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andre_costa 24-03-22 23:47

He said he was going to spill some tea about what happened..... I wonder what repercussions that might cause

Ellioft 25-03-22 08:29


Originally Posted by CircusBabysGal (Post 8348240)
Why did Ed delete his account? :c

Maybe he was too harassed by personal questions who knows :confused:

UroshUchiha 25-03-22 11:05

Honestly I will never understand why people delete their accounts instead of utilizing the block feature. Is it so hard to just press the block button if someone is annoying you?
But to each their own.

Back on TRR topic, it would appear that they released a hotfix that should fix the latest batch of problems in the game. Haven't had the chance to try it myself.

Vaskito 25-03-22 14:27

Ed was supposedly going to spill some tea this week about SE Europe.

His account deletion seems more like him being slapped with an NDA than anything else. Very sus if you ask me.

And it's also a bit weird that he replied on Twitter to a TRF thread, but didn't bother to post here?

Chamayoo 25-03-22 19:08


Originally Posted by Vaskito (Post 8348315)
Ed was supposedly going to spill some tea this week about SE Europe.

His account deletion seems more like him being slapped with an NDA than anything else. Very sus if you ask me.

And it's also a bit weird that he replied on Twitter to a TRF thread, but didn't bother to post here?

I am thinking the same. Really sus. Hope he's fine !

Amunet 25-03-22 21:24

Some new artwork from Reloaded:

+ A couple of animations for Anaya and Von Croy

Tombraider95 25-03-22 21:33

I saw that large artwork piece earlier but didn't realise it was official. I like it.

I get sad every time I remember this is a mobile game.

LNSNHGTDS 25-03-22 22:21

Maybe if it didn't have all the ******** grindy mechanics that plague most mobile games it would have potential to turn into another gem like GO but I'm afraid it's gonna be the former...

I still wanna wait for the game to actually properly release before passing any judgement but I still have a few doubts about it...

.snake. 27-03-22 13:13


Originally Posted by Vaskito (Post 8348315)
Ed was supposedly going to spill some tea this week about SE Europe.

His account deletion seems more like him being slapped with an NDA than anything else. Very sus if you ask me.

And it's also a bit weird that he replied on Twitter to a TRF thread, but didn't bother to post here?


Originally Posted by Ellioft (Post 8348280)
Maybe he was too harassed by personal questions who knows :confused:

I was trying to keep tabs on this, but now I'm reading that Ed deleted his twitter.

Imo, it's a bit lame and attention-whore-ish to one minute post publicly he's going to "spill the tea", and then the next minute to just up and disappear.

I can understand if he was slapped with a NDA, or "harassed by personal questions" ...but surely he must've been aware as to what he could and couldn't disclose before leaving the company and before posting the tea comment for all to see.

He seems to be a bit of a drama queen now. Perhaps it's good he's off the project (although it doesn't look that promising to begin with... who on earth wants a top-down TR1 remake mobile game?)

lance6439 27-03-22 21:28

So are we getting a statement of any kind?

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