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Alister's_Brain 25-02-13 03:54


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6668621)
I'm disheartened that there doesn't seem to be a 'Crushing' mode. Slap yourselves CD this is like the easiest thing to do that would literally double replay value.

It could always get patched in :o

Heartache 25-02-13 03:55

whats a crushing mode?

DaNoNeMoKiId 25-02-13 04:11


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6668635)
whats a crushing mode?

^i'd like to know too.


ItIsOkBro 25-02-13 04:18


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6668635)
whats a crushing mode?

It's when beating the game on the highest initial difficulty unlocks an additional super difficulty. Items and stuff don't usually carry over. It encourages you to replay the game but keeps things fresh with the added challenge. Uncharted calls it Crushing (but it's still not that hard), Resident Evil calls it Professional (and RE5's pro was a nightmare solo).

Tear 25-02-13 04:45

I'm perfectly fine with TR not having a 'Crushing' or 'Professional' mode. I find those more frustrating than they are fun.

Some challenge is nice, but often those kind of modes become ridiculous.

tainanlctr 25-02-13 04:50


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668571)
My guess is IGN will give it an 8.5, which is a great score! But who knows really, I'm pretty sure the game will recive great reviews all round. If any one cares, the reviews will all be up @7:00am PST (Monday).

I'm very curious to know the note of IGN

T0MBraider 25-02-13 05:00


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6668672)
I'm very curious to know the note of IGN

Me too, I've always be fond of IGN. they seem hard to please, so if a game gets a good review, you know it's a good game

Deboda3 25-02-13 05:05


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668571)
My guess is IGN will give it an 8.5, which is a great score! But who knows really, I'm pretty sure the game will recive great reviews all round. If any one cares, the reviews will all be up @7:00am PST (Monday).

Will it be a written review or a video review?

T0MBraider 25-02-13 05:08


Originally Posted by Deboda3 (Post 6668684)
Will it be a written review or a video review?

Definitely both, IGN always post a video review for AAA games

Zebra 25-02-13 05:09


Originally Posted by Deboda3 (Post 6668684)
Will it be a written review or a video review?

A written review, I'd think. But GameTrailers is probably gonna have a video review, as well. I'd imagine they've also gotten a review copy so it should probably be up this week, as well.

EDIT: Ah, T0MBraider has already given a better answer :p.

Deboda3 25-02-13 05:14


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668689)
Definitely both, IGN always post a video review for AAA games


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668690)
A written review, I'd think. But GameTrailers is probably gonna have a video review, as well. I'd imagine they've also gotten a review copy so it should probably be up this week, as well.

EDIT: Ah, T0MBraider has already given a better answer :p.

Thanks :tmb:

Steven_1379 25-02-13 05:16

[Spoiler]so TR has its own Smoke Monster?[/cpoiler]

Zebra 25-02-13 05:19


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6668696)
so TR has its own ?

Firstly: I have no idea what you'Re talking about.
Secondly: THAT'S A SPOILER!!!!

sanromano 25-02-13 06:01

Sites like Gamespot and IGN always do video reviews.

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:07


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6668696)


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668700)
Firstly: I have no idea what you'Re talking about.
Secondly: THAT'S A SPOILER!!!!

Have I just read something I shouldn't have? :o

Zebra 25-02-13 06:09


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668717)
Have I just read something I shouldn't have? :o

I don't know. But it's very possible that he heard about that from someone who played the leaked game or saw it in a leaked video. So it's probably a spoiler.

TRItheMaster 25-02-13 06:11


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668723)
I don't know. But it's very possible that he heard about that from someone who played the leaked game or saw it in a leaked video. So it's probably a spoiler.

Oh god why. ;-;

DaNoNeMoKiId 25-02-13 06:12

i came back after taking a shower and when the site didn't load i freaked the **** out. i thought the whole game's plot leaked on here or something lmfaoooo.

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:14


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6668727)
Oh god why. ;-;

The worst part is if you have seen the movie "Men and Black", then you know exactly what he is talking about. :'(

dantedmc 25-02-13 06:16


Originally Posted by DaNoNeMoKiId (Post 6668728)
i came back after taking a shower and when the site didn't load i freaked the **** out. i thought the whole game's plot leaked on here or something lmfaoooo.

Good morning. The game itself leaked and ppl keep uploading gameplay vids on youtube. What are you talking about?

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:16


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6668736)
Good morning. The game itself leaked and ppl keep uploading gameplay vids on youtube, what are you talking about.

