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Linoshi Croft 13-12-15 19:24

I preferred the original ending to the game where Lara had to choose to leave Sam behind as a sacrifice in order to save everyone else. It would of made more sense and had a much greater impact on her character. Plus, you can tell it was ripped out at last minute as certain parts of remaining story elude to it like Roth's speech about sacrifice and loss.

TheShadowOfMe 13-12-15 20:22


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 7508890)
I preferred the original ending to the game where Lara had to choose to leave Sam behind as a sacrifice in order to save everyone else. It would of made more sense and had a much greater impact on her character. Plus, you can tell it was ripped out at last minute as certain parts of remaining story elude to it like Roth's speech about sacrifice and loss.

I actually agree with you, that would be so much better.. I didn't know that there were two endings (so now that I do, I prefer scrapped ending).. Anyway, is there a video of it or not?? :yik:

Phlip 05-01-16 15:41


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 7504152)
In the Definitive Edition (PS4), does anyone else have that problem where the camera goes slowly when moving the camera up or down diagonally?

I'm still having this problem, like. :o Its a pretty big oversight.

Enya Brennan 05-01-16 19:19


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 7519895)
I'm still having this problem, like. :o Its a pretty big oversight.

For a moment I thought: why the hell is he quoting himself? :p

I recall having that strange thingy on the PC version once or twice, but I don't know if it was during my period of messing up with the Yamatai Patch :ponder:

Phlip 06-01-16 12:12


Originally Posted by Enya Brennan (Post 7520090)
For a moment I thought: why the hell is he quoting himself? :p

I recall having that strange thingy on the PC version once or twice, but I don't know if it was during my period of messing up with the Yamatai Patch :ponder:

That kind of thing can happen on PC if your controller is set up wrongly, but this is completely bizarre for console. =/

Patrick star 19-01-16 15:12

I was browsing YT videos when I accidentally came across the leaked video from E3 2011 that showcases Lara's first arrival at the rainy mountain village , and I noticed that in the leaked video and when Roth collapses to the ground she says : "No , oh don't do this to me you Yorkshire bastard" while in the final version she says : "Northern bastard" instead, I wonder why they switched the words :ponder:

Daring Do 19-01-16 16:22

^ Maybe they did it to make it more ambiguous to where Roth is from? :ponder: I'm not sure.

Sir Launcelot 19-01-16 18:08

I wondered about that phrase. Do people in the south of England look down upon the people in the north of England? :ponder:

Lara_Fan1 20-01-16 12:13


Originally Posted by Sir Launcelot (Post 7528039)
I wondered about that phrase. Do people in the south of England look down upon the people in the north of England? :ponder:

Yeah pretty much, not everyone but there is a North/South divide.

Blackmoor 20-01-16 16:14


Originally Posted by Sir Launcelot (Post 7528039)
I wondered about that phrase. Do people in the south of England look down upon the people in the north of England? :ponder:

It's just teasing between north & south. Northerners are called Northern Bastards and Southerners are called Southern Softies (or fairies or pansies).

Northerners being harder and better than most Southern people... :p Kidding. :D

It's very like how GRR Martin presents North v. South in his books.

Patrick star 20-01-16 17:22

Thanks for the input guys , didn't know that about the UK before . Well , one learns something new everyday ..

And Yorkshire is Camilla's hometown , right ? :D

Rai 20-01-16 19:57


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 7528447)
Thanks for the input guys , didn't know that about the UK before . Well , one learns something new everyday ..

And Yorkshire is Camilla's hometown , right ? :D

Not according to her IMDb page. It's Berkshire, which is in the south east.

Hyper_Crazy 20-01-16 20:13

Her hometown is actually Ascot, Berkshire is a county. ;)
Never would have guessed it from the accent she uses though.

Chamayoo 21-01-16 21:43

The power of Himiko is nothing compared to the stunning invicibility of the Endurance crew. :eek:

Enya Brennan 23-01-16 13:00


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 7527968)
I was browsing YT videos when I accidentally came across the leaked video from E3 2011...

