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I shot Vlad in the perfect place:
[IMG]http://img62.**************/img62/9818/larabullseye.jpg[/IMG] Bulls eye. :p |
Anyone notice how 2 of the Russian brothers had American accents... That was kinda dumb...
TressFx adds an extra layer to the performance :o.
In the Spanish version of the game (playing it thru now), all of the Russians, including Vlad, speaks only Russian. They talk and there comes a "subtitle" "habla en ruso". I like that very much.
Does anyone know if it's possible to deactivate a dlc?
I got the Explorer Pack as pre-order bonus which added the tomb of the lost adventurer and the fast climbing skill but I would like to deactivate the fast climbing skill |
I know i will get very nasty responds... but do i play Lara Croft or Half Cyborg-Human ?Here is explanation why i wrote this:
She was strain very tight upside down for who knows how much time (all blood must had got in her brain... ),but she is able to swing from side to side like Tarzan.Then she fell on spike which penetrate right throw her ribs .... after 1-3 minutes of hitting buttons like crazy on keyboard,she pull out spike and after 15-20 seconds she recover and start walking (but at least it seemed normal since she was breathing heavy barely keep walking),until she fell once than twice than ...... and so on and on and on (i lost track how many times),and suddenly she walks like she never was wounded or fell like 15 times which all of them were deadly falls .... and i think it really pissed me off scene with bear trap.......... i mean really,that kind of trap can rip off human leg like scissors cut paper and she stood up and after 1-2 min she was able to do things that there is no possible way she would be able in her condition ....I wont go any further (thought i could,because i stop playing when i climb up on old radio tower and called for help),and i am seriously considering is this game worth my time any more .. (hopefully i got it as present,so i did not gave my money). |
• She was only upside down for a little bit. • It didnt go through her ribs. It went through her side. • The bear trap wasn't spiked. It was just two pieces of steel/metal. think it startled her more than anything. It's a game. I don't get it. Mario jumps on mushrooms all day. Nobody says anything about that! |
Chill out, it's a video game :wve: Inconsistency in terms of realism is the least important problem they have ;)
I find it very suspicious how there are suddely people making an account just to make a post or two to tell us what's wrong with the game. Banned members, or haters having nothing better to do I wonder?
they should have enden the game from the point on where she fall down from that tree with the guy and the bow....a wait no. They sould have stopped the game even earlier before that scene where she jumped unrealisticly through a collapsing tunnel...a no i forgot that scene where she fall into that nail from the beginning,...they really should have ended the game there,..it would be so much more fun and realistic. I guess they never should have made this new Tomb Raider. A what the....they never should have continoue the hole franchise cause it makes no sense to fight against a T Rex and Gorillas and what not. And Atlantis,..im sure it exists somewhere....not I mean after playing this new Tomb Raider they should stop the hole gaming industry cause they realized that it makes no sense to get games out like The Witcher in a Fantasy World, cause Fantasy is Fantasy right..it makes no sense and is very unrealistic. Or heck...all the other games. Take your pic. Sry but this time i could not answer differently. Dont take it too seriously im not mad with you or somehing but see that there will be never ever realistic stuff in a video game,.. |
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...12739499_n.jpg |
Some people just did not notice my sarcasm... especially mateleo (seriously calm down you will get heart attack).I never take games for serious (and just for bright head i did not say anything is wrong with game.. its just silly).I was surprised how wolf did not broke his tooths when he bit her (the scene with cave when he ambush her on exit),he came so suddenly that i forgot to react,but i what really hit me is how he did manage to bit me and still have all tooths on count :hea:.Just kidding .. but even if this is a game there should be some limits even if you don't want realistic game (especially if this is ,,adventure",and there are some more or less games that try to be ,,realistic" as much as possible).And Witcher was written few years before the first game came out (and that game did not follow book at all it was story for it self,and same was with second game).
I didn't know Toby Gard was apart of the development.
They said somewhere in an interview that the bear trap was broken. That's why it didn't hurt her as much as it should.
At the end of the day its a game. It is not real. |
Made my day. Have a nice one |
Wrong Forum,
Edit This post was supposed to be respond to something else,but i did not notice that i am writing here (and i doubled it by accident) |
Wrong forum
LOL. Do you guys think that TRF would be a little more tolerant towards swearing after this game? :vlol:
Pure chaos! :mis: |
You know, I just realised that those toys you found that belonged to 2 little girls? They were killed in the rituals :(
I figured as much... Very sad... :(
In the Mountain Village hub, some of the shack's roofs have rope on them, but if you try to use Rope Arrows on them, Lara pulls on them, but nothing happens. Though, there are those hanging crates nearby (that you can pull with the rope arrows and make them swing about). Was the rope on the roof just there to create a swinging momentum (if you are standing on the crates?)
Never figured out what they were for... |
I like the fact you can use the rope crates as anchor points as well, I often make a zip line to the crate hanging by the waterfall near the top of the cliff :cool:
OIC, thanks. I always tried to rope them when I was on the ground level (or on the roofs). Never thought about them being anchor points for somewhere much higher up.
Where do the scavengers respawn in hubs for god sake, I'm trying to get an achievement and I just can't find any hubs with them in.
Are you playing on pc or 360? Cause I had no famerate issues on PC. :confused: |
This may seem completely random but I just thought that the new Lara and Korra are alot alike xD.
They both started out with the basics to become what they are supposed to be in the end. And when the season/game ends they are pretty close to that. They also get alot of physical and emotional pain (lara just a bazilion times more physical pain though xP) and they both 'grow up' during their journey or w/e you wanna call it. And start to resemble those before them :> I have no idea why I posted this :D |
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