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pirate1802 05-10-13 16:47


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6917333)
I hated that too first , but maybe she wanted to know more information about the island's history and mysteries from Mathias .

Or maybe she wanted a clearer shot, she was moving closer all the time and not just standing idle afterall.

ancientIo 05-10-13 16:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6917137)
I hated how Lara never killed Matthias when he was talking to Sam, when it was just them two. :rolleyes:

Yeah I yelled at Lara to shoot him. But she just listened to his madness or aimed her arrow and did nothing. The scenes with Sam over his important organs I can sort of get, maybe she was afraid of accidentally shooting Sam but that scene where Mathias and Sam are at that pyre and she aims just to shoot that useless dude behind him does not make sense. What are the solarii going to do without their leader? They are going to go into panic or a catatonic state. Then again she might have to free Sam and fight her way out of geothermal caverns and I forgot that's too ridiculous for this reboot. There were other chances to retrieve Sam though.


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6917135)
The second pilot named Jessop? He was a goner by the time Lara got to her.

If he was a goner then that whole sequence where we chased his ass was a waste of time, both in narrative and real time. He wasn't a goner until that Solarii showed up and Lara just let him die. Anyway you slice it to me that was just...that whole situation was clumsily written and dumb and I wanted to express that.

pirate1802 05-10-13 16:55


Originally Posted by ancientIo (Post 6917338)
If he was a goner then that whole sequence where we chased his ass was a waste of time, both in narrative and real time. He wasn't a goner until that Solarii showed up and Lara just let him die. Anyway you slice it to me that was just...that whole situation was clumsily written and dumb and I wanted to express that.

Well it was obvious to me the way he gurgled that he was a goner, dunno about you. I watched the cutscene again and still don't find anything iffy. Funny how things seem totally different to different people. The purpose of that sequence was to get Lara separated from the rest and into the Chasm monastery I guess.

PirateFromPeru 05-10-13 19:38


Originally Posted by ancientIo (Post 6917338)
..that scene where Mathias and Sam are at that pyre and she aims just to shoot that useless dude behind him does not make sense.

i'm pretty sure lara shot that guy because he was about to light the pyre that sam was tied to.

Caesum 07-10-13 08:57


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6917131)
it was also weird that when Alex died....they sat around the fire and they were eating fish making jokes like they were on vacations

Wait, they REALLY did it? :vlol: I don't remember that part!

spyrostr 07-10-13 11:08


Originally Posted by Caesum (Post 6918666)
Wait, they REALLY did it? :vlol: I don't remember that part!

Jonah - save a man's stomach, save his soul

dream raider 07-10-13 16:14


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6917131)
it was also weird that when Alex died....they sat around the fire and they were eating fish making jokes like they were on vacations

Let's not forget the time when Lara casually greeted Sam, after struggling to survive and hadn't seen each other since their ship crashed, and then told campfire stories with someone who was clearly a creep. :p

spyrostr 08-10-13 22:54

^ haha

here is something quite interesting


Collective is a curated platform that enables creators to post ideas, and gamers to judge whether those ideas should become reality or not. Every idea that's successful with the community is checked and helped by Square Enix, while a partnership with world-leading crowdfunding platform Indiegogo enables gamers to then back the ideas they love the most.

dream raider 08-10-13 22:55

Don't know what to think of that... It can't be bad, can it?

_Ninja_ 08-10-13 23:14

So just a larger and more public focus test type thing. I don't think anything good ever comes out of that methodology to be honest.

dream raider 08-10-13 23:18


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6919874)
So just a larger and more public focus test type thing. I don't think anything good ever comes out of that methodology to be honest.

Same thoughts, but since they are doing the whole focus test thing anyway, it's better that it's not a small group of men from two different countries as they did with TR9, I guess.

larafan25 09-10-13 03:17

So when SE made it seem like they were going to do something similar to Kickstarter but everyone was like "naw nooo way ha they wouldn't no" ... they did this? Collective thing?

Mikky 09-10-13 17:45

No thread about TR being released for Mac? Surprising.

Spong 09-10-13 18:37

^I bet they actually get the game on a disc, rather than some Steam crap concealed in a box that looks like it's got a game disc in it.

Baratheon 09-10-13 21:42

It’s Feral Interactive, so most likely nothing to do with Steam.

larafan25 10-10-13 18:39

This aaaaarrt:

I copied the link so I am not responsible for cutting Meagan's head in half. But look at that.

Boogers. I feel like if we're going to have mountains in TR we should be able to like... slide off of them, with the sliding animations. Like how in the classics, all of the geometry was part of the game world and you had the opportunity to slide, even though you got nowhere. I just want to explore that place. Reminds me soo much of TR2.

Rai 10-10-13 18:46

Why do CD taunt us with those concepts! :(.

Talking of mountains. Yet another random landscape photo on the TR blog.

