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Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 17:29


Originally Posted by TR1249 (Post 8254804)
They really try to get out of the way to do a proper Game with Classic Lara

It really is interesting.

Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8254810)
I like to think they are paving the way for such game by doing something like this.

Let’s hope this is just the beginning.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 17:30


Originally Posted by CroftManiac05 (Post 8254807)
The dislikes on the video are wild... yikes!

Really ? I agree we should express our feelings about a F2P mobile game but the trailer was stunning, it's sad. :(


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8254814)
She does look good! Mop hair no more!!


Very good !!

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 17:30

You don't have to throw hate to a game you haven't played just because it's not the one you convinced yourself it was gonna be. Stop acting like a brat y'all!

CroftManiac05 23-11-20 17:32


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8254818)
Really ? I agree we should express our feelings about a F2P mobile game but the trailer was stunning, it's sad. :(

I think it's because people expected a current gen full remake instead of a mobile game. Either way I'm still keeping an eye on this even though I'm a bit dissapointed.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 17:33


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254815)
She does! And if gives me LIFE that it's actual Classic Lara iconography and not LAU (that they've been trying to pass for Classic for years!)

I can totally see her next to Crash and Spyro. Just give her a full fledged game please!!

redfox45 23-11-20 17:33

That a very uhh...realistic chest for Lara Croft.

But yeah cool I guess. The mobile thing is kind of a slap in the face to the poor fans who have been pleading for a morsel of Classic Lara over the last few years.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 17:34


Originally Posted by CroftManiac05 (Post 8254821)
I think it's because people expected a current gen full remake instead of a mobile game. Either way I'm still keeping an eye on this even though I'm a bit dissapointed.

You may be right. The title should have been more explicit I guess ?
"Tomb Raider Reloaded - New mobile game"

TombRaiderLover 23-11-20 17:35

Sure it's 'only' a mobile game, but whatever, it looks cute and it's nice to see Square Enix utilising Classic Lara in some form. Besides, between the WETA statue, the anniversary acknowledgement on social media, that AoD track suddenly becoming available for streaming, this being announced... I do think there's more to come in 2021.

TrustyBow 23-11-20 17:36


Originally Posted by Gian Carlo (Post 8254754)
Welp, at least it’s classic Lara.

Dual pistols.



And they say SE doesn't listen to the fans. Psshh

Kubsy 23-11-20 17:37

*Impatiently waits for the game to be released*

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