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Fantasy 26-11-20 18:55


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8256366)
I think he's actually coming across them himself along with the team. Hopefully the learn something out of this.

He's a great dude but c'mon...who thought of a mobile game?

Meh... I’m not a fan of the art direction but I hope it’ll be fun. I’m more excited for TRUE

lance6439 26-11-20 18:56

I liked everything until I saw it was for mobile devices lmao

Portugalraider 26-11-20 19:10


Originally Posted by Avalon SARL (Post 8256318)
Could be as well, we can agree, they just need to be betterly written.

Your example about how Lara dealt with Konstantine, that was really good.
Yet, back in shadow, she was completely out of her mind when she handed that dagger to Dominguez and how she was very emotional when she met jonah again to tell him what she did; she was so hysterical.

Then again when Rourke was talking to her through the walkie-talkie, telling her about Jonah's death, manipulating her and she easily believed that and what did she do?
She swore, she was super crazy...

It is these contradictions that make this Lara Croft character seem off and poorly written as well.

It is like when the team sat down to write her down there was no clear Character biography about her.

They just seem to swing her emotions according to circumstances because they want to force us to sympathize with her nothing more, and that is why the emotions are not as genuine as they should be

She contradicts with the way she acts for no obvious reason which makes her seem like she has an identity crisis

That's one of the points of SotTR, though. Lara is having a sort of identity crisis. Her actions are erratic and contradictory because she is feeling erratic and contradictory.

By the time of SotTR, Lara is fully driven by an obsession for revenge and stop Trinity. That's why she fully lashes out, insults and all, at Rourke on Porvenir. But when she sees Jonah alive and the destruction she caused at the site, she breaks because she realises how easily manipulated she has become due to her obsession, or maybe even that in a twisted way she "wants" to be manipulated, she wants an excuse, any excuse to go rampant. And that scared her, because that's not the person she thought she was.

It also explains why she just gave the box to Dominguez afterwards, because she was trying to distance herself the most from that side of her. Yet everything still goes south.

Which explains her final decisions at the climax of the game: like it or not, things will get messy for Lara, and she needs to act. She can embrace her destructive side, but not be consumed by it. Act because the circumstances demand it, and not because she is stuck in the past and holds a grudge. She kills Dominguez because it is necessary, not for revenge, and doesn't change the world because she needs to move on.

jajay119 26-11-20 20:26

Can you please write the games? I dont know how you came to that conclusion from what the game showed but I like it.

Yuna´s Wish 26-11-20 20:31


Originally Posted by Portugalraider (Post 8256371)
That's one of the points of SotTR, though. Lara is having a sort of identity crisis. Her actions are erratic and contradictory because she is feeling erratic and contradictory.

By the time of SotTR, Lara is fully driven by an obsession for revenge and stop Trinity. That's why she fully lashes out, insults and all, at Rourke on Porvenir. But when she sees Jonah alive and the destruction she caused at the site, she breaks because she realises how easily manipulated she has become due to her obsession, or maybe even that in a twisted way she "wants" to be manipulated, she wants an excuse, any excuse to go rampant. And that scared her, because that's not the person she thought she was.

It also explains why she just gave the box to Dominguez afterwards, because she was trying to distance herself the most from that side of her. Yet everything still goes south.

Which explains her final decisions at the climax of the game: like it or not, things will get messy for Lara, and she needs to act. She can embrace her destructive side, but not be consumed by it. Act because the circumstances demand it, and not because she is stuck in the past and holds a grudge. She kills Dominguez because it is necessary, not for revenge, and doesn't change the world because she needs to move on.

Beautifully written :tmb: Make it a sticky in the Shadow's subforums.

Portugalraider 26-11-20 20:57


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8256387)
Can you please write the games? I dont know how you came to that conclusion from what the game showed but I like it.

I think part of the "problem" (not necessarily a problem, or a problem with SotTR or the reboot games in general) is that the plots of games generally tend to be written in a very direct way: everything is explained right when it's happening, every character explains exactly what they are feeling. Most definitely a relic from when there was no voice acting in games, or even because gaming is a very active medium, so there really isn't time to process things.

On the contrary, the reboot games, especially RotTR and SotTR, are written in such a way that you need to think about everything to fully understand what's happening. You really need to have in mind what came before, the small reactions of the character, about the arc the game is trying to tell (which was hinted at during Cozumel, for example, with Lara doing something without thinking just to stop Trinity, make a huge mess, and not really fully grasping what happened until she Jonah snapped her out of it). Not saying they are the best thing ever written, but I am not pulling things out of my butt either. These themes are present in the game's plot, very deliberately by the writers. It's just being delivered in a way that isn't really that common in games, and perhaps for a reason.

For example, RotTR also hints that Lara's daddy issues aren't really daddy issues at all, it's actually all about Lara. At start of RotTR, Lara is being mocked due to what she said about Yamatai, like her father was in the past. Her proving Richard's claims about the immortal soul as true, proves that Himiko's immortal soul was also true. Her proving Richard was not crazy proves she herself is not crazy. When pushed about her true intentions with going after the the prophet's tomb and then Kitezh, she always ends up saying something along the lines of "I saw something that I can't explain". Jacob even confronts Lara directly telling that she might actually be doing things for herself and not for her father. I wish there was a more explicit moment where Lara explicitly says this is her true intention with going after the Divine Source and stuff, but again, it's all actually there already.


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8256388)
Beautifully written :tmb: Make it a sticky in the Shadow's subforums.

Why, thank you! :)

tlr online 27-11-20 10:05

Heads up, I'm going to move this thread to our Android and iOS sub forum.

UroshUchiha 27-11-20 11:00


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8256527)
Heads up, I'm going to move this thread to our Android and iOS sub forum.

Thank you, the proper place for it :D

TR-Freak 27-11-20 13:17

- Lara Croft, 1996

redfox45 27-11-20 14:16

People focusing a lot on the like/dislike bar but the one thing that is jumping out at me is the view count(s)

Those are not very impressive numbers for a franchise that is apparently still popular.

If the general gaming audience still had a lot of interest in TR and it's future, those numbers would be much bigger whether the reaction was positive or negative.

That's why all this internal fighting is so silly. TR is dying and soon all these little disagreements might be irrelevant.

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