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TR-Freak 25-09-13 17:33

I played through this game. (~4 1/2 playtime)

I still don't like TRLAU,but this game was better then them.
This game has quite a lot flaws imho, e.g. it's quite Uncharted-like. Every 5 minutes you see something breaking apart.
A big problem is still the linearity of the game(A big island doesn't solve this problem). To the end they somehow managed to make the game more interesting(especially the fight against the Oni), but the first 4/5 is quite uninteresting if you ask me, because it's nothing more like
Run to A,Cutscene, Kill the enemies,Cutscene, go to B, kill the enemies,Cutscene... which is quite boring.
But they surely did better than TRLAU. and I'm excited to see more.

Another thing: The secret/optional tombs are more challenging than the main part of the game.There were some really good puzzles to solve.

Mikky 25-09-13 19:04


Originally Posted by TR-Freak (Post 6910695)
There were some really good puzzles to solve.

I think you're the first person I've seen say that about this game.

larafan25 25-09-13 19:08


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6910800)
I think you're the first person I've seen say that about this game.

For the puzzles that were there, they were nice.

Though I realized on ma walk this morning.... UM, there is dang-well nothing wrong with keys and switches and doors and getting there to go here to be there and then this way and that. I like that, when the entire level was a puzzle. DANG. :(

Mikky 25-09-13 19:12

All of that is too complicated and requires too much effort for the mainstream, casual gamers of today. :/

larafan25 25-09-13 19:23


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6910805)
All of that is too complicated and requires too much effort for the mainstream, casual gamers of today. :/

**** those bastards. They can learn, we all did.

Mikky 25-09-13 19:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6910817)
**** those bastards. They can learn, we all did.

Learning requires patience. Why be patient when you can just go out to return your game and buy an easier one?

I'm with you, though, of course, but you know, just the way it is now.

daventry 25-09-13 19:43

How much will it cost to buy off the TR Franchise so i can take a couple of Fans and make that Classic Puzzle Tombraiding Game we all crave for, since i just won the Bonus Lotto for $1.95 :vlol:

No Seriously, just give the TR Franchise to TRLE and then we can make Crystal Really Wet their Pants by showing them what the F TR is all about and Not just some Shoot em up Game. ;)

tomee 25-09-13 19:57


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6910800)
I think you're the first person I've seen say that about this game.

The puzzles themselves (well some of them) were decent. It's just how ridiculously easy it was to find them and how small they are that irks people.

Mikky 25-09-13 21:15

No, I'm pretty sure it's the puzzles themselves, lol. I mean, if they were still easy to find and short, but at the time really challenging, I doubt people would be complaining as much.

Spong 25-09-13 21:19


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6910849)
The puzzles themselves (well some of them) were decent. It's just how ridiculously easy it was to find them and how small they are that irks people.

All the puzzles have great ideas behind them and they're good in their execution, but anyone with the IQ of a glass of water can solve them in less than a minute.

larafan25 25-09-13 21:59

So do you guys... like... hm... I don't think we're getting swimming in the next game.

Do you think we will?

_Ninja_ 25-09-13 22:03

50/50 on swimming. I don't think they would do swimming for the sake of swimming. But if it makes sense for where we are going.

Zebra 25-09-13 22:03

It depends. If the next title will be a quick cross-generation cash-in, no. They'll want to get it out as soon as possible and creating a properly working and polished swimming system would take too much time. But if it's a proper next-gen game, then yes, I fully expect them to implement swimming.

larafan25 25-09-13 22:07


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6910973)
It depends. If the next title will be a quick cross-generation cash-in, no. They'll want to get it out as soon as possible and creating a properly working and polished swimming system would take too much time. But if it's a proper next-gen game, then yes, I fully expect them to implement swimming.

I wonder what they plan to do for underwater combat, seeing as they made it seem as though they'll only implement swimming if it it is more than just swimming.

I can't imagine this Lara just chilling underwater, shooting sharks with dual pistols. I'm sure if there is swimming they'll make it some sort of specific, scuba-dive segment similar to the beginning of Uncharted 1 (but with actual swimming).

Hm. I just feel like either way, the next game will be a "cash-in" in the sense that it will be another story-driven, cinematic, probably chapter-based game.

I can't seem them trying anything revolutionary this time, when it comes to the world.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6910971)
50/50 on swimming. I don't think they would do swimming for the sake of swimming. But if it makes sense for where we are going.

Swimming will always be for the sake of swimming.

Otherwise the "swimming" will probably be contrived and truncated.

_Ninja_ 25-09-13 22:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6910980)
Swimming will always be for the sake of swimming.

Otherwise the "swimming" will probably be contrived and truncated.

You know that's not what I mean. They'll do a full swimming mechanic if their setting and level progression actually calls for its meaningful and extensive use. Or so I see it.

larafan25 25-09-13 22:29


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6910993)
You know that's not what I mean. They'll do a full swimming mechanic if their setting and level progression actually calls for its meaningful and extensive use. Or so I see it.

I was technically lying when I said "swimming will always be for the sake of swimming", what I meant was, that's what I'd like. For us, we want swimming because swimming, which is enough of a reason I think.

Though CD must first have a reason to make us swim aside from the enjoyment of some variety in our 3D exploration. Though in that case the idea is already hampered, I think. As it shows where their head is.

Though not a completely illogical point of view, or anything like that.

AimlessThunder 27-09-13 17:05

Caesum 02-10-13 12:26

Swimming was added in Assassin's Creed 2. Seeing as Crystal Dynamics are extremely original they'll add it to the second game as well.