What is it with these pics?

larafan25 10-10-13 18:49

I don't think they're meant to be hints. It's reblogged from a blog about landscapes, and mountains are TR-y I guess. Though maybe these are locations we'll see in the upcoming comics and games.

Rai 10-10-13 18:53

So, they may not be hints, but they may be locations we could see in the comics or games, so they are possible hints. Maybe they're pics used for references. There was one of Thailand a while back. Why would a Tomb Raider blog site blog about random landscapes? Because they're pretty?

spyrostr 10-10-13 20:51


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6920978)
Why do CD taunt us with those concepts! :(.

Talking of mountains. Yet another random landscape photo on the TR blog.


What is it with these pics?

random real life landscape or a 3d one :pi:
oh it's Aiguille du midi, Haute-Savoie, France pff

larafan25 10-10-13 20:55


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6920983)
So, they may not be hints, but they may be locations we could see in the comics or games, so they are possible hints. Maybe they're pics used for references. There was one of Thailand a while back. Why would a Tomb Raider blog site blog about random landscapes? Because they're pretty?

Because they're locations that are relevant to Tomb Raider, whether or not Lara has explored them yet. The wilderness, ancient cultures and random mountains relate somehow to Tomb Raider, if even vaguely. Not that they're hints.

PirateFromPeru 10-10-13 21:12

lara is going to middle earth in the next game. :D

Rai 10-10-13 21:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6921083)
Because they're locations that are relevant to Tomb Raider, whether or not Lara has explored them yet. The wilderness, ancient cultures and random mountains relate somehow to Tomb Raider, if even vaguely. Not that they're hints.

I didn't actually say they were hints or even say they could be. You assumed that's what I was getting at. Their being posted on the TR blog just made me curious :pi:. And you're just being a stick in the mud :tea:.

pirate1802 11-10-13 02:04

Post-game, the time of the day doesn't actually change right? you're infinitely stuck in evening? Also, the guards you encounter after you finish the story are like: "Anything on the radio? Nope. Let's go and check what happened? Naah." A nice touch.

larafan25 11-10-13 03:13

The time of day changes when you spawn into the hub. Sometimes it's night time, sometimes it's evening, sometimes it's mid-day.

pirate1802 11-10-13 03:21


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6921229)
The time of day changes when you spawn into the hub. Sometimes it's night time, sometimes it's evening, sometimes it's mid-day.

Really?!?! I never paid much attention since I generally finish all the side stuff before finishing the game. This is awesome! Nao I'm gonna have fun!

*runs off to Yamatai*

AimlessThunder 16-10-13 21:36

larafan25 16-10-13 21:53

oh my God this ****ing gif, this gif on the top right:

I found this post on Tumblr with all these gifs and I can't stop looking at this one, wtf. lmao. What part of the game is this from?

"ow, ow no she didn't"

GUMI 16-10-13 21:55

That wasn't even in the game O_O
oh dear CD, pls leak sum' more gifs

You can see at her face how detailed it is that it isn't in the game.
Looks like the beta TR to me.

Linoshi Croft 16-10-13 21:56

It is in the game as it's the part in the Shanty Town where Lara is talking to Roth before being attacked by the Solarii.

GUMI 16-10-13 21:58

Oh yeah.
But it still looks extremely way to good to be the actual TR.
It still looks like the beta TR.
But with TressFX lol

larafan25 16-10-13 22:01


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6924839)
Oh yeah.
But it still looks extremely way to good to be the actual TR.
It still looks like the beta TR.
But with TressFX lol


This gif is goofy as hell. lmao

GUMI 16-10-13 22:01


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6924843)

This gif is goofy as hell. lmao

Not like that.
I'm talking about her facial animations here! :p

larafan25 16-10-13 22:07

Well it is the final version. :pi:

Rai 16-10-13 22:48

The Eidos forums have been down 'for maintenance' for two days now. That's a lot of maintenance. :pi:

larafan25 16-10-13 22:49

I think they leave it for a while, and then do one big thingy. Though I think there was a message warning about this earlier, that it would be down for a bit.

Rai 16-10-13 22:51

Two days is more than 'a bit' :pi:. Are they doing that migrating thingy, perhaps? I hope they put a link up to the new forums :p

larafan25 16-10-13 23:07

Yes, though I don't think the address of the forum is going to change.

FreakRaider 17-10-13 15:29

That gif was indeed in the cutscene in which Lara talked to Roth in Shanty Town.
It is one of the cutscenes which was probably animated very early, since you can see, that Crystal animated it. (if you look at her eyes, square would never let Lara fully open them) I think Square "reanimated" some of the cutscenes, since not many of them are having the "Crystal-Dynamics-Style" on Laras face.

larafan25 17-10-13 15:53

I don't think square animated any of em. :pi:

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