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MattTR 03-03-13 05:31

WHO'S EXCITED?! :yah: :yah: :yah: :yah:

tomblover 03-03-13 05:40

I can hardly look at this thread anymore because SPOILERZ!!1 but can I just say... the pain of this wait is above and beyond anything even Justin Bieber on repeat could muster?

I need somebody to hold me. ;__;

dantedmc 03-03-13 05:42


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6681606)
I can hardly look at this thread anymore because SPOILERZ!!1 but can I just say... the pain of this wait is above and beyond anything even Justin Bieber on repeat could muster?

I need somebody to hold me. ;__;

I'd hold her with pleasure. ^:p (Lana)

lcroft_lc 03-03-13 05:51

See what I have found while installing ATI Catalyst driver 13.2 Beta 7:


EscondeR 03-03-13 07:32

^ Good morning :p AFAIK that screen was on 13.1 already :p

lcroft_lc 03-03-13 07:39

I installed both of them yesterday, didn't see TR on 13.1. :confused: :o

EscondeR 03-03-13 07:49

Hmmm, I'll check on Monday, not going to mess with my own PC just to check if drivers having a particular screen ;)

just_love_her 03-03-13 08:10

I'm a little confused - I see that on steam some users have that the game will unlock on 4th and someone on 5th. When will game unlock then? I hope the follow Australia and release it at midnight since midnight at Australia is 2pm for me. :o

lcroft_lc 03-03-13 08:20


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6681665)
Hmmm, I'll check on Monday, not going to mess with my own PC just to check if drivers having a particular screen ;)

No need to, I might be wrong, but I saw Crysis 3 during 13.1 which I didn't see in 13.2. No need to check it, its just a silly matter. I guess 13.2 final or 13.3 will have Tomb Raider optimization. Can't wait. :D :jmp:

hayden 03-03-13 08:21

^ New Zealand is another 2 hours ahead of us :p

just_love_her 03-03-13 08:50


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6681681)
^ New Zealand is another 2 hours ahead of us :p

I'm moving to New Zealand.
EDIT: I just figured out about steam release - it's coming out at midnight Tuesday (Monday-Tuesday) your local time. Which means, Australia will get the game first. :D

hayden 03-03-13 09:12

Whereabouts? :o
I used to live there :)

just_love_her 03-03-13 10:28

New concept art? :o

M1chae1a 03-03-13 10:35

^That's beautiful. I really like the fire xD

trfanX34 03-03-13 10:38

That's ooooooooooooooooooooooooooold :p Thanks for reminding me of its existence though, I love it! :tmb:

lcroft_lc 03-03-13 11:14

That is 3 and a half months old considering my HDD information. :p

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 11:42


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6680523)
The guy who reviewed the game from Machinima needs shooting. Seriously. I've never seen such a massive troll for a reviewer ever. He literally tore the entire game apart and managed to find 1009412 unrelevant problems with the game, while stating one of them is that Lara kills fierce ingame and is softer in the cutscene where she is attacked by Vlad... I don't understand, does he want Lara to cry everytime she kills? And he mentions Uncharted does this too, but Drake can be forgiven because he's "charming" :rolleyes:

What a loser :vlol:

Don't pay attention to Machinima, they're a bunch of no-lifers, Uncharted fanboys!


So, a friend bought the Collector's Edition yesterday and she's alreafy at 52%! The worst part is that I don't have a Sexbox and therefore cannot borrow it -_- !!!

Oh well, I can still play :p !

just_love_her 03-03-13 12:42

spoilers spoilers

spoilers spoilers

So much people playing and opening new threads. I'll go mental! :o

TRItheMaster 03-03-13 12:54


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6681913)
spoilers spoilers

spoilers spoilers

So much people playing and opening new threads. I'll go mental! :o

Same here, the wait is impossible to bear! The spoilers are everywhere!

paul123456 03-03-13 13:04

I've pre-ordered from Amazon UK, and I haven't had a dispatch email yet. Has anyone else had theirs dispatched? I chose the gaurenteed delivery on release date option.

NYCL@R@ 03-03-13 13:40

I just want to say that, Meagan Marie is a beautiful woman.

frozen_star 03-03-13 13:56


Originally Posted by paul123456 (Post 6681937)
I've pre-ordered from Amazon UK, and I haven't had a dispatch email yet. Has anyone else had theirs dispatched? I chose the gaurenteed delivery on release date option.

No. They not even started processing it .IN my case its international delivery so more time they take to dispatch more waiting for me.

M1chae1a 03-03-13 14:09


Originally Posted by paul123456 (Post 6681937)
I've pre-ordered from Amazon UK, and I haven't had a dispatch email yet. Has anyone else had theirs dispatched? I chose the gaurenteed delivery on release date option.

Amazon UK usally dispatches the day before release and it almost always gets there on time :D

Spong 03-03-13 14:11


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6681829)
Don't pay attention to Machinima, they're a bunch of no-lifers, Uncharted fanboys!

Don't pay attention to TRF, they're a bunch of no-lifers, TR9 fanboys!

