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ivaneiroX 25-02-13 15:06

guys i just notice something by watching ps3 and 360 gameplay *PROBABLY SPOILERS*

after sam dissapear with mathias and you found the other survivos and stuff then you have to go a talk to whitman after lara get recover on ps3 you have to press square to talk to whitman and the cutscene start while on xbox you just get close to him and the cutscene start btw as for graphics they look identical to me :D

GUMI 25-02-13 15:20

Can you PM me the video?
*PS3 User*

jaywalker 25-02-13 15:34


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6669232)
guys i just notice something by watching ps3 and 360 gameplay *PROBABLY SPOILERS*

after sam dissapear with mathias and you found the other survivos and stuff then you have to go a talk to whitman after lara get recover on ps3 you have to press square to talk to whitman and the cutscene start while on xbox you just get close to him and the cutscene start btw as for graphics they look identical to me :D

theres no difference between the versions at all. Almost certainly its just because on 1 platform they've come close to a button prompt so its come up..

ivaneiroX 25-02-13 15:36


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6669305)
theres no difference between the versions at all. Almost certainly its just because on 1 platform they've come close to a button prompt so its come up..

yeah its just a little difference im glad the ps3 game looks amazing i was afraid of that :) i hope de frame per seconds are good too :D

GUMI 25-02-13 15:38


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6669305)
theres no difference between the versions at all. Almost certainly its just because on 1 platform they've come close to a button prompt so its come up..

So it pretty much means we can explore but the other platforms wont?
Like in the XBOX360 gameplay the cutscenes just pop up but we with PS3 can go around without caring about whitman?
The grapichs looks stunning btw.

Evan C. 25-02-13 15:39

Thank you Multiplayer for stopping the game having 10/10 an all reviews. ALL reviews have taken points because of the bloody multiplayer.

ivaneiroX 25-02-13 15:42


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6669320)
So it pretty much means we can explore but the other platforms wont?
Like in the XBOX360 gameplay the cutscenes just pop up but we with PS3 can go around without caring about whitman?
The grapichs looks stunning btw.

pretty much but 360 users can do that after the cutscene so its still a tiny difference

Maya 25-02-13 16:26


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6669097)
A lot of them do, yeah.

In neogaf:

- New TR threads: Lot of hate, rant...

- Classics TR threads: only a few pages.

Wow, so hypocritical.

egypt_gypsie 25-02-13 16:34

Sorry if this has been posted before, but apparently we can sign up for a Q&A session with Jurjen Katsman of Nixxes, and ask questions about the PC version.


GUMI 25-02-13 16:42

This game will make DmC look like a flop <3
TR Come now!

James_Croft 25-02-13 16:46

Any news when the Launch Trailer hits the web?!

GUMI 25-02-13 16:49

I want to see this in my local paper:
DmC got flopped by the new and briliant game TOMB RAIDER
Then my life would be complete! <3333333333

Tonyrobinson 25-02-13 17:37

I would love Tomb Raider Chronicles to run a review does Justin even play TR anymore? :p

Mr GaGa 25-02-13 17:40


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6669477)
This game will make DmC look like a flop <3
TR Come now!

LMAO DMC already flopped terribly haha.

Soul 25-02-13 17:50

I just cancelled my Steam-preorder, as I found a cheaper version in an Austrian retailer...and this retailer also HAPPENED to have the Xbox360-controller. Don't think I ever spent so much money on any game before:
150€ (for two versions (Survival for Xbox360 and normal one for PC) and the controller)

And I need the artbook as well :eek:

Valentino 25-02-13 17:59


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6669603)
LMAO DMC already flopped terribly haha.

How come? Do you mean sales?

**LARA LOVER** 25-02-13 19:23

Hey guys AOL music is streaming the full soundtrack! :D

Only TR lover 25-02-13 19:37


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6669916)
Hey guys AOL music is streaming the full soundtrack! :D

Just wanted to post that :tmb:

Linoshi Croft 25-02-13 19:38


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6669916)
Hey guys AOL music is streaming the full soundtrack! :D

The scavenger den ****ing creeps me out :vlol:

SpyrosMonster 25-02-13 19:41


Originally Posted by **lara lover** (Post 6669916)
hey guys aol music is streaming the full soundtrack! :d

literally screamed! D:

trfanX34 25-02-13 19:41

Adventure Found Me <3 It's the one that plays in Guide To Survival #3 :D
SPOILERS, though. I just read 'Entering Himiko's tomb' it was obvious but I didn't want it confirmed :p

BinRaider 25-02-13 19:54


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6669967)
Adventure Found Me <3 It's the one that plays in Guide To Survival #3 :D
SPOILERS, though. I just read 'Entering Himiko's tomb' it was obvious but I didn't want it confirmed :p

Adventure Found Me is so flawless <3

Richard_Croft 25-02-13 19:54

OMG guys, look :jmp:

SpyrosMonster 25-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6670011)
OMG guys, look :jmp:


Where!? D:

Dark_Messiah 25-02-13 19:58

Lara and Orangina.
Eh, Samantha


Richard_Croft 25-02-13 20:01

MORE!! :mis:

jajay119 25-02-13 20:04


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6670011)
OMG guys, look :jmp:


I love that picture of Lara in her grad robes ;___;

LNSNHGTDS 25-02-13 20:09

Are these real or fanmade? And what's with that hideous piece of **** that dares touch our flawless quen in the last pic?!

GUMI 25-02-13 20:10


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6670066)
Are these real or fanmade? And what's with that hideous piece of **** that dares touch our flawless quen in the last pic?!

Its reAAALLL"!!!!!1111""!!!!!

LNSNHGTDS 25-02-13 20:19


Originally Posted by gumi (Post 6670069)
its reaaalll"!!!!!1111""!!!!!


Moosey 25-02-13 20:22

Wow, so many people viewing this forum my internet's gone laggy. :p

just_love_her 25-02-13 20:25

With all those screens, PS3 and xbox leaks, walkthroughs and reviews I the only person without the game. This few day are going to be hell. 5th march seems so far away and from what it seems pc version ain't leaking anytime soon. Oh, well, I'll just think what Lara had to survive on Yamatai till the end and not be drama queen and desperate.

Sorry, I just need to express myself (hey ey ey! buy mdna) somewhere. :o

**LARA LOVER** 25-02-13 20:27

Hey did you get these from tumblr? I just posted them in a photo set! :p

TheRCroft 25-02-13 20:27


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6670116)
Wow, so many people viewing this forum my internet's gone laggy. :p

Same here :p

GUMI 25-02-13 20:28

By knowing the shop ive bought TR it might come tomororw.

Linoshi Croft 25-02-13 20:29


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6670136)
By knowing the shop ive bought TR it might come tomororw.

._. no.

GUMI 25-02-13 20:30


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6670143)
._. no.

ASDFGHJ Tomorow!!!!!
Im melting!!!!!!
*Dies for the second time*

sanromano 25-02-13 20:30

Does anyone know if we can sprint in this game? Like Underworld?

Lukass 25-02-13 20:36


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6670136)
By knowing the shop ive bought TR it might come tomororw.


Linoshi Croft 25-02-13 20:36


Originally Posted by sanromano (Post 6670148)
Does anyone know if we can sprint in this game? Like Underworld?

There is no sprint button.

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