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CheshireBitch 11-04-23 18:13


Originally Posted by Soma Holiday (Post 8396142)
The design is great I can tell someone that played the first game was involved in making this.

It's funny because while I really liked Peru and the Coliseum, I thought that St Francis Folly and Palace of Midas looked nothing like TR1 lol
Also the foes are sometimes strange like those ice/fire demons and those little dragons that look like some evil Spyro. hahaha
The Cistern is the most beautiful one in my opinion.

Jonnipants 12-04-23 09:45


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8396233)
Also the foes are sometimes strange

Yeah, like those damn frogs! Since when did TR have frog enemies? I hate those frogs.

CheshireBitch 13-04-23 17:43


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8396314)
Yeah, like those damn frogs! Since when did TR have frog enemies? I hate those frogs.

Yeah, so annoying ! And that frog boss ? ugh... the one I enjoy the less.

_Alex_ 13-04-23 20:04

How do you restore your data on iOS? I have tapped the apple icon to save it, it would go to the loading screen for a few seconds and then be back on the same menu. I deleted and reinstalled since I had 1) the red "!" on almost all the gear slots (I think due to the game crashing after finishing a run and then I never got the stuff) and 2) it started slowing down when looking through my gear.

I think it either never saved or there isnt a way to restore?

EDIT: checked the "support" (FAQ in the app) and apparently you can only save if you have google play, it mentions nothing about saving on apple/game center

I guess that's the end of my run of the game, until they add a save feature for iOS or add the rest of the TR1 levels and add the TR2 levels (which ever comes first)

Chamayoo 13-04-23 22:33

Wow since the new update my health has massively augmented. I was 28 000 now I'm 40 000 !

charmedangelin 14-04-23 19:25

I decided to redownload with the new update and managed to get to Palace Midas. Weapons do a lot more damage now and the game feels more balanced. Also weapons tend to knock back enemies by a lot now. I hope these balancing changes are what the first step in the right direction. The game was ridiculously hard and grindy when it first came out.

Soma Holiday 14-04-23 22:34

I haven't played the new update but I do think the new loading art looks wierd Lara looks like a little kid super skinny.

I did notice I got literally 4 relics in 2 days this week, 3 of them within the same 20 minutes which was wierd cause I've only ever gotten 3 before that since the game came out in February. Glad I finally got some.

CheshireBitch 16-04-23 03:50

Yeah I noticed how the health increased haha ! But it’s nice to see you get more health when you update a lot because paying like 50 000 coins to get the same small stuff over and over wasn’t funny lol.
Anyway the new balance is far better and you feel you increased something when you buy an update with coins !

CroftManiac05 16-04-23 08:39

So I finished Cistern and... nothing happened? I guess there's no Egypt and Atlantis.

UroshUchiha 16-04-23 09:04


Originally Posted by CroftManiac05 (Post 8396784)
So I finished Cistern and... nothing happened? I guess there's no Egypt and Atlantis.

No, that's currently the last level.

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