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LNSNHGTDS 02-06-12 18:10

Hey guys, you know what I noticed? When you go to the website, at the page where they ask you your age and language on the right side there's a map of Japna saying Imperial Japan. I know that Japan used to be called this way abut it's only called Japan nowadays. Could this mean that the game is set between 1868 - 1947 (the time when Japan had the title Imperial) , but how would this be possible? Lara has an iPhone :p ! Or could this mean that the treasure map/imformation came from that era? Also, could these bitchy guys on the island have some conenction with all that?

TRF, start speculating, now!

Linoshi Croft 02-06-12 18:14


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6214683)
Hey guys, you know what I noticed? When you go to the website, at the page where they ask you your age and language on the right side there's a map of Japna saying Imperial Japan. I know that Japan used to be called this way abut it's only called Japan nowadays. Could this mean that the game is set between 1868 - 1947 (the time when Japan had the title Imperial) , but how would this be possible? Lara has an iPhone :p ! Or could this mean that the treasure map/imformation came from that era? Also, could these bitchy guys on the island have some conenction with all that?

TRF, start speculating, now!

Wreckages and stuff on the island could of been from that time period.

LNSNHGTDS 02-06-12 18:16

Propbaly, there are some really old ships around, but why does it say Imperial Japan in the webpage?

Weemanply109 02-06-12 18:18

^Well, Tomb Raider is set in modern day timeline, so we can't say for certain why that's there because she sure isn't in a different era.

Mikky 02-06-12 18:28

OMG, they have a new fan kit on the official site! This is, like, so excytin!

Weemanply109 02-06-12 18:29


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6214747)
OMG, they have a new fan kit on the official site! This is, like, so excytin!

OMG, like, y'all!

NRO. 02-06-12 18:30

I wish they had a shop where you could buy physical treboot items. Like coffee mugs and t-shirts and whatnot.

Mikky 02-06-12 18:31


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6214758)
I wish they had a shop where you could buy physical treboot items. Like coffee mugs and t-shirts and whatnot.

For free. :mis:

larafan25 02-06-12 18:32


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6214758)
I wish they had a shop where you could buy physical treboot items. Like coffee mugs and t-shirts and whatnot.

We're getting a store yall!

Remember they said they want to have a store for the game!? D:

Weemanply109 02-06-12 18:32

Download the Fankit, boobs.

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6214767)
Remember they said they want to have a store for the game!? D:


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