I've been searching it for a long time and no success :vlol: Could you please...? :admles:

Sir Launcelot 23-01-16 17:34

^^ I tried busting down on some of the NPCs too, no luck. :D The target reticle disappears when you aim at them too.

They should have put in an easter egg were you can hit Whitman once and he says something like "Annoying invincible academic, Lara!" :vlol:

Wooxman 23-01-16 19:06

They should've made it like in old video games where you could kill allies but then would get attached until you died or you would get a game over screen immediately. :pi:

Sadly modern games don't do this as often anymore. Probably to not confuse casual gamers who don't know that you shouldn't kill your allies. :rolleyes:

Only TR lover 27-01-16 12:21

Just a heads-up! You can get Definitive edition for 7.50$ so if anyone is interested... :)

anthonycraig 04-02-16 19:01

I hope the Xbox 360 version is added towards the backwards compatable games for Xbox One. I know we have the DE, but they seriously butchered Lara's face in that version, it just makes me not want to play it.

MBog 19-03-16 18:57

Is it a bad thing if I put this here?
08:23 :p

Ciney 30-03-16 01:14

My mod being created using Texmod.

mandylane 14-04-16 04:47

i remember playing this 3 years ago but i have plans to start playing it after i finish rise of the tomb raider.

anyways.. there was a glitch where you could walk in the air!:D

SamCactus101 16-04-16 01:16

If reboot TR DOES turn out to be a trilogy, I hope when in the future if they release a trilogy pack, they'd include the DE version of TR2013.

SunDormant 10-05-16 18:21

I don't know if this has been discussed before, but does anyone know exactly how many days Lara is on Yamatai during the game? I thought about it because depending on how you play, some days can last only a few hours, so maybe I counted them wrong.

Revenge 10-05-16 19:18


Originally Posted by SunDormant (Post 7578949)
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but does anyone know exactly how many days Lara is on Yamatai during the game? I thought about it because depending on how you play, some days can last only a few hours, so maybe I counted them wrong.

Some days feel indeed very short compared to others when you play the game ^^
Well she arrives at Day 4 of the expedition on the Endurance on the island, it lasts until when she is in Coastal Forest and the night falls (at least I think, because I remembered sometimes when I played that I couldn't figure out if it was night or just very cloudy ^^)
Day 5 begins I believe when around the radio tower thing, and continues until the Solarii Fortress.
Day 6 starts when you go back to Shantytown on your way back to the beach, and then nights falls when Lara is on the Endurance I think.
Day 7 starts after the research base and the game ends when Lara leaves by twilight.
So that would make around 4 days if I'm correct.

SunDormant 10-05-16 19:21

Did you count the day of the shipwreck? If memory serves me right, she arrived at the beach at night, and once she's free from the scavenger's cave, it's already sunset, so I think a day has already past.

Revenge 10-05-16 19:33


Originally Posted by SunDormant (Post 7579001)
Did you count the day of the shipwreck? If memory serves me right, she arrived at the beach at night, and once she's free from the scavenger's cave, it's already sunset, so I think a day has already past.

I don't actually know if she arrives at night or if it's just very dark because of the storm, because as night falls already in Coastal Forest that would mean she spent almost a whole day in that cave. Or in Coastal Forest eating deer.
Edit : Okay I just realised that's exactly what you said ^^ But still it's weird that she was a whole day in that cave that's a lot. ^^

ESCachuli 10-05-16 19:49


Originally Posted by Revenge (Post 7579010)
I don't actually know if she arrives at night or if it's just very dark because of the storm, because as night falls already in Coastal Forest that would mean she spent almost a whole day in that cave. Or in Coastal Forest eating deer.
Edit : Okay I just realised that's exactly what you said ^^ But still it's weird that she was a whole day in that cave that's a lot. ^^

She was unconscious and they had enough time to wrap her... so... it might be possible.

