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Jfmeplayer 05-03-13 16:03

I already have my CE but I can only play it at night because of homework and studying and stuff D: Tortuuuure

croft-girl-fan 05-03-13 16:09


Originally Posted by fallenangle (Post 6686794)
The more considered reviews elsewhere and the almost unbroken, uncritical enthusiasm of the early adopters have put me right off. It was the one game this year I was seriously considering pre-ordering and I'm increasingly glad I didn't.

Tell me why I should get this rather than Far Cry 3 which has a very similar set up but sounds a lot more original in most respects?

So because the early reviews praised the game and the "early adopters" love the game you feel its not a good game??? You'd have pre-ordered if everyone bashed it left, right and centre as the worst game of this generation and a utter flop for the franchise?

Lara holic 05-03-13 16:15

Spoiler Alert

I was checking the The Final Hours of Tomb Raider on amazon app store and I found this concept are, is that what I think it is :confused:? I hope not :( cause it will be a bad way of ruining the story like this :( .

Spoiler Alert

Mmmbop 05-03-13 16:24

Just found my first secret Tomb! Very much enjoyed that and got a great reward at the end of it.

Nabbers 05-03-13 16:27


Originally Posted by Mmmbop (Post 6686837)
Just found my first secret Tomb! Very much enjoyed that and got a great reward at the end of it.

The secret tombs are nice to have, but I cut my teeth on Assassin's Creed II and played it to 100% completion, so after taking on the wickedly devious challenges that were that game's crypts, I felt like the ones in Tomb Raider are a little on the simple side.

spyrostr 05-03-13 16:28

yay :jmp:

_Ninja_ 05-03-13 16:35

Rats are kind of a pain to shoot.

Jami393 05-03-13 17:10

For anyone who wants to know, when installing TR on the 360, it takes up 6.6GB on the hard drive.

Phlip 05-03-13 17:22

How come it doesn't install on PS3? :(

Peep Show 05-03-13 17:24


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6686933)
How come it doesn't install on PS3? :(

Why would you want that? I'm glad that TR doesn't need to be installed, it's just a waste of space IMO.

iSean 05-03-13 17:25

Hey guys. I've just got the camp fire after the irish guy died and the sniper guy saved me in the Shanty town cargo area. I'm about to head up to the sun temple to save Sam. How far, roughly, through the campaign am I?

Jami393 05-03-13 17:25


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6686933)
How come it doesn't install on PS3? :(

I don't know.

Phlip 05-03-13 17:26


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6686937)
Why would you want that? I'm glad that TR doesn't need to be installed, it's just a waste of space IMO.

It improves loading times and performance.

LNSNHGTDS 05-03-13 17:27

OMG, Crystal are such perverts! In Legend, when fighting Rutland he says "You know Lara, if you weren't so unfriendly you, me and Amanda would make a great threesome." :yik: :vlol: !!!

Sorry for posting this here but it wasn't worth it's own thread so yeah :p ...


I wanted to ask something, apparently, the collectibles you can find in the game are sepearted in categories, like the Wartime category, or the Diaries of a Madman category. I also noticed that, when looking the map you could focus on finding either relics or those documents or just focusing on the game, can somebody explain how this works? Ok, thanks :) !

.:Tirivol:. 05-03-13 17:28

I got today my PS3 copy, but why there's no invert x axis option? It appears only the y one.

Also is it normal that the framerate drops too much in some open space?

Linoshi Croft 05-03-13 17:29

Does anyone know how to do the arrow finisher? Lara always seems to do the axe one even though I unlocked the one whereshe stabs them through the neck :o Is there a way to define it?

NYCL@R@ 05-03-13 17:34

I'm about to start playing, I'm scared yall!

Jami393 05-03-13 17:43


Originally Posted by NYCL@R@ (Post 6686959)
I'm about to start playing, I'm scared yall!

What is there to be scared about?

iSean 05-03-13 17:58


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6686952)
Does anyone know how to do the arrow finisher? Lara always seems to do the axe one even though I unlocked the one whereshe stabs them through the neck :o Is there a way to define it?

I *think* that finisher only happens once you have the second skill point upgrade on the melee counter skill. You have to wait until a melee enemy, one with a shield/ machete and when they swing, you dodge with circle/B and then the little circle quick time event prompt will come up getting you to press triangle/Y and this will do the finisher where she sticks an arrow through their necks.

Also, I've just got the camp fire after the
[COLOR="White"]irish guy died and the sniper guy saved me in the Shanty town cargo area. I'm about to head up to the sun temple to save Sam. [/COLOR]
How far, roughly, through the campaign am I?

MangelinaJolie 05-03-13 18:01

I previewed the Shanty Town map a bit. It's apparently Free For All only. How disappointing.

James_Croft 05-03-13 18:04


Originally Posted by iSean (Post 6687004)
I *think* that finisher only happens once you have the second skill point upgrade on the melee counter skill. You have to wait until a melee enemy, one with a shield/ machete and when they swing, you dodge with circle/B and then the little circle quick time event prompt will come up getting you to press triangle/Y and this will do the finisher where she sticks an arrow through their necks.

Also, I've just got the camp fire after the How far, roughly, through the campaign am I?

