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Spong 04-03-13 00:22


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6683356)
Oh well, whatever flows your boat :p !

*Floats your boat ;)

Richard_Croft 04-03-13 00:24


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6683348)
Just watched it on YouTube, because the sound was off slightly on that version.

Yes it was a bit off, that's why I edited my post. But still, that was the best trailer CD has ever done imo :tmb:
I don't judge, everyone has their own opinions, but tbh the Survivor trailer was WAY better and should have been the launch trailer

M1chae1a 04-03-13 00:26

I never seen the TRU launch trailer before but that was epic. I love the dive at the beginning <3 It is better than the TR launch trailer IMO but that trailer was still good :)

TippingWater 04-03-13 00:26


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6683377)
Yes it was a bit off, that's why I edited my post. But still, that was the best trailer CD has ever done imo :tmb:
I don't judge, everyone has their own opinions, but tbh the Survivor trailer was WAY better and should have been the launch trailer

Good trailer --> horrible game. Maybe this time around things will play vice-versa: Good game --> terrible trailer :ton:.

Carbonek_0051 04-03-13 00:27

TRU's launch trailer is honestly my favorite launch trailer of any game & TR. Shame they decided to use the Reborn trailer as a launch trailer instead of trying to top TRU's.

Richard_Croft 04-03-13 00:29


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6683387)
Good trailer --> horrible game. Maybe this time around things will play vice-versa: Good game --> terrible trailer :ton:.

Yeah, I'm sure this will be an EPIC game :D

M1chae1a 04-03-13 00:30


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6683394)
Yeah, I'm sure this will be an EPIC game :D

It definatly looks EPIC!!! :jmp::jmp::jmp:

TheRCroft 04-03-13 00:31

Let's all just pretend the Survivor trailer is the launch trailer, shall we? :D (or another one that you prefer)

Carbonek_0051 04-03-13 00:33


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6683401)
Let's all just pretend the Survivor trailer is the launch trailer, shall we? :D (or another one that you prefer)

Neither Crossroads or Survivor are good enough to be launch trailers. ;p

TheRCroft 04-03-13 00:35


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6683407)
Neither Crossroads or Survivor are good enough to be launch trailers. ;p

Turning Point, perhaps? :pi:

The music in the launch trailer is awesome, though, too bad it's not from the game :/

Carbonek_0051 04-03-13 00:36


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6683408)
Turning Point, perhaps? :pi:

The music in the launch trailer is awesome, though, too bad it's not from the game :/

Meh, I think the Turning Point trailer is overrated. :p

Yeah, Reborn's music was just ****ing perfect for a launch trailer. But sadly the rest of the trailer drags it a bit (but I do like the trailer).

TippingWater 04-03-13 00:36


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6683408)
Turning Point, perhaps? :pi:

The music in the launch trailer is awesome, though, too bad it's not from the game :/

Jason will probably release the track alter on ;). Be sure to check his soundcloud :).

Jami393 04-03-13 00:37


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6683377)
I don't judge, everyone has their own opinions, but tbh the Survivor trailer was WAY better and should have been the launch trailer[/COLOR]

OK so I just re-watched the Survivor trailer and now I fully agree. That was way better than the launch trailer.

The music on the Survivor trailer, can you actually get it? Also on Underworld's launch trailer, what was the music being played?

TheRCroft 04-03-13 00:38

^ yes, it's on Jason Graves soundcloud. The song playing in the Underworld trailer is Lamb's Gorecki.


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6683410)
Meh, I think the Turning Point trailer is overrated. :p

Yeah, Reborn's music was just ****ing perfect for a launch trailer. But sadly the rest of the trailer drags it a bit (but I do like the trailer).

It was the only one left :pi:

It does indeed. I like the trailer too, but I just wish some of the guys toned down the acting a bit :p

Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6683411)
Jason will probably release the track alter on ;). Be sure to check his soundcloud :).

The track was already released, it's not from TR:

Hyper_Crazy 04-03-13 00:43

This is the better version of the Underworld launch trailer :pi:

Richard_Croft 04-03-13 00:45


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6683413)
The music on the Survivor trailer, can you actually get it? Also on Underworld's launch trailer, what was the music being played?

Survivor Trailer - Music here!
Underworld's Trailer - Music here!

zackfarron 04-03-13 00:45

the underworld trailer is beast :D I like the survivor and turning point trailers. The last minute of the survivor trailer are great. So much going on :ton:

Jami393 04-03-13 00:45


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6683414)
^ yes, it's on Jason Graves soundcloud. The song playing in the Underworld trailer is Lamb's Gorecki.

Thank you for telling me the song from Underworld. Also, how do I get to this soundcloud?

Richard_Croft 04-03-13 00:49

^I posted this on the previous page :p

Survivor Trailer - Music here!
Underworld's Trailer - Music here!