Linoshi Croft 02-10-13 15:04

That comment is completely silly. :p

Steven_1379 03-10-13 09:07

so many backpacks laying around
she shoves a broken oni samurai sword up her butt after commenting on its sharpness
so many backpacks laying around
she shoves the second pistol up her butt
so many backpacks laying around
she shoves a camera up her butt

...i know her butt got bigger this time but did it really have to become her new item carrier?

Caesum 03-10-13 09:14

Big lower parts of Lara's body means more suitable for making babies so I assume in the next game Lara will have some lover and produce six beautiful children/spin-off games.

_Ninja_ 03-10-13 09:41


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6915581)
so many backpacks laying around
she shoves a broken oni samurai sword up her butt after commenting on its sharpness
so many backpacks laying around
she shoves the second pistol up her butt
so many backpacks laying around
she shoves a camera up her butt

...i know her butt got bigger this time but did it really have to become her new item carrier?

It's like you don't play video games.

pirate1802 03-10-13 10:14

Her butt became bigger this time? What whee how I didnt notice!

tomee 03-10-13 10:44

/\ Reciept


Originally Posted by Caesum (Post 6914937)
Swimming was added in Assassin's Creed 2. Seeing as Crystal Dynamics are extremely original they'll add it to the second game as well.


Something really tells me that swimming will be one of their advertising points TBH.

_Ninja_ 03-10-13 11:11

AC2 type swimming would not leave anyone here satisfied. And why point to it when it was already part of the older TRs.

tomee 03-10-13 11:12


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6915647)
AC2 type swimming would not leave anyone here satisfied. And why point to it when it was already part of the older TRs.

Just a light-hearted joke.
At least, I hope so. D:

_Ninja_ 03-10-13 11:14

I'm more responding to the guy who brought up AC2 in the first place.

PS. IMO. If CD is going to copy anything it will be Batman:AA => Batman: AC. Non linear open world.

Caesum 03-10-13 11:15


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6915648)
Just a light-hearted joke.

I'm absolutely serious. Not really.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6915650)
I'm more responding to the guy who brought up AC2 in the first place.

Chill out gurl

pirate1802 03-10-13 11:15

Seems pretty sexy-but-normal to me.. :| But what I was asking is was her but smaller-and-less-shapely earlier? I never got down to comparing them. :o

_Ninja_ 03-10-13 11:18


Originally Posted by Caesum (Post 6915651)
Chill out gurl

Just saying. And I'm not a "gurl".

Caesum 03-10-13 11:19

Then a boi

I hope they will copy the green suit and tights from Legend of Zelda. They were taking inspiration from it weren't they?

_Ninja_ 03-10-13 11:26


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6915652)
Seems pretty sexy-but-normal to me.. :| But what I was asking is was her but smaller-and-less-shapely earlier? I never got down to comparing them. :o

I think it's because her proportions are different the butt is more noticeable to people.

Caesum 03-10-13 12:14

They should have made it grow bigger with every new item Lara collected.

ancientIo 04-10-13 22:52

Did anyone feel like Lara and the other crew members acted...weirdly in some parts? It made no sense that when she finally found the second pilot she just...she let him die. It looked like she waited and watched as he died. She had the reflexes and the grit by that time to kill the Solarii, but she didn't, and she came all that way to find him, so saying that she didn't care or need that dude just doesn't make sense. I rolled at my eyes at that scene and was really pissed off at Lara.

tomee 05-10-13 10:35


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6915652)
Seems pretty sexy-but-normal to me.. :| But what I was asking is was her but smaller-and-less-shapely earlier? I never got down to comparing them. :o

She had the flattest ass in the world in the classics.

spyrostr 05-10-13 10:53


Originally Posted by ancientIo (Post 6916972)
Did anyone feel like Lara and the other crew members acted...weirdly in some parts? It made no sense that when she finally found the second pilot she just...she let him die. It looked like she waited and watched as he died. She had the reflexes and the grit by that time to kill the Solarii, but she didn't, and she came all that way to find him, so saying that she didn't care or need that dude just doesn't make sense. I rolled at my eyes at that scene and was really pissed off at Lara.

it was also weird that when Alex died....they sat around the fire and they were eating fish making jokes like they were on vacations

pirate1802 05-10-13 11:12


Originally Posted by ancientIo (Post 6916972)
Did anyone feel like Lara and the other crew members acted...weirdly in some parts? It made no sense that when she finally found the second pilot she just...she let him die. It looked like she waited and watched as he died. She had the reflexes and the grit by that time to kill the Solarii, but she didn't, and she came all that way to find him, so saying that she didn't care or need that dude just doesn't make sense. I rolled at my eyes at that scene and was really pissed off at Lara.

The second pilot named Jessop? He was a goner by the time Lara got to her.

Phlip 05-10-13 11:13


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6917135)
The second pilot named Jessop? He was a goner by the time Lara got to her.

Nope, the first.

I hated how Lara never killed Matthias when he was talking to Sam, when it was just them two. :rolleyes:

pirate1802 05-10-13 11:26

Oh yeah, that was pretty stupid, but then cutscene stupidity are pretty common these days I've gotten used to it.

Patrick star 05-10-13 16:40


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6917137)

I hated how Lara never killed Matthias when he was talking to Sam, when it was just them two. :rolleyes:

I hated that too first , but maybe she wanted to know more information about the island's history and mysteries from Mathias .

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