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Zebra 23-11-20 19:53


Originally Posted by Portugalraider (Post 8255005)
Being F2P does raise a bit of an eyebrow, but I am with Justin, if this is half as good as LC Go, it's going to be great. :)

That's a big if, though. I'll save myself the disappoint and assume it's closer to Relic Run.

lance6439 23-11-20 19:54


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8255001)
That fanbase did terribly at saving AOD's trilogy.

@Charmed The same who are crying about remasters or bringing back classic elements will be complaining if those ever happen. It's a mindless spiral of negativity at this point, no wonder SE CD don't give a damn :jugoflove:

Bratz fans will be getting a remastered pack of PS2 games

Fans of the fad of the 90s get a super cheap FREE mobile game :vlol: ahhhh why do you love being on the losing team so much I need to know

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:55

Polygon has written an article about it already.

jajay119 23-11-20 19:57

I wonder if the GI Joe game will give an insight into what this will be like.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:58

I hope it's completely different to their past games. Maybe this will be something different for them, but I fear it'll just be the same but with a TR skin.

jajay119 23-11-20 20:00


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255017)
I hope it's completely different to their past games. Maybe this will be something different for them, but I fear it'll just be the same but with a TR skin.

I just looked at some gameplay from it. I dont think it will fit TR but you never know how they will spin it.

I dont think anything will ever top LC Go to be fair..

lance6439 23-11-20 20:01

So it's going to be one of THESE type of games? LOL. What a huge disappoinment. But everyone should be happy because it's at least she has a green top and shorts. Lmao.

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 20:02


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8255011)
Bratz fans will be getting a remastered pack of PS2 games

Fans of the fad of the 90s get a super cheap FREE mobile game :vlol: ahhhh why do you love being on the losing team so much I need to know

I'm winning. Losing and me? Not a match. A free mobile game including Lara Croft to have instant fun, then TR2 Remake, TRUE, my Ace Attorney collection and my Chicken Run sequel. All I see is victory :jmp::jmp::jmp: Being a well-mannered, good person has paid off. God bless karma.

Night Crawler 23-11-20 20:03

Hate it.

jajay119 23-11-20 20:03

Where did the TR2 remake come from. I've not seen that rumour spread yet.

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