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charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:37


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254974)
CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Why wouldn't it be? You think they'd just blow their load in a single day? :vlol:

Damn y'all call me dramatic.

jajay119 23-11-20 19:37

No shade but the last picture/ banner legit looks like Unuratu doing classic Lara cosplay.


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8254978)
Why wouldn't it be? You think they'd just blow their load in a single day? :vlol:

Damn y'all call me dramatic.

I simply said I dont think this was the project to lead with for a 'big year'. Mobile game and free to play are not often synonymous with great gaming experiences.

I'm not dramatic. I'm underwhelmed.

Also, I've never called you dramatic.

Rai 23-11-20 19:37

I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 19:38


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase

Exiting !! :vlol:


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8254981)
I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

That could be dope, but I don't think Lara will ever talk like Relic Run and Go. :ponder:

amiro1989 23-11-20 19:39

No shade but.... This does not look like Lara Croft. I certainly hope that they have more in store for Lara's 25th anniversary than a mobile game. Jeez.

Raxel 23-11-20 19:39

A Mobile Game? And even worse F2P? Yeah...

Sorry, but I've below zero interest in that. And while I'm all for more cartoony and/or stylised art designs this paticular one isn't doing it for me either. So, next please, I guess?

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:39


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254980)
No shade but the last picture/ banner legit looks like Unuratu doing classic Lara cosplay.

I literally don’t see Unuratu in her? :confused:

Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8254981)
I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

Yeah, I wonder if it’s gonna have cutscenes too. Shelley Blond or Jonell Elliott’s return would be wonderful tbh, since Keeley’s done with TR.

lance6439 23-11-20 19:40


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8254960)
One thing for sure: It'll be better than Angel of Crapness. :(

Remembered and has it's own fanbase. Unlike this piece of crap

Okay let's skip in time to where Reboot Lara is in the TRII remake please

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:41

Lmfao yup, this is all we getting off the 25th anniversary. Pack it up folks.

I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines and laugh as I watch people, the very same fine folks who whine about drama, post the most dramatic reactions to this. :vlol:

jajay119 23-11-20 19:42


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8254987)
I literally don’t see Unuratu in her? :confused:


It's the nose and the eyes for me. Like I said , no shade just an observation.

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