What a fantastically versatile sentence :tmb::p

TRJTA 03-03-13 14:11

OMG... I really can't wait anymore, and the fact that I'm waiting for stupid Steam to just unlock the acces to the game is freaking annoying :(

paul123456 03-03-13 14:14


Originally Posted by frozen_star (Post 6682009)
No. They not even started processing it .IN my case its international delivery so more time they take to dispatch more waiting for me.


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6682024)
Amazon UK usally dispatches the day before release and it almost always gets there on time :D

Thanks for your replies! I was getting panicy that I may not receive it on Tuesday and would therefore have to wait another day or so!

Spong 03-03-13 14:16


Originally Posted by TRJTA (Post 6682028)
OMG... I really can't wait anymore, and the fact that I'm waiting for stupid Steam to just unlock the acces to the game is freaking annoying :(

I guess it just goes to show how Steam can suck when it comes to digital vs retail.

I could be playing TR9 today if I'd been bothered to go and pick it up, but I didn't. Just play something else instead, like I do. I played some Dead Space 3 last night, and that game's rubbish :p

trfanX34 03-03-13 14:37


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6682031)
I guess it just goes to show how Steam can suck when it comes to digital vs retail.

I could be playing TR9 today if I'd been bothered to go and pick it up, but I didn't. Just play something else instead, like I do. I played some Dead Space 3 last night, and that game's rubbish :p

Do you plan on getting TR?

Spong 03-03-13 14:39


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6682058)
Do you plan on getting TR?

Not "getting" as in buying/owning it, no...


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6681041)
I know someone who works in Blockbuster. One of the staff perks is taking home rental copies of films & games for free. They've already got their stock of TR9, including the rentals, and he said I could have one from tomorrow (if I wanted) until the end of the week.

I was expecting him to bring it to me though, he has in the past when I've borrowed games.

trfanX34 03-03-13 14:43


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6682061)
Not "getting" as in buying/owning it, no...

Oh I see. I was curious after reading your post :p Hope you enjoy it then :tmb:

Spong 03-03-13 14:46


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6682066)
Hope you enjoy it then :tmb:

Stranger things have happened, so it's possible I guess. But I doubt it :p

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 14:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6682026)
Don't pay attention to TRF, they're a bunch of no-lifers, TR9 fanboys!

What a fantastically versatile sentence :tmb::p

As far as my case goes I'm a TR fanboy, which means I love all of the games because I love all of the series. I fail to see how can anyone call themselves a "fan" of a series if they do not love all of them for what they are; part of a bigger thing, in our case God Raider and Godra Croft.

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:01

You can be a fan of any series without liking every game in that series. There are some TR games I'm not fond of (LAU). Hell you can be a fan of a band without liking every song that they ever made xD

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 15:06


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6682089)
You can be a fan of any series without liking every game in that series. There are some TR games I'm not fond of (LAU). Hell you can be a fan of a band without liking every song that they ever made xD

Yes, an incomplete fan :ohn: ...

I'm not saying that a fan (of TR for example) should love everything and fangirl over EVERYTHING, but a person who trash-talks or repeatedly express his dislike over a game of the series while the rest of us OBVIOUSLY don't care is not what a true fan would do :ohn: !


just_love_her 03-03-13 15:08

If you like every game in the series and call Lara Godra Slayft then you're a stan.
If you like majority of games and played all of them you're a fan.
Simple. :)

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 15:09


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682097)
If you like every game in the series and call Lara Godra Slayft then you're a stan.
If you like majority of games and played all of them you're a fan.
Simple. :)

I fail to see a difference but I can buy that :pi: :tmb: ...

Soul 03-03-13 15:13


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682095)
Yes, an incomplete fan :ohn: ...

I'm not saying that a fan (of TR for example) should love everything and fangirl over EVERYTHING, but a person who trash-talks or repeatedly express his dislike over a game of the series while the rest of us OBVIOUSLY don't care is not what a true fan would do :ohn: !

It's the exact opposite actually. ;)
Spong's reactions show what a huge fan he is/was.

James_Rutland 03-03-13 15:14


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682097)
If you like every game in the series and call Lara Godra Slayft then you're a stan.
If you like majority of games and played all of them you're a fan.
Simple. :)

Godra Slayft :vlol:

Oh god...ra :p

just_love_her 03-03-13 15:14


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682099)
I fail to see a difference but I can buy that :pi: :tmb: ...

We'll pray that Godra and queen Himik.... Sam will punish you gently. :p

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:15


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682095)
Yes, an incomplete fan :ohn: ...

I'm not saying that a fan (of TR for example) should love everything and fangirl over EVERYTHING, but a person who trash-talks or repeatedly express his dislike over a game of the series while the rest of us OBVIOUSLY don't care is not what a true fan would do :ohn: !


I don't remember repeatedly expressing my dislike over any game and I said I wasn't fond of them. I still played them and the only thing I liked about them was Lara :cool:

Anyways can't wait until tuesday! So excited :jmp:

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