and NOT doing the usual crap Christians are expected to do. We even have swear words which are "connected" with religion :vlol: !

So I just thought that she was a faux Christian all along :p !

EscondeR 24-02-13 20:41


Originally Posted by Forcible (Post 6668043)
Still, there is a difference between someone who will just download the game from torrent and never pay for, it and someone who has already paid for it but get it sooner that he should. That's also pretty obvious imo. :)

Yeah, if you want to find an excuse, anything goes. Good luck with that principle :tmb:

qrack 24-02-13 20:42


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668049)
But in his case it would be a victimless crime because he HAS paid for it. I get that it's legally wrong but I don't think it's morally wrong to download a game that you've preordered before release. The game having leaked at all certainly is wrong, though.

He is still supporting the leakers by downloading the leak, so while square/cd haven't lost a sale, he's saying what the leakers did is okay.

Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668047)
It just cut the very first part where she falls into the water and then probably cuts after she slips from Roths hands into the sea. Only so it acts as an introduction to why Lara is on an island.

Makes sense. It's not like they could use that last part where she already has the bow and the climbing axe at the very beginning of the game.

Forcible 24-02-13 20:46


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668049)
But in his case it would be a victimless crime because he HAS paid for it. I get that it's legally wrong but I don't think it's morally wrong to download a game that you've preordered before release. The game having leaked at all certainly is wrong, though.

This. :tmb:


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6668053)
Yeah, if you want to find an excuse, anything goes. Good luck with that principle :tmb:

Not trying to find an excuse nor do I want to argue with you. I was just saying that I don't see some major crime or piracy (like you said) in getting the game earlier if I've already paid for it. :)

tombraiderxii 24-02-13 20:47

saw a couple YouTube walkthroughs.. my my the game looks even better! :D
I'm not really spoiling myself since I already played the up to the radio tower mission at Crystal Dynamics way back in December, but my god, I'm surprised to see so many people spamming Survival Instinct. :vlol:

On another note, I paid off my CE at GameStop and pre-ordered Bioshock Infinite... there are TR posters and cutouts many feels going on right now. So excited for next Tuesday!! ;_;

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:52


Originally Posted by Forcible (Post 6668058)
This. :tmb:

Not trying to find an excuse nor do I want to argue with you. I was just saying that I don't see some major crime or piracy (like you said) in getting the game earlier if I've already paid for it. :)

exactly my point. they dont lose a sale, not one, because i still have my order there. so there is no bictim. if i didn get the preorder i would think it wont be ok since its not fair to the developers and i wouldnt actually do it, i once bought an used version of legend which turned out to be a copy, and i found out here after using dxdiag. so that time i was paying and still got the thing i would have gotten for free.

qrack 24-02-13 20:55


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6668068)
exactly my point. they dont lose a sale, not one, because i still have my order there. so there is no bictim. if i didn get the preorder i would think it wont be ok since its not fair to the developers and i wouldnt actually do it, i once bought an used version of legend which turned out to be a copy, and i found out here after using dxdiag. so that time i was paying and still got the thing i would have gotten for free.

You're missing the entire point. Even though you've paid for the game, you're still supporting piracy by downloading what pirates stole. Whether or not Square or CD lost a sale is not the point. The point is that someone stole the game from them and you're saying "that's alright" by downloading what they stole.

ItIsOkBro 24-02-13 20:56

Honestly it's a confusing area IMO. Let's say you bought a physical copy of a game, broke the disc, but you have the serial key. You could download it and use your key, but that wouldn't be legal since it's not the copy you own. However with digital downloads you never own a thing anyway, you're getting a license to play the game. Look at iTunes: you are only buying a nontransferable license that allows you the right to listen to it. Let's say I preorder an album on iTunes. When the hell do I get the license? When I give money or on the release date? IDK but if it's the former I think someone can argue that they could download the album when it leaks (it's probably the latter though).

Sabi96 24-02-13 21:00

i do not support that fact. if i did i would just cancel my order and get my game free. its different. i knoa its wrong but still not as bad as just pirating the game.

for an example with cars... like getting a free drive before getting your car. if we got a demo i wouldn have this problem. and i didnt download anything, that was just me thinking aloud

Mikky 24-02-13 21:06


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668031)
I always hoped Lara was an atheist, but she's talked about God before so I always thought she is listed as a Christian but doesn't really care :p !

Why D: ?


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668052)
She could be a Christian and not be at the same time :p !

For example, in the case of Orthodox Christianity, which is the dominant religion in Greece, most Greeks will always say they're Christians if they are asked and wear crusifixes and all (just as jewelry and nothing more by the way :p ! ) but if you ask them they are propably NOT going to the church every Sunday, NOT praying and NOT doing the usual crap Christians are expected to do. We even have swear words which are "connected" with religion :vlol: !

