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CheshireBitch 10-03-23 05:58


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8392783)
Ever since the game went global, it takes ~2 minutes for the game to load for me. It always gets stuck at 75% and then it stays there for a long time.

My phone is not "high end", Samsung A52, but this is not some high tech game that would require lord knows what specs. And besides, it never did that prior to global release.

In my opinion there is a serious issue with one of the updates post global release that messed up the game really bad.

Chamayoo 10-03-23 15:38

I reported a lot of adds today that the game decided to skip them for me until I quite. :vlol:
Unfortunately, didn't benefit much of them in return.

CheshireBitch 11-03-23 17:23

I officially gave up on this game. I love it but the app crashing all the time on IOS just killed the joy for me. It’s too frustrating and annoying you can barely make any progress.
It is just so unstable it started being stressfull to play it…

Yuna´s Wish 11-03-23 17:27


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8392917)
I officially gave up on this game. I love it but the app crashing all the time on IOS just killed the joy for me. It’s too frustrating and annoying you can barely make any progress.
It is just so unstable it started being stressfull to play it…

I'll give up tomorrow. I haven't farmed 11 days of Winter event for nothing. 12th day and I'm done (?)

Chamayoo 11-03-23 19:44

Maybe they should heavily spend their time to fix the game than add new events this time. It's a shame it's that unstable...
At the moment it's taking too long to start the game and the adds are crashed fest. I also experienced some heavy random FPS drops.

Yuna´s Wish 11-03-23 20:16


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8392936)
At the moment it's taking too long to start the game and the adds are crashed fest. I also experienced some heavy random FPS drops.

Exactly all my problems beautifully summed up.

Whenever I open the app, I leave the cellphone to do something else. Brushing my teeth, taking a bath, washing dishes, laundry...

...when I come back, it is hopefully ready to play.

Chamayoo 11-03-23 20:47


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8392942)
Exactly all my problems beautifully summed up.

Whenever I open the app, I leave the cellphone to do something else. Brushing my teeth, taking a bath, washing dishes, laundry...

...when I come back, it is hopefully ready to play.

:vlol: Basically.
However I should not take too long doing other things because my phone would go sleep mode and it could restart the game... HELP :cln:

Soma Holiday 12-03-23 05:19

Mine has been acting a lot slower during this event I wonder though if it's because I have too much gear it gets really slow when I open the inventory screens.

I'm having a hard time getting passed the 2 green poison dart throwers in tomb of qualopec. There's just no way to dodge the crap I guess I just need to level up until I can take the damage. I'm honestly starting to feel the grind and losing interest sadly. It's fun it's just too pay to win.

Still no relic for me except the first piece of the first one. I wonder if it doesn't like me cause I avoid the ads and haven't paid for anything so I'm not getting relics.

Jonnipants 12-03-23 13:02


Originally Posted by Soma Holiday (Post 8392965)
I'm having a hard time getting passed the 2 green poison dart throwers in tomb of qualopec. I'm honestly starting to feel the grind and losing interest sadly.

That boss is infuriating. And the stupid cackles they make make me want to throw my phone against the wall. How the **** am I supposed to avoid those damn green blobs they spew out every 2 seconds?

I’m also losing interesting and feeling the grind. Way too much currency is required for upgrades which feel barely noticeable now. Grinding 30,000 coins to add 250hp isn’t exactly rewarding. How are these measly upgrades going to help when there’s 150 million projectiles flying around the screen!? It’s not fun anymore.

Chamayoo 12-03-23 20:28

Y'know I finished St Francis Folly, the first 3 boss are awful but still, those two with the stinky green balls are still one of the worst and I still die with them. :cln:

BTW, I won the parka ! :jmp:

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