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scremanie 10-05-14 01:07

So I had no idea where to post this, but I thought I'd just share a minor discovery I found today with some random model. I thought she slightly resembled classic Lara, in certain poses and images. Judge her for yourself;

Her name is Maja Krag, and she's in some random music video about Miley Cyrus twerking. I get a young Angelina Jolie vibe, too.

ThuroPendragon 10-05-14 01:39

Is this real? Who would play something like this?


Rai 10-05-14 01:45

@Scremanie, She looks a little like TRA Lara in the black and white pic (renders, not in game), but I'm not really getting CoreLara at all, sorry.

larafan25 10-05-14 01:45

I played it. :pi:

But yee, it's real.

HowConvenient 10-05-14 04:29


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 7052557)
Rather than bump my own completely ignored thread, I'll give this one a go. :p

Does anyone have the sound effect that plays when Lara discovers a new tomb?! The wind chime sound?

You can buy it on iTunes for like a buck. :)

Stevo505 10-05-14 05:44

Yay the reboot is becoming even more successful :)

motoleo 10-05-14 06:14

Buy the Definitive Edition!

ThuroPendragon 10-05-14 06:21

Hmm. I'm watching a video of AoD on youtube. Seems interesting. Its got a nice atmosphere.

motoleo 10-05-14 06:22

I tried playing these older games on my iPhone and Mac but it didn't work

scremanie 10-05-14 07:35


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7058028)
Hmm. I'm watching a video of AoD on youtube. Seems interesting. Its got a nice atmosphere.


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7058030)
I tried playing these older games on my iPhone and Mac but it didn't work

Why do I feel old reading these?

Lara_Fan1 10-05-14 09:31


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 7058044)
Why do I feel old reading these?

Because we played the classic games on Consoles and big bulky PC's, not phones or tablets xD!

Captain Rob 10-05-14 17:49


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7058027)
Buy the Definitive Edition!

I did.
And I don't even own a XBoxOne.

Lara_Fan1 10-05-14 17:56


Originally Posted by Captain Rob (Post 7058424)
I did.
And I don't even own a XBoxOne.

How can you have it and not play it? That would actually kill me!

The1andOnlyTR 11-05-14 17:08

My best friend just completed Tomb Raider for the first time last night. The DE. And he's spending today getting 100%. So proud. :o

Also, the other day I walked in to my 8 year old nephews room and he was playing it. I could've cried. :p

motoleo 15-05-14 04:58

I think The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and AOD did a much better job of fleshing out who Lara is as a character and tells us much more about her personality than the reboot was able to do.

Lukass 19-05-14 11:31


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7062034)
I think The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and AOD did a much better job of fleshing out who Lara is as a character and tells us much more about her personality than the reboot was able to do.

I very much agree with you on this :tmb:


Sorry to be off topic, but is anyone able to tell if you can buy the classics for PS4 on the PSN store?

Valentino 19-05-14 12:31

Honestly don't mean to be rude, but if anyone has the TR:Legend figure, as I've just noticed they sculpted a camletoe on her shorts!
Now, lets not make out like its supposed to be a crease in the shorts because theres no way they'd think "people will think its a camletoe BUT ITS NOT"
Ohhhh men

PirateFromPeru 20-05-14 02:25


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 7064337)
Honestly don't mean to be rude, but if anyone has the TR:Legend figure, as I've just noticed they sculpted a camletoe on her shorts!
Now, lets not make out like its supposed to be a crease in the shorts because theres no way they'd think "people will think its a camletoe BUT ITS NOT"
Ohhhh men

i may need some pics to confirm that. ;)

Dustie 21-05-14 08:39

Late and random, but I just saw this and da heck, they actually changed her face for DE :p

scremanie 21-05-14 08:45

Yes, yes they did.

Valentino 23-05-14 23:46

Next time anyone plays TR go listen to Lara's documents. Ever wondered what it is about Camillas off voice acting that you couldn't quite put you're finger on.....its her breathing! Her talking is so breathy. She sighs or breaths like shes been on a long walk with every line she says.

larafan25 23-05-14 23:52


Originally Posted by Dustie (Post 7065383)
Late and random, but I just saw this and da heck, they actually changed her face for DE :p

You missed

****-storm central.

ThatSassyKid 24-05-14 01:51


Originally Posted by Dustie (Post 7065383)
Late and random, but I just saw this and da heck, they actually changed her face for DE :p

They said that 6 months ago? :confused:

motoleo 24-05-14 04:04


Originally Posted by Dustie (Post 7065383)
Late and random, but I just saw this and da heck, they actually changed her face for DE :p


tr fan 4 ever 24-05-14 21:05

I have a question for Definitive Edition owners.

I have read that fast traveling to shipwreck beach corrupts the save data. Is that a thing? Did anyone have that issue?

Update history says that it fixes the possible save corruption issues but I want to be sure.

