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CheshireBitch 16-03-23 09:31


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8393238)
This is disgusting. They add Winston only when the event where you need him is finished ?

Yes it’s not fair but at least it’s there for next time !

The update didn’t do anything for me on the regular app except now it’s stuck at 75% when I open it ! But the netflix version still works very nicely ! It makes no sens lol

Yesterday I found 4 pieces of artifact ! I got 2 in one run at Qualopec’s ! I took a screenshot I couldn’t believe it hahaha

CroftManiac05 16-03-23 10:18

Just unlocked Cistern. Are they planning on doing the rest of the places (Egypt and Lost Island) or does it end in Greece?

Soma Holiday 16-03-23 10:55


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8392984)
That boss is infuriating. And the stupid cackles they make make me want to throw my phone against the wall. How the **** am I supposed to avoid those damn green blobs they spew out every 2 seconds?

I’m also losing interesting and feeling the grind. Way too much currency is required for upgrades which feel barely noticeable now. Grinding 30,000 coins to add 250hp isn’t exactly rewarding. How are these measly upgrades going to help when there’s 150 million projectiles flying around the screen!? It’s not fun anymore.

I was finally able to beat them by leveling up more and standing between the green balls instead of trying to run away from them each time. I'd run away when I could but when they trapped me I was able to somewhat line up where the balls would miss me. Not flawless but it got me passed it. Now I'm dealing with the stupid St Francis bosses so it's even more annoying haha. This game is relentless.

bekim 16-03-23 12:06


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8392984)
That boss is infuriating. And the stupid cackles they make make me want to throw my phone against the wall. How the **** am I supposed to avoid those damn green blobs they spew out every 2 seconds?

I’m also losing interesting and feeling the grind. Way too much currency is required for upgrades which feel barely noticeable now. Grinding 30,000 coins to add 250hp isn’t exactly rewarding. How are these measly upgrades going to help when there’s 150 million projectiles flying around the screen!? It’s not fun anymore.

I hate hate hate those effing bosses omfgggg. Literally the worst thing ever. Why does it have to be two of them..

Yuna´s Wish 16-03-23 13:14

I just can't get past the loading screen when opening the app.

I won't go through the trouble of switching to the Netflix version. If they don't fix it, Reloaded can go to hell. Which would be positive, because it doesn't steal a coin from me, but it robs me of lots of my time :p

So, :wve: .

charmedangelin 17-03-23 05:54

Where the hell are the support people in the discord. It was never like this during the beta, there was always someone there for support and to relay feedback to the game devs. It's like the reloaded team up and vanished. :vlol:

bekim 17-03-23 10:29


Originally Posted by CroftManiac05 (Post 8393340)
Just unlocked Cistern. Are they planning on doing the rest of the places (Egypt and Lost Island) or does it end in Greece?

Its kinda whack as hell if they stop at greece lol

Talk about fan service.

Jonnipants 17-03-23 13:43


Originally Posted by Soma Holiday (Post 8393346)
I was finally able to beat them by leveling up more and standing between the green balls instead of trying to run away from them each time.

This definitely works if you can keep your distance from them both. :)

Since I got the purple (epic?) staff and a couple more purple gears this boss is now really easy for me. Go figure

Chamayoo 17-03-23 19:45


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8393368)
I just can't get past the loading screen when opening the app.

I won't go through the trouble of switching to the Netflix version. If they don't fix it, Reloaded can go to hell. Which would be positive, because it doesn't steal a coin from me, but it robs me of lots of my time :p

So, :wve: .

I uninstall the app and install it again and the issue was gone ! :eek:
No long loading screen, no FPS drops, everything is fluid again ! You should try, but be careful, don't forget to check if you're connected to Google Play/Games or Facebook. I didn't lose anything fortunately, I just had to equip my gears again, and funnily enough, cutscenes came back too.

King.Louie 17-03-23 19:45

So I think it’s best I take a break from this game until they fix all the issues. After I complete a level set it brings me to the level up screen and the app completely closes. I end up losing all my loot and coins. The relic pieces are insanely difficult to come by and it’s a slap in the face to finally collect them only for the app to close and lose all that progress.

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