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6683426)
This is the better version of the Underworld launch trailer :pi:

I just love the transition between the levels, it's flawless :cln:

JsotoTRSaga 04-03-13 00:51

I'm in a very bad mood... :mad: Not even the amazing score of the game can make me feel entertained or fill the need of playing TOMB RAIDER... the wait has been so horrid and putrid :( i just want this game now!!!

SEN1138 04-03-13 00:54

We only have to wait 24hrs :jmp:

M1chae1a 04-03-13 00:54


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6683452)
We only have to wait 24hrs :jmp:

Nearly 23 in 6 mins xD :jmp:

Jami393 04-03-13 00:55


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6683436)
^I posted this on the previous page :p

Survivor Trailer - Music here!
Underworld's Trailer - Music here!

Sorry I never noticed you posting them on the previous page. :) Thank you for the links. :tmb:

EDIT: I can't find the music on the Survivor trailer on that link.

BigR4444 04-03-13 00:55


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6683442)
I'm in a very bad mood... :mad: Not even the amazing score of the game can make me feel entertained or fill the need of playing TOMB RAIDER... the wait has been so horrid and putrid :( i just want this game now!!!

Yea, its been tough to see people all over this forum who have beaten the game already...

Evan C. 04-03-13 00:56

Guys, I've read over here that tomorrow PC version (hair included) will be "presented" via vids, is that true?

M1chae1a 04-03-13 00:56


Originally Posted by BigR4444 (Post 6683458)
Yea, its been tough to see people all over this forum who have beaten the game already...

We don't have too long to go now! :hug:

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 00:59


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6683460)
Guys, I've read over here that tomorrow PC version (hair included) will be "presented" via vids, is that true?

I doubt it.

TheRCroft 04-03-13 00:59


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6683431)
Thank you for telling me the song from Underworld.

You're most welcome!

Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6683457)

EDIT: I can't find the music on the Survivor trailer on that link.

BigR4444 04-03-13 01:00


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6683461)
We don't have too long to go now! :hug:

Its a lot shorter for you... I wont be able to play until I go get my physical copy on Tuesday at Bestbuy, 10 am...
According to your clock in the UK, I wont be playing until after 3pm Tuesday

Evan C. 04-03-13 01:00


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6683465)
I doubt it.

Oh, well, maybe this week? The game is coming out the day after tomorrow max, so I suppose there will be at least a couple that will run the TressFX on their PC's. Or at least, I hope so :/

SEN1138 04-03-13 01:00


Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 01:01


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6683472)
Oh, well, maybe this week? The game is coming out the day after tomorrow max, so I suppose there will be at least a couple that will run the TressFX on their PC's. Or at least, I hope so :/

You'll wana badger anyone from Australia they get it technically first, if no one has posted any footage I'll post some myself. :)

Evan C. 04-03-13 01:04


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6683476)
You'll wana badger anyone from Australia they get it technically first, if no one has posted any footage I'll post some myself. :)

Oh geez, I would really apreciate that :)
And BTW, can't wait to know specially your opinion about the game :)

JsotoTRSaga 04-03-13 01:05


Originally Posted by BigR4444 (Post 6683458)
Yea, its been tough to see people all over this forum who have beaten the game already...

UGH tell me about it :p, I am so looking forward to playing the game... i may faint in the store when i get it on my hands (not really obviously, but almost), it's obvious i will take 16 or more hours bc i love sight seeing and exploring everything to it's maximum but i sort of feel that it's so far away... even if ik it's only 2 nights and one day away! I'm going nuts here specially after i received a MSG from gamestop saying the game was going to be available for me to pick up my pre order edition on Tuesday morning.

Jami393 04-03-13 01:06


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6683468)

Thank you once again. :tmb: :D

t-raider26 04-03-13 01:06

Can anyone with the game tell us the VAs that are listed in the credits?

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 01:07


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6683482)
Oh geez, I would really apreciate that :)
And BTW, can't wait to know specially your opinion about the game :)

Really, why is that ha? :p

Evan C. 04-03-13 01:09


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6683489)
Really, why is that ha? :p

Well, knowing a bit your concept about the game (wich I found alike) is like having a consistant opinion about. Plenty here said a lot but, not know what's a TR for them makes difficult to take on consideration objectively. So basically that's why, and because I have a positive image of you as a cool member :D

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 01:13


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6683491)
Well, knowing a bit your concept about the game (wich I found alike) is like having a consistant opinion about. Plenty here said a lot but, not know what's a TR for them makes difficult to take on consideration objectively. So basically that's why, and because I have a positive image of you as a cool member :D

Aw, thank you. I'll definitely let you know what I think. :p

Tommy123 04-03-13 01:20

Am i the only one who got the xbox version?

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