Mikky 24-05-14 21:26


Originally Posted by tr fan 4 ever (Post 7067955)
I have a question for Definitive Edition owners.

I have read that fast traveling to shipwreck beach corrupts the save data. Is that a thing? Did anyone have that issue?

Update history says that it fixes the possible save corruption issues but I want to be sure.

Why not make a second save file and try it yourself?

tr fan 4 ever 24-05-14 21:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 7067969)
Why not make a second save file and try it yourself?

Well eventually I'm going to have to do it because I don't want to risk my save file. I just wanted to see if anyone here had that problem.

ThuroPendragon 24-05-14 21:42

I've never played a core tomb raider game.

*Prepares for Backlash*

tr fan 4 ever 24-05-14 21:49


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7067983)
I've never played a core tomb raider game.

*Prepares for Backlash*

Why? :) You should play them. They're awesome!

Mikky 24-05-14 22:04


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7067983)
I've never played a core tomb raider game.

*Prepares for Backlash*

No backlash from me. They're not everyone, after all. Then again, if you haven't actually played any, you won't know it's for you until you try it. If you're ever curious, I would say you should start with 1. It's the easiest of the classics, imo.

SpyrosMonster 24-05-14 22:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 7067999)
No backlash from me. They're not everyone, after all. Then again, if you haven't actually played any, you won't know it's for you until you try it. If you're ever curious, I would say you should start with 1. It's the easiest of the classics, imo.

TRC is the easiest IMO.

tomee 24-05-14 22:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 7067999)
No backlash from me. They're not everyone, after all. Then again, if you haven't actually played any, you won't know it's for you until you try it. If you're ever curious, I would say you should start with 1. It's the easiest of the classics, imo.

Actually I'd say Chronicles is.

I played the LAU games first and got the classics much later. I bought all of them at the same time and Chronicles was the one that "smoothened the transition" The rest felt more natural after it. :):p

It's definitely not my favourite, but I can't deny that I had tons of fun when I played TRC for the first time.

Mikky 24-05-14 22:23

That one too, yeah. The second easiest for me. I would have agreed with you two a few months ago, but having replayed TR1 recently, it actually felt really simplistic in design, but it does it so well, it feels really rewarding at the same time. It's easy, but not TOO easy, and you still feel smart while you're doing it. I don't know if it was intentional, but they got the balance so right in that game.

Anyway... xD About TR5, it's fairly easy for sure, but I can imagine the Ireland and New York chapters might put someone off. They can be kinda hard.

Trenton 24-05-14 22:27


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7067983)
I've never played a core tomb raider game.

*Prepares for Backlash*

You should really try them out! If I were you I'd start with TR2 or TR1 as they are by far the best imo (TR2 is easier to get to run properly if you're on PC though) :)

motoleo 24-05-14 22:36


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7067983)
I've never played a core tomb raider game.

*Prepares for Backlash*

That's fine

Valentino 24-05-14 23:47

What lines in the game would any of you take out?

Mine would be

"OH GOD!" right after she has her first kill...the delivery was really bad.
"I can do this" okay 1st and 2nd time, but we do get it, Lara believes in herself, okay! it was said at least 5 times
"After all, you're a Croft"
"I don't think I'm that kind of Croft" there some line of extraordinary bad ass explorers in her family?

Who wrote these lines? Was it really Rhianna?

Trenton 24-05-14 23:51


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 7068070)
Who wrote these lines? Was it really Rhianna?

As she was the lead writer I'd expect Lara's lines to have been written by her, but one never knows. I'm sure a lot of people had opinions and chipped in during the making of the game...

Rai 24-05-14 23:53


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 7068070)
What lines in the game would any of you take out?

Mine would be

"OH GOD!" right after she has her first kill...the delivery was really bad.
"I can do this" okay 1st and 2nd time, but we do get it, Lara believes in herself, okay! it was said at least 5 times
"After all, you're a Croft"
"I don't think I'm that kind of Croft" there some line of extraordinary bad ass explorers in her family?

Who wrote these lines? Was it really Rhianna?

Her father is supposed to be the bad ass explorer :pi:

Yes and no. Rhianna wrote the cutscenes, but John Stafford wrote the in-game dialogue.

Mikky 24-05-14 23:56

That scene when she first meets up with Roth and he tries to get up, she's like "What are you doing?!" in an almost squeaky voice. I've always thought she sounded like a 12 year old then, and I cringe every time I hear it. Dx

And is it really that surprising that Rhianna wrote those lines? It's not like the other lines in the game are spectacular. :p

Trenton 24-05-14 23:57


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 7068074)
Yes and no. Rhianna wrote the cutscenes, but John Stafford wrote the in-game dialogue.

Is that so? That may explain why the ingame Lara and cutscene Lara feels line different characters at times. How about that Susan O'Connor? What did she write?

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