But the ending had never been mentioned...... well until now....

DaNoNeMoKiId 25-02-13 06:18


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6668736)
Good morning. The game itself leaked and ppl keep uploading gameplay vids on youtube. What are you talking about?

morning! well, evening where i'm at :ton: and oh yeah i know, trf had the weekly site maintenance but i thought the forum went into a meltdown hahah.

just_love_her 25-02-13 06:31

Did the PC version leaked? What happened last night/day? :o

dantedmc 25-02-13 06:31


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668738)
But the ending had never been mentioned...... well until now....

Want me to mention it? hahaha jk It really leaked. Iv'e checked torrent sites, people downloaded xbox360 version and it's perfectly playable.


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6668754)
Did the PC version leaked? What happened last night/day? :o

Not sure. I think, no.

HaloHawk87 25-02-13 06:35

This may be a stupid question, but does anyone know if it will say "The Final Hours Edition" on the Amazon version of TR, like in the picture on their website?

I still haven't made a final decision on who to pre-order from, Amazon or Best Buy. I at least came to the decision that I will be skipping the guide (to avoid spoilers) and art book (272 page one).

I have Game of Thrones Season 2 coming this week, which will help with the wait.

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:38


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6668755)
Want me to mention it? hahaha jk It really leaked. Iv'e checked torrent sites, people downloaded xbox360 version and it's perfectly playable.

Not sure. I think, no.

I know, its so tempting knowing that I can download the game right now...... But I won't.

dantedmc 25-02-13 06:43


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668760)
I know, its so tempting knowing that I can download the game right now...... But I won't.

My xbox has problems. Otherwise i wouldn't even resist hahahah It is tempting.

Lara_Fan_33 25-02-13 06:54

Hmm, I think I know why CD decided not to actually show the plane crashing in their gameplay shows (despite showing everything around it), after watching it now.. :eek:

Forcible 25-02-13 07:29


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668760)
I know, its so tempting knowing that I can download the game right now...... But I won't.

That's why I'll be busy reading the reviews for the next couple of days, to avoid the temptation. :p

tomee 25-02-13 11:51

We have a new sub-forum!
Let's celebrate! :jmp:
Umm, do you think it was necessary?

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 11:55

^No :p
I've just pre-ordered the game and I might get it some days earlier :yah:

LaraDuh 25-02-13 11:56


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6668939)
^No :p
I've just pre-ordered the game and I might get it some days earlier :yah:

Stahp it betch. Makin' me jelly as **** tbh. :(:mad::(

I get my copy after school on the 5th.

I've already missed too much school to be able to skip for TR.

tomee 25-02-13 11:58

I'm still hesitating between two versions.

Steelcase + Challenge Tomb DLC or T-shirt + Challenge Tomb DLC

Argh, I can't. I want both.

Peep Show 25-02-13 11:59

I'll have mine on March 1st or 2nd (if everything goes right). :jmp:

tomee 25-02-13 12:01

Oh yeah, sadly I'll get min only on 8th of March. But at least that's a Friday so all weekend will be there for me. :D

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 12:03

I'm so excited :jmp:

Originally Posted by LaraDuh (Post 6668942)
Stahp it betch. Makin' me jelly as **** tbh. :(:mad::(

Wow, you don't need to be rude you know?! :mad: Lol just kidding :ton:

Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6668945)
I'm still hesitating between two versions.

Steelcase + Challenge Tomb DLC or T-shirt + Challenge Tomb DLC

Argh, I can't. I want both.

The steelcase > T-shirt tbh :ohn:

tomee 25-02-13 12:05


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6668952)
The steelcase > T-shirt tbh :ohn:

Only 2 people suggested the steelcase so far and everyone else told me to get the T-shirt.
I'm thinking about pre-ordering both of them, and then selling the plastic case with the disk. :o:p

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 12:10

^The T-shirt is not that great tbh (I'm not saying that it's ugly, no, I just prefer the steelcase over the T-shirt), and you can buy a better one in the Tomb Raider Store :D

tomee 25-02-13 12:13


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6668961)
^The T-shirt is not that great tbh (I'm not saying that it's ugly, no, I just prefer the steelcase over the T-shirt), and you can buy a better one in the Tomb Raider Store :D

Here comes the funny part.
I still don't make money and could hardly convince my parents to buy the game itself. I honestly don't think they would ever agree to buy a T-shirt on its own.
+ Mailing would cost more than the actual product. I'm so pissed about this.

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 12:15

^Yeah, I know :o

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