SunDormant 10-05-16 20:02

In fact, I think when she arrives at the island, she is at Shipwreck Beach, the one that is near to the Endurance, yet we start the game on the other edge of the island, so they must have taken a day to take her there.

Okay, thanks Revenge and ESCachuli for your answers!

Tesla 12-05-16 07:51

I just finished the game for the first time and I have really mixed feelings on it. It was a really fun game and I liked it, but it didn't feel like Tomb Raider or Lara at all. Lara would go from being a wimp to then taking on an entire army by herself whereas several military forces couldn't. It was strange. lol

Shark_Blade 12-05-16 10:45

You're not alone dear. This Lara is the most teflon Lara ever.

**** Karl Stewart and his bull**** lies!

Heidi_w_ 12-05-16 15:50


Originally Posted by SunDormant (Post 7579001)
Did you count the day of the shipwreck? If memory serves me right, she arrived at the beach at night, and once she's free from the scavenger's cave, it's already sunset, so I think a day has already past.

I thought she'd spent roughly four days on Yamatai?

Tesla 13-05-16 03:35


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 7579766)
You're not alone dear. This Lara is the most teflon Lara ever.

**** Karl Stewart and his bull**** lies!

It seems like everyone swoons over Lara and compliments her inhuman strength. Not even the first two canons had Lara fight off an entire army like that.

I have to reiterate that I did like the game and the story, but I definitely agree that as Lara, she was really flawed. Then again, this game was supposedly written by someone that wanted to expand on Lara's feelings and her bond with others, which should be used sparingly.

VindicativeBF 13-05-16 05:40


Originally Posted by Tesla (Post 7580095)
It seems like everyone swoons over Lara and compliments her inhuman strength. Not even the first two canons had Lara fight off an entire army like that.

Yes I was highly in shock when reboot Labrat did this by herself back in 2013, yet they made her doing it again last year.


Originally Posted by Tesla (Post 7580095)
I have to reiterate that I did like the game and the story, but I definitely agree that as Lara, she was really flawed. Then again, this game was supposedly written by someone that wanted to expand on Lara's feelings and her bond with others, which should be used sparingly.

AOD showed us a flawed Lara with weaknesses, but still she finds the strengh to stand straight with more mastery. She was experienced, I'll give you that but she was also shaken by many death surrounding her according to the storyline. Reboot should be carrying a heavy atmosphere yet it just makes me feel like exploring and waiting for the moment when she will suffer. Nothing more

Enya Brennan 13-05-16 20:35


Originally Posted by SunDormant (Post 7579021)
In fact, I think when she arrives at the island, she is at Shipwreck Beach, the one that is near to the Endurance, yet we start the game on the other edge of the island, so they must have taken a day to take her there.

I recall reading about a theory that mused on the fact that the Solarii, after many years studying the island's characteristics and dealing with varied plans to accomplish their ultimate goal of escaping that place, had build an intricate series of interconnected caves across the island, to easily reach the main areas and facilitate communications between them.

Perhaps, thanks to their method, they could take unconcious Lara to the den in a matter of a few hours, so Lara's awakening could've been early in the morning. But that's open to discussion.

SamCactus101 27-05-16 06:06


Originally Posted by Heidi_w_ (Post 7579866)
I thought she'd spent roughly four days on Yamatai?

I believe it's five nights? If you include the night she got shipwrecked, and only woke up the next night?

spyrostr 01-06-16 00:03

4 years ago this day

Daring Do 01-06-16 00:08

Sam's orange. Truly an amazing point in TR history.

spyrostr 01-06-16 00:21


Originally Posted by Daring Do (Post 7589218)
Sam's orange. Truly an amazing point in TR history.

haha also feefee and couple more :D

Lyle Croft 01-06-16 05:52

I miss Sam's crosseyes in that Trailer. Shame it was cut out of the final.

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