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tomee 25-02-13 12:23

Hmm, I've checked them and TBH I don't really like them.
I liked this T-shirt a lot more.

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 12:29

^Yes, I'd prefer that t-shirt over the other one, and the ones from E3 were nice. I wouldn't mind having one myself :)

LNSNHGTDS 25-02-13 12:33


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6668976)
Hmm, I've checked them and TBH I don't really like them.
I liked this T-shirt a lot more.

Godmilla's T-shirt was flawless :ohn: ! Too bad it wasn't for sale :pi: ...

Peep Show 25-02-13 13:07

OMG in the PS3 version you don't aim/shoot with L2/R2 like in Underworld, L1/R1 are back! Thank god, I hate the PS3 triggers so much. (I don't have it, I asked someone with the PS3 version about it) :jmp:.

TRItheMaster 25-02-13 13:13

I'm jealous of all y'all! I have to get mines late cause I still need to pre-order today, I'm moving soon AND I'm hoping to switch to a XBOX 360 soon after I move!

Y'all lucky as hell.. :pi:

SpyrosMonster 25-02-13 13:20


Originally Posted by Mr Tomb (Post 6667305)
She'll get annoyed if we start PM'ing her, we need to regroupe the sites and only one member sends them to her

Done. Waiting for response. :wve:

trfanX34 25-02-13 13:22

@tomee: Get the Steel case, that tee is awful imo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I have a preorder dilemma too :(
Survival Ed. from Game + Lost Adventurer DLC + Faster climbing (no1curr) + Steelbook
Collector's Ed from Gamestop?
Imma phone Game this afternoon to check if they have any CEs available, they said that if they did they'd keep it for me *hopes*

James_Croft 25-02-13 13:23

I just realized that "Lara" has been on Grey's Anatomy since the beginning of Season 9.


Barry Matharoo 25-02-13 13:27

Someone from neogaf is posting impressions of the ps3 version.

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 13:33


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6669020)
I have a preorder dilemma too :(

I'd go for Game :D

Originally Posted by James_Croft (Post 6669022)
I just realized that "Lara" has been on Grey's Anatomy since the beginning of Season 9.


Camilla's also been in the 5th season of True Blood. Not a big role though :p

croft-girl-fan 25-02-13 13:41

Sounds really promising! I can't wait this week is going to take forever :'(

$@Ssio 25-02-13 13:43

Amazing!!! Thank you :D:D

Peep Show 25-02-13 13:45

I NEED IT NOW i can't even.

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 13:51

I didn't see the links! Thanks for posting :hug:
The game sounds really promising and very mysterious!! I'm so excited, can't wait :jmp:

MyRaider4Life 25-02-13 13:54

Aiming and firing with R2 and L2?

I'm done.

Peep Show 25-02-13 13:56


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6669076)
Aiming and firing with R2 and L2?

I'm done.

Did you even read my post? It's L1/R1. :jmp:

_Ninja_ 25-02-13 13:57

I'm afraid to click for spoilers.

MyRaider4Life 25-02-13 13:58


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6669080)
Did you even read my post? It's L1/R1. :jmp:

"Totally forgot there was an instinct mode. It's L1. Don't use it. I never do and thus have been able to experience most things through my own discovery."

SpyrosMonster 25-02-13 13:59


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6669076)
Aiming and firing with R2 and L2?

I'm done.

Βut, I asked jay and he said you fire and aim with R1 and L1. :confused:

Peep Show 25-02-13 13:59


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6669084)
"Totally forgot there was an instinct mode. It's L1. Don't use it. I never do and thus have been able to experience most things through my own discovery."

That's wrong, Instinct Mode = L2.

Even Jay confirmed L1/R1, I think that neogaf user made a mistake.

$@Ssio 25-02-13 13:59


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6669080)
Did you even read my post? It's L1/R1. :jmp:

But that guy from neogaf said that L1 is for the survival instinct :(

MyRaider4Life 25-02-13 14:00

Well thank ****.

$@Ssio 25-02-13 14:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6669087)
That's wrong, Instinct Mode = L2.

Even Jay confirmed L1/R1, I think that neogaf user made a mistake.

Oh ok! Thank god xD

Peep Show 25-02-13 14:01

IKR? the PS3 triggers suck, L1/R1 is perfect for aiming/shooting.

Maya 25-02-13 14:01

Is it me or neogaf really want to hate this game?:whi:

Zebra 25-02-13 14:02


Originally Posted by Maya (Post 6669095)
Is it me or neogaf really want to hate this game?:whi:

A lot of them do, yeah.

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 14:03


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6669082)
I'm afraid to click for spoilers.

It doesn't have any spoilers tbh, just one opinion about the game

just_love_her 25-02-13 14:03

This is amazing. :cln:
Xbox version looks amazing (saw couple a vids, judge me) this confirms that PS3 version is also awesome, now if only PC version could leak. :(

Zebra 25-02-13 14:04


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6669099)
This is amazing. :cln:
Xbox version looks amazing (saw couple a vids, judge me) this confirms that PS3 version is also awesome, now if only PC version could leak. :(

We're probably going to see the first PC screenshots tomorrow.

just_love_her 25-02-13 14:06


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6669103)
We're probably going to see the first PC screenshots tomorrow.

That would be nice, it would definately make the waiting a little bit easier. :)

_Ninja_ 25-02-13 14:06


Originally Posted by Maya (Post 6669095)
Is it me or neogaf really want to hate this game?:whi:

Neogaf want to hate period.

SpyrosMonster 25-02-13 14:16

Lara Croft doing the Harlem Shake! :vlol:

M1chae1a 25-02-13 14:18


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6669120)
Lara Croft doing the Harlem Shake! :vlol:


:vlol: that's so cool!

Zebra 25-02-13 14:24

Does anyone know what's in that NDA that people had to sign to get review copies? Because people are now all over the place saying Square manipulated reviews using the NDA :p.

Tear 25-02-13 14:24

^^^ I love how Lara stands out the most.:vlol:

Peep Show 25-02-13 14:26


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6669140)
Does anyone know what's in that NDA that people had to sign to get review copies? Because people are now all over the place saying Square manipulated reviews using the NDA :p.

People are ridiculous, TR can't win SMH.

Linoshi Croft 25-02-13 14:43


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6669147)
People are ridiculous, TR can't win SMH.

Nope it can't </3

TheShadowOfMe 25-02-13 14:49

What are we getting today?

Zebra 25-02-13 14:50


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6669183)
What are we getting today?


MyRaider4Life 25-02-13 14:51


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6669183)
What are we getting today?

Reviews galore!

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