Should be about halfway through the campaign.

Linoshi Croft 05-03-13 18:08


Originally Posted by iSean (Post 6687004)
I *think* that finisher only happens once you have the second skill point upgrade on the melee counter skill. You have to wait until a melee enemy, one with a shield/ machete and when they swing, you dodge with circle/B and then the little circle quick time event prompt will come up getting you to press triangle/Y and this will do the finisher where she sticks an arrow through their necks.

Also, I've just got the camp fire after the
[COLOR="White"]irish guy died and the sniper guy saved me in the Shanty town cargo area. I'm about to head up to the sun temple to save Sam. [/COLOR]
How far, roughly, through the campaign am I?

She always seems to do the axe, or the arrow through their ankles! :/

James_Croft 05-03-13 18:10


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6687026)
She always seems to do the axe, or the arrow through their ankles! :/

Those finishers only work when the enemy is stunned (not via dodge) and the bow has to be equiped!

iSean 05-03-13 18:12


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6687026)
She always seems to do the axe, or the arrow through their ankles! :/

The second upgrade is for armoured guys so maybe it only works on them? I've definitely seen it a few times so far though, but an arrow to the knee does seem to be more common.

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 18:17

To everyone who has already finished the game..

The E3 Demo from 2012, the one with the parachute.. when exactly does that happen in the game because I just arrived there.

Jami393 05-03-13 18:24

Question on the 360 TR controller. On part of the packaging it say "Choose your style: D-pad tranforms from a plus to a disc". What does that mean exactly?

Peep Show 05-03-13 18:41

10 of my PSN friends are currently playing TR, so glad to see. :jmp:

Mr Tomb 05-03-13 18:44


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6687048)
To everyone who has already finished the game..

The E3 Demo from 2012, the one with the parachute.. when exactly does that happen in the game because I just arrived there.

halfway the game ( kind of ) :) you still have to encounter many other things :p
enjoy :)

.:Tirivol:. 05-03-13 18:45


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6686949)
I got today my PS3 copy, but why there's no invert x axis option? It appears only the y one.

Also is it normal that the framerate drops too much in some open space?

why no one is answering me? :(

Cochrane 05-03-13 18:48

How come the solution to every single puzzle (so far) is arson? Okay, they want to be more realistic than ancient keys and mechanisms, I get it (actually I don't. They have many environments where still working mechanisms would be reasonable to expect). And I'll admit that they have found quite a few interesting ways to solve problems through setting things on fire. Still, it seems just a bit much. The final straw for me was when Lara was tasked with making a visible signal and decided on a fire, saying "yeah, I can do that". Oh yes, you can…

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 18:55


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6687103)
How come the solution to every single puzzle (so far) is arson? Okay, they want to be more realistic than ancient keys and mechanisms, I get it (actually I don't. They have many environments where still working mechanisms would be reasonable to expect). And I'll admit that they have found quite a few interesting ways to solve problems through setting things on fire. Still, it seems just a bit much. The final straw for me was when Lara was tasked with making a visible signal and decided on a fire, saying "yeah, I can do that". Oh yes, you can…

There'll be other stuff later too, like for example puzzles with wind <-- white text a minor spoiler

EscondeR 05-03-13 18:57

^ ^ Fire is the new "EPIC"... followed shortly by "survivor instinct" :rolleyes:

I'll tell you why, because you can bring the friggin' fire with yourself... not looking for keys, levers, mechanisms, etc... Those are not that new-ts want. Easy "exploration", he-he :p

Peep Show 05-03-13 18:57


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6687095)
why no one is answering me? :(

Probably because no one has an answer for you...

.:Tirivol:. 05-03-13 19:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6687129)
Probably because no one has an answer for you...

I just wanna know if anyone with Tomb Raider Ps3, has the option "invert x axis" or not

Gamd1011 05-03-13 19:03

I didn't get my Tomb of the Lost Adventurer DLC code from Gamestop. :hea:

What do I do?

Linoshi Croft 05-03-13 19:06


Originally Posted by James_Croft (Post 6687030)
Those finishers only work when the enemy is stunned (not via dodge) and the bow has to be equiped!

Still doesn't work :/

EscondeR 05-03-13 19:06


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6687136)
I just wanna know if anyone with Tomb Raider Ps3, has the option "invert x axis" or not

Why would anyone? Why would anyone need to invert X axis?

Danni 05-03-13 19:07

The new Lara Croft and TOMB RAIDER just made the news on BBC THREE here in the UK, litterally just now :D word is getting around fast already. ;)

On a more sad note, I don't have the money right now to enjoy the new game and instead have been spoiling myself by watching hour long walkthroughs of the game for most of the day. I know i'm only spoiling it for myself but I just can't help it! :vlol: So jelous of those of you who got the game today. :p It looks bloody fantastic, and I love Lara's new personality! Oh so very British, she is. :)

.:Tirivol:. 05-03-13 19:09


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6687146)
Why would anyone? Why would anyone need to invert X axis?

Really? Every game have that!

Gamd1011 05-03-13 19:11


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6687140)
I didn't get my Tomb of the Lost Adventurer DLC code from Gamestop. :hea:

What do I do?

Plz. :(

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