So I just thought that she was a faux Christian all along :p !

I was just joking around. I can't believe you're actually seriously discussing it. :vlol:

jajay119 24-02-13 21:08


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6668084)
i do not support that fact. if i did i would just cancel my order and get my game free. its different. i knoa its wrong but still not as bad as just pirating the game.

for an example with cars... like getting a free drive before getting your car. if we got a demo i wouldn have this problem. and i didnt download anything, that was just me thinking aloud

There is a slight difference though; a demo is like taking the car for a test drive with a representive with you. Pirating is like driving off before they have a chance to get in the car with you but bringing it back anyway. Fair enough you didn't actually steal anything but your methods weren't the most reputable and people won't be happy with you.

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 21:13


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6668097)
I was just joking around. I can't believe you're actually seriously discussing it. :vlol:

You know me, just throw barely relevant stuff on the table and I'll jump in to discuss them :p ! Besides, my other option was discussing about how supporting leaked/pirated games was bad so my choice was pretty obvious before I even posted :p !

qrack 24-02-13 21:13


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6668078)
Honestly it's a confusing area IMO. Let's say you bought a physical copy of a game, broke the disc, but you have the serial key. You could download it and use your key, but that wouldn't be legal since it's not the copy you own. However with digital downloads you never own a thing anyway, you're getting a license to play the game. Look at iTunes: you are only buying a nontransferable license that allows you the right to listen to it. Let's say I preorder an album on iTunes. When the hell do I get the license? When I give money or on the release date? IDK but if it's the former I think someone can argue that they could download the album when it leaks (it's probably the latter though).

That's a good point, and a huge can of worms. I think it's a pretty safe guess that the ones who originally got a hold of the leaked copies of the game likely hadn't paid for it (if you were guaranteed to get the game, why risk possible prosecution just to play it a week earlier?). In that sense, what they've done can probably be clearly defined as theft since they never purchased the product/license/whatever. In that context, providing them support (such as downloading what they stole) can be called morally shady


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6668084)
i do not support that fact. if i did i would just cancel my order and get my game free. its different. i knoa its wrong but still not as bad as just pirating the game.

for an example with cars... like getting a free drive before getting your car. if we got a demo i wouldn have this problem. and i didnt download anything, that was just me thinking aloud

You can excuse anything with enough rationalization, and you've got a lot going on here, so i guess there's no point in continuing this.

Valentino 24-02-13 21:34

Anywayyyyy. Remember this....

I remember thinking no way does that have anything to do with TR :o

Zebra 24-02-13 21:37

Only one or two persons have said they find the game disappointing after watching the streams. One person actually said he thought it was much better than he expected.

EscondeR 24-02-13 21:41

13 posts deleted according to:

Originally Posted by Gabi (Post 6665420)
TRF does not condone piracy in any shape or form.
With effect from the time this statement has been posted, members who post any game content/material that has not been released officially or ask for it on our forum will have their account suspended.

Mr Tomb 24-02-13 21:42


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668158)
Only one or two persons have said they find the game disappointing after watching the streams. One person actually said he thought it was much better than he expected.

I don't know, generally it seems kinda negative, but I never take anything they say under consideration
can't wait :jmp: pretty sure this game won't be boring ( this is the only thing I despise about AAA games, like AC for exp, such an amazing game but sooo boring sometimes )

trfanX34 24-02-13 21:42


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668147)
Anywayyyyy. Remember this....


I remember thinking no way does that have anything to do with TR :o

Ah, the GI teaser. I like that render, it was never ever seen again after that though :/

JsotoTRSaga 24-02-13 21:48


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668147)
Anywayyyyy. Remember this....

I remember thinking no way does that have anything to do with TR :o

Ah i remember this but i always had the feeling it had something to do with TR don't ask me why but i had that strange feeling and i told everyone at home that it was TOMB RAIDER's long awaited official announcement.

Sabi96 24-02-13 21:48

Well, the only positive thing this argument has gotten me is 97 posts. Now will be 98. I will be releasing that Lara papecraft i showed you on Valentine's day on March 5th, and yes i do plan on sharing a link here, which requires 100 posts. And i will be making a paper TReboot Lara as well, but you are going to have to wait

Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 21:48

Tomorrow is going to be chaotic with all the reviews releasing ;___;

Valentino 24-02-13 21:55


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6668177)
Tomorrow is going to be chaotic with all the reviews releasing ;___;

So it isn't just game master thats releasing a review? We know the score already for that aswell.

Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 21:55


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668187)
So it isn't just game master thats releasing a review? We know the score already for that aswell.

Well the embargo is being lifted tomorrow, so people will be about to post reviews as they please. Apparently, IGN's is tomorrow.

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